transformer_utils library


NodeWithMeta<TNode extends AnnotatedNode, TMeta>
Utility class that allows for easy access to an annotated node's instantiated annotation.
A utility that allows for modification of a SourceFile via a series of replacements, insertions, and removals.


assetIdToPackageUri(AssetId id) Uri
Converts id to a "package:" URI.
copyClassMember(ClassMember? member, String body) String
Returns a copy of a class member declaration with body as a new implementation.
getDeclarationsAnnotatedBy(CompilationUnit unit, Type annotation) Iterable<CompilationUnitMember>
Finds and returns all declarations within a compilation unit that are annotated with the given annotation class.
getSpan(SourceFile sourceFile, AstNode node, {bool skipCommentAndMetadata = true}) → SourceSpan
getSpanForNode(SourceFile sourceFile, AstNode node, {bool skipCommentAndMetadata = true}) → SourceSpan
Returns a SourceSpan spanning from the beginning to the end of the given node. The preceding comment and metadata will be excluded if skipCommentAndMetadata is true.
instantiateAnnotation(AnnotatedNode member, Type annotationType, {dynamic onUnsupportedArgument(Expression argument)?}) → dynamic
Uses reflection to instantiate and returns the first annotation on member of type annotationType, or null if no matching annotations are found.
stringLiteral(String? content, {bool quote = true, bool useSingleQuote = true}) String
Returns content escaped and optionally quoted for use as a string literal in Dart source code.