Context class

This class is used to represent the context of an update. It contains the update and the RawAPI instance.

Whenever an update is received, a context is created and passed to the handler. Currently Televerse support the following types of contexts:


Context(Bot _bot, {required Update update})
Creates a new context.


api RawAPI
The RawAPI getter.
no setter
args List<String>
If the message is a command, the list will be filled with the command arguments. e.g. /hello @mom @dad will have a ctx.args like this: '@mom', '@dad'. This will be empty if the message is not a command or if the message doesn't contain text NOTE: This is obviously also used for the deeplink start parameters.
no setter
businessConnection BusinessConnection?
The BusinessConnection instance. This represents the business connection for which the context is created.
no setter
businessMessage Message?
New non-service message from a connected business account
no setter
businessMessageDelete BusinessMessagesDeleted?
Messages were deleted from a connected business account
no setter
callbackQuery CallbackQuery?
The callback query of the update.
no setter
channelPost Message?
The channel post.
no setter
chat Chat?
A shorthand getter for the Chat instance from the update.
no setter
chatBoost ChatBoostUpdated?
The chat boost that was updated.
no setter
chatBoostRemoved ChatBoostRemoved?
The chat boost that was removed.
no setter
chatJoinRequest ChatJoinRequest?
The ChatJoinRequest instance.
no setter
chatMember ChatMemberUpdated?
The Chat Member Updated instance of ChatMember
no setter
chatMemberUpdated ChatMemberUpdated?
Shorthand getter for the ChatMemberUpdated instance.
no setter
chosenInlineResult ChosenInlineResult?
The ChosenInlineResult instance.
no setter
editedBusinessMessage Message?
New version of a message from a connected business account
no setter
editedChannelPost Message?
The edited channel post.
no setter
editedMessage Message?
The edited message.
no setter
from User?
A shorthand getter for the User instance from the update.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id ID
The ChatID instance.
no setter
inlineQuery InlineQuery?
The incoming inline query.
no setter
matches List<RegExpMatch>?
Regular expression matches
no setter
me User
The bot that received the update's informations.
no setter
message Message?
The incoming message.
no setter
messageReaction MessageReactionUpdated?
The MessageReactionUpdated object.
no setter
messageReactionCount MessageReactionCountUpdated?
The MessageReactionCountUpdated object.
no setter
msg Message?
This is a shorthand getter for the Message recieved in the current context
no setter
myChatMember ChatMemberUpdated?
The Chat Member Updated instance of MyChatMember
no setter
poll Poll?
The Poll instance.
no setter
pollAnswer PollAnswer?
The PollAnswer instance.
no setter
preCheckoutQuery PreCheckoutQuery?
The PreCheckoutQuery instance.
no setter
removedChatBoost ChatBoostRemoved?
Removed chat boost instance
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shippingQuery ShippingQuery?
The ShippingQuery instance.
no setter
update Update
The Update instance.


answerCallbackQuery({String? text, bool showAlert = false, String? url, int cacheTime = 0}) Future<bool>
Context aware method for answering a callback query APIMethod.answerCallbackQuery.
answerInlineQuery(List<InlineQueryResult> results, {int? cacheTime = 300, bool? isPersonal, String? nextOffset, InlineQueryResultsButton? button}) Future<bool>
Answer inline query
answerPreCheckouQUery(bool ok, {String? errorMessage}) Future<bool>
Answer pre checkout query
answerShippingQuery(bool ok, {List<ShippingOption>? shippingOptions, String? errorMessage}) Future<bool>
Answer the incoming shipping query
answerWebAppQuery(String webAppQueryId, InlineQueryResult result) Future<SentWebAppMessage>
Anwer a web app query
approveChatJoinRequest({int? userId}) Future<bool>
Approve the chat join request.
banAuthor({DateTime? untilDate, bool? revokeMessages}) Future<bool>
Ban the author of the message. This method will ban the author of the message in the current context.
banChatMember(int userId, {DateTime? untilDate, bool? revokeMessages}) Future<bool>
Context aware method for banning a user: APIMethod.banChatMember.
closeForumTopic({int? messageThreadId}) Future<bool>
Context aware method for closing a forum topic APIMethod.closeForumTopic.
closeGeneralForumTopic() Future<bool>
Context aware method for closing the general forum topic APIMethod.closeGeneralForumTopic.
copyMessage(ID chatId, {int? messageThreadId, String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, bool? showCaptionAboveMedia}) Future<MessageId>
Context aware method for copying a message APIMethod.copyMessage.
