TuyaHomeSdkFlutter class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
methodChannel MethodChannel
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addHomeWithName({required String name, required String geoName, List<String> rooms = const [''], double latitude = 0.0, double longitude = 0.0}) Future<num?>
Adds a home with the specified name, geographical name, rooms, latitude, and longitude.
assignDeviceToRoom({required String deviceId, required num homeId, required num roomId}) Future<bool>
Assigns a device to a room in the Tuya Home SDK.
checkCodeWithUserName({required String username, required String countryCode, required String code, required int type}) Future<bool>
Checks a verification code with a given username, country code, code, and type.
discoverDeviceInfo() Future<ThingSmartDeviceModel?>
Discovers device information.
getHomeDevices({required num homeId}) Future<List<ThingSmartDeviceModel>>
Retrieves a list of devices associated with a specific home ID.
getHomeList() Future<List<ThingSmartHomeModel>>
Retrieves a list of ThingSmartHomeModel objects representing the homes associated with the user.
getHomeRooms({required num homeId}) Future<List<ThingSmartRoomModel>>
Retrieves the list of rooms in a home.
getToken({required num homeId}) Future<String?>
Retrieves the token for a specific home ID.
getUserInfo() Future<ThingSmartUserModel?>
Retrieves the user information from the Tuya Home SDK.
getWifiSsid() Future<String?>
Retrieves the SSID (Service Set Identifier) of the currently connected Wi-Fi network.
initSdk(String appKey, String appSecret, String key, {bool isDebug = kDebugMode}) Future<void>
Initializes the Tuya Home SDK with the provided app key and app secret.
loginWithUserName({required String username, required String countryCode, required String password}) Future<bool>
Logs in a user with the provided username, country code, and password.
logout() Future<bool>
Logs out the user from the Tuya Home SDK.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onDeviceDpsUpdated({required String deviceId}) Stream
Listens for device DPS updates.
publishDps({required String deviceId, required Map<String, dynamic> dps}) Future<bool>
Publishes device data points to a specific device using the Tuya Home SDK Flutter.
registerByUserName({required String username, required String countryCode, required String code, required String password}) Future<bool>
Registers a user by username.
removeDevice({required String deviceId}) Future<bool>
Removes a device with the specified device ID.
removeHome({required num homeId}) Future<bool>
Removes a home with the specified home ID.
requestHomeToken({required num homeId}) Future<String?>
resetPasswordByEmail({required String username, required String countryCode, required String code, required String password}) Future<bool>
Resets a user's password with the provided username, country code, code, and password.
sendVerifyCodeWithUserName({required String username, required String countryCode, required int type}) Future<bool>
Sends a verification code to a user's username with the specified country code and type.
startConfigBLEWifiDevice({required String ssid, required String password, required num homeId, required String deviceUuid, required String deviceProductId, int timeout = 3000}) Future<ThingSmartDeviceModel?>
Starts the configuration process for a BLE WiFi device.
startConfigWiFiDevice({required String ssid, required String password, required String token, int timeout = 3000}) Future<ThingSmartDeviceModel?>
Starts the configuration process for a WiFi device.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateHome({required num homeId, required String name, required String geoName, required List<String> rooms, double latitude = 0.0, double longitude = 0.0}) Future<bool>
Updates a home with the specified parameters.
updateUserIcon({String? icon}) Future<ThingSmartUserModel?>
Updates the user icon with the provided icon.
updateUserNickName({String? nickname}) Future<ThingSmartUserModel?>
Updates the nickname of the user.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance TuyaHomeSdkFlutter
no setter


tag → const String