utils library


anyEmulateFailed(List emulateResponses) bool
Check the emulate response, if any tx reverted then it is a fail
buildParams(List<String> types, List args) Uint8List
ABI encode params according to types
buildTransaction(List<Clause> clauses, int chainTag, String blockRef, int nonce, {int expiration = 32, int gasPriceCoef = 0, int gas = 0, String? dependsOn, bool feeDelegation = false}) → Transaction
buildTxBody(List clauses, int chainTag, String blockRef, int nonce, {int expiration = 32, int gasPriceCoef = 0, int gas = 0, String? dependsOn, bool feeDelegation = false}) Map
Build a Tx body. Clause should confine to "thor_devkit.transaction.CLAUSE" schema. {to, value, data} Tx body shall confine to "thor_devkit.transaction.BODY" schema.
calcBlockRef(String blockId) String
Calculate a blockRef from a given block_id, id should starts with 0x
calcEmulateTxBody(String caller, Map txBody, {String? gaspayer}) Map
Rip an emulated tx body from a normal tx body.
calcGas(int vmGas, int intrinsicGas) int
Calculate recommended (safe) gas
calcNonce() int
Calculate a random number for nonce
calcTxSigned(Wallet wallet, Map txBody) → Transaction
Build signed transaction from tx body
calcTxSignedEncoded(Wallet wallet, Map txBody) String
Build signed transaction from tx body
calcTxSignedWithFeeDelegation(Wallet caller, Wallet payer, Transaction tx) → Transaction
injectDecodedEvent(Map eventDict, Contract contract) Map
Inject 'decoded' and 'name' into event
injectDecodedReturn(Map emulateResponse, Contract contract, String funcName) Map
Inject 'decoded' return value into a emulate response
injectRevertReason(Map emulateResponse) Map
isEmulateFailed(dynamic emulateResponse) bool
If a single clause emulation is failed
readVmGases(List emulatedResponses) List<int>
Extract vm gases from a batch of emulated executions.
suggestGasForTx(int vmGas, Map txBody) int
Calculate the suggested gas for a transaction