Create a chat invite link.
createForumTopic(String name, {int? iconColor, String? iconCustomEmojiId}) Future<ForumTopic>
Context aware method for creating a new forum topic APIMethod.createForumTopic.
Create invoice link
declineChatJoinRequest({int? userId}) Future<bool>
Decline the chat join request.
deleteChatPhoto() Future<bool>
Delete the chat photo.
deleteChatStickerSet() Future<bool>
Context aware method for delete chat sticker set APIMethod.deleteChatStickerSet.
deleteForumTopic({int? messageThreadId}) Future<bool>
Context aware method for deleting a forum topic APIMethod.deleteForumTopic.
deleteMessage() Future<bool>
Delete the message.
deleteMyCommands({BotCommandScope? scope, String? languageCode}) Future<bool>
Delete the list of bot's commands for the given scope and user language.
Edit chat invite link.
editForumTopic({int? messageThreadId, String? name, String? iconCustomEmojiId}) Future<bool>
Context aware method for editing a forum topic APIMethod.editForumTopic.
editGeneralForumTopic(String name) Future<bool>
Context aware method for editing the general forum topic APIMethod.editGeneralForumTopic.
editInlineMessageLiveLocation({double? latitude, double? longitude, double? horizontalAccuracy, int? heading, int? proximityAlertRadius, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup}) Future<bool>
Context aware method for editing live location of inline message APIMethod.editMessageLiveLocation.
editMessageCaption({String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, bool? showCaptionAboveMedia}) Future<bool>
Edit the message caption
editMessageLiveLocation({String? inlineMessageId, double? latitude, double? longitude, double? horizontalAccuracy, int? heading, int? proximityAlertRadius, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup}) Future<Message>
Edit message live location
editMessageMedia(InputMedia media, {InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup}) Future<bool>
Edit the message media Use this method to edit animation, audio, document, photo, or video messages.
editMessageReplyMarkup({InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup}) Future<bool>
Edit the message reply markup Use this method to edit only the reply markup of messages.
editMessageText(String text, {ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? entities, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, LinkPreviewOptions? linkPreviewOptions}) Future<bool>
Edit the message text
Export the chat invite link.
forwardMessage(ID chatId, {bool? disableNotification, int? messageThreadId, bool? protectContent}) Future<Message>
Forward the message.
getAuthor() Future<ChatMember>
Get Author
getChat() Future<Chat>
Get information about the chat.
getChatAdministrators() Future<List<ChatMember>>
Get the list of administrators in the chat, which aren't bots.
getChatMember(int userId) Future<ChatMember>
Context aware method to get chat member APIMethod.getChatMember.
getChatMembersCount() Future<int>
Get the number of members in the chat.
getChatMenuButton() Future<MenuButton>
Get the current chat menu button
getFile() Future<File>
Context aware method for getting file: APIMethod.getFile.
getMyCommands({BotCommandScope? scope, String? languageCode}) Future<List<BotCommand>>
Get the current list of bot's commands for the given scope and user language.
getMyDefaultAdministratorRights({bool? forChannels}) Future<ChatAdministratorRights>
Get bot's default administrator rights
getUserProfilePhotos({int? offset, int? limit}) Future<UserProfilePhotos>
Context aware method for getting users profile photos: APIMethod.getUserProfilePhotos.
hasText({Pattern? text, List<Pattern>? texts}) bool
hasText checks if the message has the given text.
