buildRoute method

  1. @override
VRoute? buildRoute(
  1. VPathRequestData vPathRequestData, {
  2. required VPathMatch parentVPathMatch,
  3. required bool parentCanPop,

What this buildRoute does is look if any path or alias can give a valid VRoute considering this and the stackedRoutes

For more about buildRoute, see VRouteElement.buildRoute


VRoute? buildRoute(
  VPathRequestData vPathRequestData, {
  required VPathMatch parentVPathMatch,
  required bool parentCanPop,
}) {
  // This will hold the GetPathMatchResult for the path so that we compute it only once
  late final VPathMatch pathMatch;

  // This will hold every GetPathMatchResult for the aliases so that we compute them only once
  List<VPathMatch> aliasesMatch = [];

  // Try to find valid VRoute from stackedRoutes

  // Check for the path
  pathMatch = getPathMatch(
    entirePath: vPathRequestData.path,
    selfPath: path,
    selfPathRegExp: pathRegExp,
    selfPathParametersKeys: pathParametersKeys,
    parentVPathMatch: parentVPathMatch,
  final VRoute? stackedRouteVRoute = getVRouteFromRoutes(
    routes: stackedRoutes,
    vPathMatch: pathMatch,
    parentCanPop: parentCanPop,
  if (stackedRouteVRoute != null) {
    return VRoute(
      vRouteElementNode: VRouteElementNode(
        localPath: pathMatch.localPath,
        stackedVRouteElementNode: stackedRouteVRoute.vRouteElementNode,
      pages: stackedRouteVRoute.pages,
      pathParameters: stackedRouteVRoute.pathParameters,
          <VRouteElement>[this] + stackedRouteVRoute.vRouteElements,
      names: stackedRouteVRoute.names,

  // Check for the aliases
  for (var i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++) {
        entirePath: vPathRequestData.path,
        selfPath: aliases[i],
        selfPathRegExp: aliasesRegExp[i],
        selfPathParametersKeys: aliasesPathParametersKeys[i],
        parentVPathMatch: parentVPathMatch,
    final VRoute? stackedRouteVRoute = getVRouteFromRoutes(
      routes: stackedRoutes,
      vPathMatch: aliasesMatch[i],
      parentCanPop: parentCanPop,
    if (stackedRouteVRoute != null) {
      return VRoute(
        vRouteElementNode: VRouteElementNode(
          localPath: pathMatch.localPath,
          stackedVRouteElementNode: stackedRouteVRoute.vRouteElementNode,
        pages: stackedRouteVRoute.pages,
        pathParameters: stackedRouteVRoute.pathParameters,
            <VRouteElement>[this] + stackedRouteVRoute.vRouteElements,
        names: stackedRouteVRoute.names,

  // Else, if no subroute is valid

  // // check if this is an exact match with path
  // final vRoute = getVRouteFromSelf(
  //   vPathRequestData,
  //   vPathMatch: pathMatch,
  // );
  // if (vRoute != null) {
  //   return vRoute;
  // }
  // // Check exact match for the aliases
  // for (var i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++) {
  //   final vRoute = getVRouteFromSelf(
  //     vPathRequestData,
  //     vPathMatch: aliasesMatch[i],
  //   );
  //   if (vRoute != null) {
  //     return vRoute;
  //   }
  // }

  // Else return null
  return null;