vrouter library
- CupertinoVRouter
- This widget handles most of the routing work It gives you access to the routes attribute where you can start building your routes using VRouteElements
- CupertinoVRouterState
- DefaultPopResult
- FoundPopResult
- This is to be returned if the VPopResult is valid
- GetNewParentPathResult
- The value of the new parentPath in VRouteElement.getPathFromPop and VRouteElement.getPathFromName If this path is invalid:
- GetPathFromNameResult
- Return type of VRouteElement.getPathFromName
- InitializedVRouterSailor
- Same as VRouterSailor except that VRouter has been initialized so we are sure to have a url
- PathParamsErrorNewParentPath
- Return when the parent path does not match the current path
- PoppingPopResult
- Return from VRouteElement.getPathFromPop when the VRouteElement is being popped due to the pop event
- ValidNameResult
- ValidParentPathResult
- Class to return when the parents have a valid path
- ValidPopResult
- Return from VRouteElement.getPathFromPop when the VRouteElement to pop has been found but this VRouteElement won't pop
- ValidVPathMatch
- VAnchor
- The equivalent of a web anchor
- VBackButtonDispatcher
T> - A page to put in Navigator pages
- VGuard
- VGuard is a VRouteElement which is used to control navigation changes
- VHistory
- Contract which describes VHistory
- VLogs
- A class which helps easily define which VRouter logs should be shown
T extends Object> - A helper to create a material app DO NOT use this on top of a VRouter, this will break the navigation instead use VRouter as the topmost MaterialApp DO use this in your widget instead of the traditional MaterialApp Note that if you ever use MaterialApp instead of VMaterialApp, you risk breaking the entire navigation system.
- VMultiUrlStrategyLog
- VNestedObserverReporter
The only goal of this observer is to push information up the root
- VNester
- A VRouteElement which enable nesting
- VNesterBase
- A VRouteElement which enable nesting
- VNesterPage
- A VRouteElement similar to VNester but which allows you to specify your own page thanks to pageBuilder
- VNesterPageBase
- A VRouteElement similar to VNester but which allows you to specify your own page thanks to pageBuilder
- VPage
- VPageBase
- A VRouteElement similar to VWidgetBase but which allows you to specify your own page thanks to pageBuilder
- VPath
- If the VRouteElement contains a path, it should extend this class
- VPathMatch
- Part of VRouteElement.buildRoute that must be passed down but can be modified
- VPathRequestData
- Hold every information of the current route we are building This is used is VRouteElement.buildRoute and should be passed down to the next VRouteElement.buildRoute without modification.
- VPopHandler
- A VRouteElement which allows you to intercept and react to pop events See onPop and onSystemPop for more detailed explanations
- VPopResult
- Return type of VRouteElement.getPathFromPop
- VRedirector
- A class which helps you in beforeLeave or beforeEnter functions This class contain 2 main functionality:
- VRedirectorData
- VRoute
- Describes the current route
- VRouteElement
- VRouteElement is the base class for any object used in routes, stackedRoutes or nestedRoutes
- VRouteElementBuilder
- VRouteElement is the base class for any object used in routes, stackedRoutes or nestedRoutes
- VRouteInformation
- VRouteInformationParser
- VRouter
- This widget handles most of the routing work It gives you access to the routes attribute where you can start building your routes using VRouteElements
- VRouterData
- VRouterDataBuilder
- Provides a builder with access to VRouterData
- VRouterDataImpl
- A concrete implementation of VRouterData
- VRouterDelegate
- VRouteRedirector
- Use this route to redirect from path to redirectTo
- Describes a class which contains all the useful navigation method of VRouter
- VRouterSailor
- Describes a class which contains all the useful data of VRouter
- VRouterScope
- A top level widget which keeps the part of the state of VRouter which needs to always persist
- VRouterScopeData
- VRouterState
- VWidget
- VWidgetBase
- VWidgetGuard
- VGuard is a VRouteElement which is used to control navigation changes
- WidgetsVRouter
- This widget handles most of the routing work It gives you access to the routes attribute where you can start building your routes using VRouteElements
- WidgetsVRouterState
- VRouterMode
- Two router mode are possible:
- InvalidPushVError = InvalidUrlVError
- This exception is raised when a user tries to navigate to a path which is unspecified
T> = VDefaultPage< T> - A page to put in Navigator pages
- VRouterModes = VRouterMode
- Two router mode are possible:
Exceptions / Errors
- ErrorGetPathFromNameResult
- ErrorPopResult
- This is to be returned if the VPopResult is NOT valid
- InvalidUrlVError
- This exception is raised when a user tries to navigate to a path which is unspecified
- InvalidVPathMatch
- MissingPathParamsError
- NotFoundErrorNameResult
- NotFoundPopResult
- Return from VRouteElement.getPathFromPop if the VRouteElement to pop was NOT found (it is not this and not in subroutes)
- NullPathErrorNameResult
- OverlyPathParamsError
- PathParamsError
- PathParamsErrorsNameResult
- PathParamsPopErrors
- Return from VRouteElement.getPathFromPop if the VRouteElement to pop was found but the deduced path is not valid due to missing path parameters
- UnknownUrlVError
- This exception is raised when a user tries to navigate to a path which is unspecified
- VRouterScopeNotFoundException