hideGeneralForumTopic() Future<bool>
Context aware method for hiding the general forum topic APIMethod.hideGeneralForumTopic.
leaveChat() Future<bool>
Leave the chat.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pinChatMessage(int messageId, {bool? disableNotification}) Future<bool>
Context aware method for pin chat message APIMethod.pinChatMessage.
pinThisMessage({bool? disableNotification}) Future<bool>
Context aware method for pin the current message APIMethod.pinChatMessage.
promoteAuthor({bool? isAnonymous, bool? canManageChat, bool? canPostMessages, bool? canEditMessages, bool? canDeleteMessages, bool? canManageVideoChats, bool? canRestrictMembers, bool? canPromoteMembers, bool? canChangeInfo, bool? canInviteUsers, bool? canPinMessages, bool? canManageTopics, bool? canPostStories, bool? canEditStories, bool? canDeleteStories}) Future<bool>
Promote the author of the message in the current context. This method will promote the author of the message in the current context.
promoteChatMember(int userId, {bool? isAnonymous, bool? canManageChat, bool? canPostMessages, bool? canEditMessages, bool? canDeleteMessages, bool? canManageVideoChats, bool? canRestrictMembers, bool? canPromoteMembers, bool? canChangeInfo, bool? canInviteUsers, bool? canPinMessages, bool? canManageTopics, bool? canPostStories, bool? canEditStories, bool? canDeleteStories}) Future<bool>
Promote a user in the current context. This method will promote the user in the current context.
react(String emoji, {bool? isBig}) Future<bool>
React to the message with a reaction.
reactMultiple(List<String> emojis, {bool? isBig}) Future<bool>
React to the message with multiple reactions.
reopenForumTopic({int? messageThreadId}) Future<bool>
Context aware method for reopening a forum topic APIMethod.reopenForumTopic.
reopenGeneralForumTopic() Future<bool>
Context aware method for reopening the general forum topic APIMethod.reopenGeneralForumTopic.
reply(String text, {int? messageThreadId, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? entities, LinkPreviewOptions? linkPreviewOptions, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Reply a Text Message to the user.
replyWithAnimation(InputFile animation, {int? messageThreadId, int? duration, int? width, int? height, InputFile? thumbnail, String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, bool? hasSpoiler, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId, bool? showCaptionAboveMedia}) Future<Message>
Reply with an Animation to the user.
replyWithAudio(InputFile audio, {int? messageThreadId, String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, int? duration, String? performer, String? title, InputFile? thumbnail, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Reply with an Audio to the user.
replyWithChatAction(ChatAction action, {int? messageThreadId, String? businessConnectionId}) Future<bool>
Reply with a Chat Action to the user.
replyWithContact(String phoneNumber, String firstName, {int? messageThreadId, String? lastName, String? vcard, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Reply with a Contact to the user.
replyWithDice({DiceEmoji emoji = DiceEmoji.dice, int? messageThreadId, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Reply with a Dice to the user.
replyWithDocument(InputFile document, {int? messageThreadId, InputFile? thumbnail, String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, bool? disableContentTypeDetection, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Reply with a Document to the user.
replyWithGame(String shortName, {int? messageThreadId, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Reply with a Game to the user.
replyWithLocation(double latitude, double longitude, {int? messageThreadId, double? horizontalAccuracy, int? livePeriod, int? heading, int? proximityAlertRadius, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Reply with a Location to the user.
replyWithMediaGroup(List<InputMedia> media, {int? messageThreadId, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<List<Message>>
Reply with a Media Group to the user.
replyWithPhoto(InputFile photo, {int? messageThreadId, String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId, bool? showCaptionAboveMedia}) Future<Message>
Reply a Photo to the user. Reply with a Photo to the user.
