LocalDateTime class

A date and time in a particular calendar system. A LocalDateTime value does not represent an instant on the global time line, because it has no associated time zone: 'November 12th 2009 7pm, ISO calendar' occurred at different instants for different people around the world.

This type defaults to using the ISO calendar system unless a different calendar system is specified.

Values can freely be compared for equality: a value in a different calendar system is not equal to a value in a different calendar system. However, ordering comparisons (either via the CompareTo method or via operators) fail with ArgumentError; attempting to compare values in different calendars almost always indicates a bug in the calling code.

Implemented types
  • @immutable


LocalDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, {int? ms, int? us, int? ns, CalendarSystem? calendar})
Initializes a new instance of LocalDateTime.
LocalDateTime.dateTime(DateTime dateTime, [CalendarSystem? calendar])
Converts a DateTime of any kind to a LocalDateTime in the specified or ISO calendar. This does not perform any time zone conversions, so a DateTime with a DateTime.isUtc == true will still have the same day/hour/minute etc - it won't be converted into the local system time.
LocalDateTime.localDateAtTime(LocalDate calendarDate, LocalTime clockTime)
Produces a LocalDateTime based on your Clock.current and your DateTimeZone.local.


calendar CalendarSystem
Gets the calendar system associated with this local date and time.
no setter
calendarDate LocalDate
Gets the date portion of this local date and time as a LocalDate in the same calendar system as this value.
clockTime LocalTime
Gets the time portion of this local date and time as a LocalTime.
dayOfMonth int
Gets the day of this local date and time within the month.
no setter
dayOfWeek DayOfWeek
Gets the week day of this local date and time expressed as an DayOfWeek value.
no setter
dayOfYear int
Gets the day of this local date and time within the year.
no setter
era Era
Gets the era of this local date and time.
no setter
hashCode int
Returns a hash code for this instance.
no setteroverride
hourOf12HourClock int
Gets the hour of the half-day of this local date and time, in the range 1 to 12 inclusive.
no setter
hourOfDay int
Gets the hour of day of this local date and time, in the range 0 to 23 inclusive.
no setter
microsecondOfSecond int
Gets the nanosecond of this local time within the second, in the range 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
no setter
millisecondOfSecond int
Gets the millisecond of this local date and time within the second, in the range 0 to 999 inclusive.
no setter
minuteOfHour int
Gets the minute of this local date and time, in the range 0 to 59 inclusive.
no setter
monthOfYear int
Gets the month of this local date and time within the year.
no setter
nanosecondOfSecond int
Gets the nanosecond of this local time within the second, in the range 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
secondOfMinute int
Gets the second of this local date and time within the minute, in the range 0 to 59 inclusive.
no setter
year int
Gets the year of this local date and time. This returns the 'absolute year', so, for the ISO calendar, a value of 0 means 1 BC, for example.
no setter
yearOfEra int
Gets the year of this local date and time within its era.
no setter


