inZone method

Resolves this local date and time into a ZonedDateTime in the given time zone, following the given ZoneLocalMappingResolver to handle ambiguity and skipped times.

See inZoneStrictly and inZoneLeniently for alternative ways to map a local time to a specific instant.

This is a convenience method for calling ZonedDateTime.resolve.

  • zone: The time zone to map this local date and time into
  • resolver: The resolver to apply to the mapping.

Returns: The result of resolving the mapping.


ZonedDateTime inZone(DateTimeZone zone, ZoneLocalMappingResolver resolver) {
  Preconditions.checkNotNull(zone, 'zone');
  Preconditions.checkNotNull(resolver, 'resolver');
  return ZonedDateTime.resolve(this, zone, resolver);