$ModuleWindow$Typings extension
→ ColorTheme
The currently active color theme as configured in the settings. The active
theme can be changed via the
no setter
→ NotebookEditor?
The currently active {@link NotebookEditornotebook editor} or
. The active editor is the one
that currently has focus or, when none has focus, the one that has changed
input most recently.
no setter
→ Terminal?
The currently active terminal or
. The active terminal is the one that
currently has focus or most recently had focus.
no setter
→ TextEditor?
The currently active editor or
. The active editor is the one
that currently has focus or, when none has focus, the one that has changed
input most recently.
no setter
→ ({OutputChannel Function(String name, [String? languageId]) $1, LogOutputChannel Function(String name, IInline48 options) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
→ ({StatusBarItem Function([StatusBarAlignment? alignment, num? priority]) $1, StatusBarItem Function(String id, [StatusBarAlignment? alignment, num? priority]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
→ ({Terminal Function(TerminalOptions options) $1, Terminal Function(ExtensionTerminalOptions options) $2, Terminal Function([String? name, String? shellPath, Object? shellArgs]) $3})
Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3
no setter
→ Event<ColorTheme>
An {@link Event} which fires when the active color theme is changed or has changes.
no setter
→ Event<NotebookEditor?>
An {@link Event} which fires when the {@link window.activeNotebookEditoractive notebook editor}
has changed. Note that the event also fires when the active editor changes
no setter
→ Event<Terminal?>
An {@link Event} which fires when the {@link window.activeTerminalactive terminal}
has changed. Note that the event also fires when the active terminal changes
no setter
→ Event<TextEditor?>
An {@link Event} which fires when the {@link window.activeTextEditoractive editor}
has changed. Note that the event also fires when the active editor changes
no setter
→ Event<NotebookEditorSelectionChangeEvent>
An {@link Event} which fires when the {@link NotebookEditor.selectionsnotebook editor selections}
have changed.
no setter
→ Event<NotebookEditorVisibleRangesChangeEvent>
An {@link Event} which fires when the {@link NotebookEditor.visibleRangesnotebook editor visible ranges}
have changed.
no setter
→ Event<Terminal>
An {@link Event} which fires when a {@link Terminal.stateterminal's state} has changed.
no setter
→ Event<TextEditorOptionsChangeEvent>
An {@link Event} which fires when the options of an editor have changed.
no setter
→ Event<TextEditorSelectionChangeEvent>
An {@link Event} which fires when the selection in an editor has changed.
no setter
→ Event<TextEditorViewColumnChangeEvent>
An {@link Event} which fires when the view column of an editor has changed.
no setter
→ Event<TextEditorVisibleRangesChangeEvent>
An {@link Event} which fires when the visible ranges of an editor has changed.
no setter
→ Event<List<NotebookEditor>>
An {@link Event} which fires when the {@link window.visibleNotebookEditorsvisible notebook editors}
has changed.
no setter
→ Event<List<TextEditor>>
An {@link Event} which fires when the array of {@link window.visibleTextEditorsvisible editors}
has changed.
no setter
→ Event<WindowState>
An {@link Event} which fires when the focus state of the current window
changes. The value of the event represents whether the window is focused.
no setter
→ Event<Terminal>
An {@link Event} which fires when a terminal is disposed.
no setter
→ Event<Terminal>
An {@link Event} which fires when a terminal has been created, either through the
{@link window.createTerminalcreateTerminal} API or commands.
no setter
→ ({Disposable Function(String text, num hideAfterTimeout) $1, Disposable Function(String text, Future hideWhenDone) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
→ ({Future Function<T extends String>(String message, [Iterable? items]) $1, Future Function<T extends String>(String message, MessageOptions options, [Iterable? items]) $2, Future Function<T extends MessageItem>(String message, MessageOptions options, [Iterable? items]) $3})
Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3
no setter
→ ({Future Function<T extends String>(String message, [Iterable? items]) $1, Future Function<T extends String>(String message, MessageOptions options, [Iterable? items]) $2, Future Function<T extends MessageItem>(String message, MessageOptions options, [Iterable? items]) $3})
Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3
no setter
→ ({Future Function(Object items, Object options, [CancellationToken? token]) $1, Future Function(Object items, [QuickPickOptions? options, CancellationToken? token]) $2, Future Function<T extends QuickPickItem>(Object items, Object options, [CancellationToken? token]) $3, Future Function<T extends QuickPickItem>(Object items, [QuickPickOptions? options, CancellationToken? token]) $4})
Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3, $4
no setter
→ ({Future Function(TextDocument document, [TextDocumentShowOptions? options]) $1, Future Function(Uri uri, [TextDocumentShowOptions? options]) $2, Future Function(TextDocument document, [ViewColumn? column, bool? preserveFocus]) $3})
Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3
no setter
→ ({Future Function<T extends String>(String message, [Iterable? items]) $1, Future Function<T extends String>(String message, MessageOptions options, [Iterable? items]) $2, Future Function<T extends MessageItem>(String message, MessageOptions options, [Iterable? items]) $3})
Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3
no setter
→ WindowState
Represents the current window's state.
