sparkcharts library

Syncfusion Flutter Spark/Micro charts are light weight chart, typically drawn without axes or coordinates. It presents the general shape of data’s in a simple and highly condensed way.

To use, import package:syncfusion_flutter_charts/sparkcharts.dart.

See also:


This class renders an area spark chart. The SfSparkAreaChart is a very small chart, typically drawn without axis ticks and labels. It presents the general shape of data in a simple and highly condensed way.
This class renders a bar spark chart. The SfSparkBarChart is a very small chart, typically drawn without axis ticks and labels. It presents the general shape of data in a simple and highly condensed way.
This class renders a sparkline chart. The SfSparkLineChart is a very small chart, typically drawn without axis ticks and labels. It presents the general shape of data in a simple and highly condensed way.
This class renders a win loss spark chart. The SfSparkWinLossChart is a very small chart, typically drawn without axis ticks and labels. It presents the general shape of data in a simple and highly condensed way. It is used to show whether each value is positive or negative visualizing a Win/Loss scenario.
Adds and customizes the markers.
Renders plot band..
Enables and customizes the trackball.
Passes as the argument in the tooltipFormatter callback of trackball. The callback gets triggered when the trackball tooltip label text is created.


Activates the trackball in different gestures.
Displays the data labels on the spark chart widget in different modes.
Displays the marker on the spark chart widget in different modes.
Displays the marker in different types of shape.


SparkChartIndexedValueMapper<R> = R Function(int index)
Signature for the callback that returns the dynamic value from the data source based on the index.
SparkChartTooltipCallback<String> = String Function(TooltipFormatterDetails details)
Signature for the callback that returns the string value to override the default text format of trackball tooltip label.