calcEmulateTxBody function

Map calcEmulateTxBody(
  1. String caller,
  2. Map txBody, {
  3. String? gaspayer,

Rip an emulated tx body from a normal tx body.


Map calcEmulateTxBody(String caller, Map txBody, {String? gaspayer}) {
  if (!Address.isAddress(caller)) {
    throw Exception('Caller $caller is not an address');

  //Caution: in emulation, clauses.clause.value must be of type string
  var eClauses = [];
  for (var clause in txBody['clauses']) {
    if (clause is String) {
      Map c = json.decode(clause);

          {'to': c['to'], 'value': c['value'].toString(), 'data': c['data']});
    } else {
        'to': clause['to'],
        'value': clause['value'].toString(),
        'data': clause['data']

  var eTxBody = {
    "caller": caller,
    "blockRef": txBody["blockRef"],
    "expiration": txBody["expiration"],
    "clauses": eClauses,

  // Set gas field only when the txBody set it.
  if (txBody["gas"] > 0) {
    eTxBody["gas"] = txBody["gas"];

  // Set gas payer only when required.
  if (gaspayer != null) {
    if (!Address.isAddress(gaspayer)) {
      throw Exception("Gaspayer $gaspayer is not an address");
    eTxBody["gasPayer"] = gaspayer;
  return eTxBody;