language_picker library Language Picker
- ChangeLanguageWidget
- L10nErrorKeyProvider
- LanguageModel
- This class should be used to create objects for the languages that your app is going to use.
- LanguagePickerBloc
The LanguagePickerBloc handles the logic providing a state for the fetched
list of languages from the LanguageService. It has a state for the currently
selected language
and an eventsetCurrent
to update this state. - LanguagePickerBlocEvents
- A contract class containing all events of the LanguagePickerBloC.
- LanguagePickerBlocStates
- A contract class containing all states of the LanguagePickerBloC.
- LanguagePickerDependencies
- LanguagePickerModalConfiguration
- LanguagePickerTheme
- LanguageService
- This class should be extended in you project and each of its method should have an implementation. It is added as a dependency in the LanguagePickerBloc. In your implementation you can add in the constructor of the class a data source as a dependency from which to get the list of languages used in your app and send requests to update the currently selected language for the user.
BlocType extends RxBlocTypeBase> - MessagePanelWidget
- SelectedLanguageModel
- SelectLanguageItem
- The class is used to display the languageModel in the list of languages
- SvgFile
- asset_classes option lets you define completely custom classes for handling assets based on their extension Here we used SvgFile to automatically convert svg assets into widgets
{required BuildContext context, required LanguageService service, required dynamic onChanged(LanguageModel language), required String translate(LanguageModel), Widget headerBuilder(BuildContext)?, Widget errorBuilder(ErrorModel?)?, Widget itemBuilder(SelectedLanguageModel model, bool loading, BuildContext context)?, LanguagePickerModalConfiguration modalConfiguration = const LanguagePickerModalConfiguration(), MessagePanelState messageState = MessagePanelState.important}) → void - Display a bottom modal sheet, designed to display a list of available languages, from which to choose one to be set as the language Locale() to your MaterialApp()
BlocType extends RxBlocTypeBase> = Stream< ErrorModel?> Function(BlocType bloc)
Exceptions / Errors
- EmptyListErrorModel
- ErrorAccessDeniedModel
- Exception thrown whenever some part of the application or package requires access to a resource or a part of the code where it has none.
- ErrorModel
- The base error model from which all other errors inherit.
- GenericErrorModel
- UnknownErrorModel