no setter
→ TabGroups
Represents the grid widget within the main editor area
no setter
→ List<Terminal>
The currently opened terminals or an empty array.
no setter
→ List<NotebookEditor>
The currently visible {@link NotebookEditornotebook editors} or an empty array.
no setter
→ List<TextEditor>
The currently visible editors or an empty array.
no setter
→ InputBox
Creates a {@link InputBox} to let the user enter some text input.
createQuickPick<T extends QuickPickItem>()
→ QuickPick<T>
Creates a {@link QuickPick} to let the user pick an item from a list
of items of type T.
createTextEditorDecorationType(DecorationRenderOptions options)
→ TextEditorDecorationType
Create a TextEditorDecorationType that can be used to add decorations to text editors.
createTreeView<T>(String viewId, TreeViewOptions<T> options)
→ TreeView<T>
Create a {@link TreeView} for the view contributed using the extension point
createWebviewPanel(String viewType, String title, Object showOptions, [Object? options])
→ WebviewPanel
Create and show a new webview panel.
registerCustomEditorProvider(String viewType, Object provider, [IInline53? options])
→ Disposable
Register a provider for custom editors for the
contributed by the customEditors
extension point.
registerFileDecorationProvider(FileDecorationProvider provider)
→ Disposable
Register a file decoration provider.
registerTerminalLinkProvider(TerminalLinkProvider<TerminalLink> provider)
→ Disposable
Register provider that enables the detection and handling of links within the terminal.
registerTerminalProfileProvider(String id, TerminalProfileProvider provider)
→ Disposable
Registers a provider for a contributed terminal profile.
registerTreeDataProvider<T>(String viewId, TreeDataProvider<T> treeDataProvider)
→ Disposable
Register a {@link TreeDataProvider} for the view contributed using the extension point
This will allow you to contribute data to the {@link TreeView} and update if the data changes.
registerUriHandler(UriHandler handler)
→ Disposable
Registers a {@link UriHandleruri handler} capable of handling system-wide {@link Uriuris}.
In case there are multiple windows open, the topmost window will handle the uri.
A uri handler is scoped to the extension it is contributed from; it will only
be able to handle uris which are directed to the extension itself. A uri must respect
the following rules:
registerWebviewPanelSerializer(String viewType, WebviewPanelSerializer<Object?> serializer)
→ Disposable
Registers a webview panel serializer.
registerWebviewViewProvider(String viewId, WebviewViewProvider provider, [IInline51? options])
→ Disposable
Register a new provider for webview views.
showInputBox([InputBoxOptions? options, CancellationToken? token])
→ Future
Opens an input box to ask the user for input.
showNotebookDocument(NotebookDocument document, [NotebookDocumentShowOptions? options])
→ Future
Show the given {@link NotebookDocument} in a {@link NotebookEditornotebook editor}.
showOpenDialog([OpenDialogOptions? options])
→ Future
Shows a file open dialog to the user which allows to select a file
for opening-purposes.
showSaveDialog([SaveDialogOptions? options])
→ Future
Shows a file save dialog to the user which allows to select a file
for saving-purposes.
showWorkspaceFolderPick([WorkspaceFolderPickOptions? options])
→ Future
Shows a selection list of {@link workspace.workspaceFoldersworkspace folders} to pick from.
if no folder is open.
withProgress<R>(ProgressOptions options, Future task(Progress, CancellationToken))
→ Future
Show progress in the editor. Progress is shown while running the given callback
and while the promise it returned isn't resolved nor rejected. The location at which
progress should show (and other details) is defined via the passed {@linkcode ProgressOptions}.
withScmProgress<R>(Future task(Progress<num>))
→ Future
Show progress in the Source Control viewlet while running the given callback and while
its returned promise isn't resolve or rejected.