edit_address library Edit Address
- AddressModel
- CountryCityAddressStrings
- countrySearchPickerTitle is the text at the top of the country search picker page
- CountryModel
- EditAddressConfiguration
- EditAddressLocalizedStrings
- Use this class to translate all labels used in the package. If skip it, default values in English will be used. See the default values in the comments above each method
T> - The class provides API for saving the address, editing the values of the address: city name and street name,fetching and filtering the countries list for the address. Some methods does not have implementation and implementation for them should be provided in your project, while some of the methods provide default implementation, which if you want you can override with yours.
- EditAddressTheme
T extends PickerItemModel> - translateError provide a function which maps the city and street validation errors from the service service to the appropriate RxFieldException
T extends PickerItemModel> (BuildContext context, {required String buttonText, required String headerText, required AddressModel addressModel, required dynamic translateError(Object error), required EditAddressService< T> editAddressService, dynamic onChanged(AddressModel? addressModel)?, EditAddressConfiguration modalConfiguration = const EditAddressConfiguration(), EditAddressLocalizedStrings? editAddressLocalizedStrings, Widget editContactAddressErrorBuilder(ErrorModel?)?, SearchCountryCustomBuilders<T> ? searchCountryCustomBuilders, TextFieldModalConfiguration textFieldsModalConfiguration = const TextFieldModalConfiguration(), SearchPickerModalConfiguration countryPickerModalConfiguration = const SearchPickerModalConfiguration()}) → Future<AddressModel?>