getHomeDevices method

Future<List<ThingSmartDeviceModel>> getHomeDevices({
  1. required num homeId,

Retrieves a list of devices associated with a specific home ID.

Example Usage:

List<ThingSmartDeviceModel> devices = await getHomeDevices(homeId: 123);


  • homeId (required): The ID of the home for which to retrieve the devices.


  • A list of ThingSmartDeviceModel objects representing the devices associated with the specified home ID. If there are no devices or an error occurs, an empty list is returned.


Future<List<ThingSmartDeviceModel>> getHomeDevices({
  required num homeId,
}) async {
  try {
    assert(homeId > 0, "homeId must be greater than 0");
    var res =
        await methodChannel.invokeListMethod<dynamic>('getHomeDevices', {
      "homeId": homeId,
    if (res == null) return [];
    return List<ThingSmartDeviceModel>.from(
          (e) => ThingSmartDeviceModel.fromJson(e.cast<String, dynamic>())),
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    return [];