add(Period period) LocalDateTime
Adds a period to this local date/time. Fields are added in the order provided by the period.
addDays(int days) LocalDateTime
Returns a new LocalDateTime representing the current value with the given number of days added.
addHours(int hours) LocalDateTime
Returns a new LocalDateTime representing the current value with the given number of hours added.
addMicroseconds(int microseconds) LocalDateTime
Returns a new LocalDateTime representing the current value with the given number of ticks added.
addMilliseconds(int milliseconds) LocalDateTime
Returns a new LocalDateTime representing the current value with the given number of milliseconds added.
addMinutes(int minutes) LocalDateTime
Returns a new LocalDateTime representing the current value with the given number of minutes added.
addMonths(int months) LocalDateTime
Returns a new LocalDateTime representing the current value with the given number of months added.
addNanoseconds(int nanoseconds) LocalDateTime
Returns a new LocalDateTime representing the current value with the given number of nanoseconds added.
addSeconds(int seconds) LocalDateTime
Returns a new LocalDateTime representing the current value with the given number of seconds added.
addWeeks(int weeks) LocalDateTime
Returns a new LocalDateTime representing the current value with the given number of weeks added.
addYears(int years) LocalDateTime
Returns a new LocalDateTime representing the current value with the given number of years added.
adjustDate(LocalDate adjuster(LocalDate)) LocalDateTime
Returns this date/time, with the given date adjuster applied to it, maintaining the existing time of day.
adjustTime(LocalTime adjuster(LocalTime)) LocalDateTime
Returns this date/time, with the given time adjuster applied to it, maintaining the existing date.
compareTo(LocalDateTime? other) int
Indicates whether this date/time is earlier, later or the same as another one.
equals(LocalDateTime other) bool
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
inUtc() ZonedDateTime
Returns the mapping of this local date/time within DateTimeZone.utc.
inZone(DateTimeZone zone, ZoneLocalMappingResolver resolver) ZonedDateTime
Resolves this local date and time into a ZonedDateTime in the given time zone, following the given ZoneLocalMappingResolver to handle ambiguity and skipped times.
inZoneLeniently(DateTimeZone zone) ZonedDateTime
Returns the mapping of this local date/time within the given DateTimeZone, with 'lenient' rules applied such that ambiguous values map to the earlier of the alternatives, and 'skipped' values are shifted forward by the duration of the "gap".
inZoneStrictly(DateTimeZone zone) ZonedDateTime
Returns the mapping of this local date/time within the given DateTimeZone, with 'strict' rules applied such that an exception is thrown if either the mapping is ambiguous or the time is skipped.
next(DayOfWeek targetDayOfWeek) LocalDateTime
Returns the next LocalDateTime falling on the specified DayOfWeek, at the same time of day as this value. This is a strict 'next' - if this value on already falls on the target day of the week, the returned value will be a week later.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
periodSince(LocalDateTime localDateTime) Period
Subtracts the specified date/time from this date/time, returning the result as a Period. Cognitively similar to: this - localDateTime.
periodUntil(LocalDateTime localDateTime) Period
Subtracts the specified date/time from this date/time, returning the result as a Period. Cognitively similar to: localDateTime - this.
previous(DayOfWeek targetDayOfWeek) LocalDateTime
Returns the previous LocalDateTime falling on the specified DayOfWeek, at the same time of day as this value. This is a strict 'previous' - if this value on already falls on the target day of the week, the returned value will be a week earlier.
subtract(Period period) LocalDateTime
Subtracts a period from a local date/time. Fields are subtracted in the order provided by the period.
subtractDays(int days) LocalDateTime
subtractHours(int hours) LocalDateTime
subtractMicroseconds(int microseconds) LocalDateTime
subtractMilliseconds(int milliseconds) LocalDateTime
subtractMinutes(int minutes) LocalDateTime
subtractMonths(int months) LocalDateTime
subtractNanoseconds(int nanoseconds) LocalDateTime
subtractSeconds(int seconds) LocalDateTime
subtractWeeks(int weeks) LocalDateTime
subtractYears(int years) LocalDateTime
toDateTimeLocal() DateTime
Constructs a DateTime from this value which has a DateTime.isUtc == false;
toString([String? patternText, Culture? culture]) String
Returns a String that represents this instance.
withCalendar(CalendarSystem calendar) LocalDateTime
Creates a new LocalDateTime representing the same physical date and time, but in a different calendar. The returned LocalDateTime is likely to have different date field values to this one. For example, January 1st 1970 in the Gregorian calendar was December 19th 1969 in the Julian calendar.
withOffset(Offset offset) OffsetDateTime
Returns an OffsetDateTime for this local date/time with the given offset.


operator +(Period period) LocalDateTime
Adds a period to a local date/time. Fields are added in the order provided by the period. This is a convenience operator over the add method.
operator -(Period period) LocalDateTime
Subtracts a period from a local date/time. Fields are subtracted in the order provided by the period. This is a convenience operator over the Minus(Period) method.
operator <(LocalDateTime other) bool
Compares two LocalDateTime values to see if the left one is strictly earlier than the right one.
operator <=(LocalDateTime other) bool
Compares two LocalDateTime values to see if the left one is earlier than or equal to the right one.
operator ==(Object other) bool
Implements the operator == (equality).
operator >(LocalDateTime other) bool
Compares two LocalDateTime values to see if the left one is strictly later than the right one.
operator >=(LocalDateTime other) bool
Compares two LocalDateTime values to see if the left one is later than or equal to the right one.

Static Methods

difference(LocalDateTime end, LocalDateTime start) Period
Subtracts one date/time from another, returning the result as a Period.
max(LocalDateTime x, LocalDateTime y) LocalDateTime
Returns the later date/time of the given two.
min(LocalDateTime x, LocalDateTime y) LocalDateTime
Returns the earlier date/time of the given two.
minus(LocalDateTime localDateTime, Period period) LocalDateTime
Subtracts the specified period from the date and time. Friendly alternative to operator-().
plus(LocalDateTime localDateTime, Period period) LocalDateTime
Add the specified period to the date and time. Friendly alternative to operator+().