replyWithPoll(String question, List<InputPollOption> options, {int? messageThreadId, bool? isAnonymous, PollType type = PollType.regular, bool? allowsMultipleAnswers, int? correctOptionId, String? explanation, ParseMode? explanationParseMode, List<MessageEntity>? explanationEntities, int? openPeriod, DateTime? closeDate, bool? isClosed, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Reply with a Poll to the user.
replyWithSticker(InputFile sticker, {int? messageThreadId, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Reply with a Sticker to the user.
replyWithVenue(double latitude, double longitude, String title, String address, {int? messageThreadId, String? foursquareId, String? foursquareType, String? googlePlaceId, String? googlePlaceType, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Reply with a Venue to the user.
replyWithVideo(InputFile video, {int? messageThreadId, int? duration, int? width, int? height, InputFile? thumbnail, String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, bool? hasSpoiler, bool? supportsStreaming, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId, bool? showCaptionAboveMedia}) Future<Message>
Reply with a Video to the user.
replyWithVideoNote(InputFile videoNote, {int? messageThreadId, int? duration, int? length, InputFile? thumbnail, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Reply with a Video Note to the user.
replyWithVoice(InputFile voice, {int? messageThreadId, String? caption, ParseMode? parseMode, List<MessageEntity>? captionEntities, int? duration, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup, String? businessConnectionId, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Reply with a Voice to the user.
restrictAuthor(ChatPermissions permissions, {DateTime? untilDate, bool? useIndependentChatPermissions}) Future<bool>
Restrict the author of the message in the current context.
restrictChatMember(int userId, ChatPermissions permissions, {DateTime? untilDate, bool? useIndependentChatPermissions}) Future<bool>
Restrict a user in the current context.
Revoke chat invite link.
sendInvoice({required String title, required String description, required String payload, String? providerToken, required String currency, required List<LabeledPrice> prices, int? messageThreadId, int? maxTipAmount = 0, List<int>? suggestedTipAmounts, String? startParameter, String? providerData, String? photoUrl, int? photoSize, int? photoWidth, int? photoHeight, bool? needName, bool? needPhoneNumber, bool? needEmail, bool? needShippingAddress, bool? sendPhoneNumberToProvider, bool? sendEmailToProvider, bool? isFlexible, bool? disableNotification, bool? protectContent, InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup, ReplyParameters? replyParameters, String? messageEffectId}) Future<Message>
Send invoice to the chat
sendTyping() Future<bool>
Context aware method for send "Typing..." action: APIMethod.sendChatAction.
setChatAdministratorCustomTitle(int userId, String customTitle) Future<bool>
Set the chat administrator custom title.
setChatAdministratorCustomTitleOfAuthor(String customTitle) Future<bool>
Set the chat administrator custom title of the author of the message.
setChatDescription(String description) Future<bool>
Context aware method for set chat description APIMethod.setChatDescription.
setChatMenuButton(MenuButton menuButton) Future<bool>
Set the bot's menu button for this chat (must be a private chat).
setChatPermissions(ChatPermissions permissions, {bool? useIndependentChatPermissions}) Future<bool>
Set the chat permissions.
setChatPhoto(InputFile photo) Future<bool>
Set the chat photo.
setChatStickerSet(String stickerSetName) Future<bool>
Context aware method for set chat sticker set APIMethod.setChatStickerSet.
setChatTitle(String title) Future<bool>
Context aware method for set chat title APIMethod.setChatTitle.
setMyCommands(List<BotCommand> commands, {BotCommandScope? scope, String? languageCode}) Future<bool>
Change the list of bot's commands.
setMyDefaultAdministratorRights(ChatAdministratorRights? rights, bool? forChannels) Future<bool>
Set bot's default administrator rights
setMyDescription({String? description, String? languageCode}) Future<bool>
Set my description
setMyName({String? name, String? languageCode}) Future<bool>
Set my name
setMyShortDescription({String? shortDescription, String? languageCode}) Future<bool>
Set my short description
stopInlineMessageLiveLocation({InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup}) Future<bool>
Context aware method for stopping live location of inline message: APIMethod.stopMessageLiveLocation.
stopMessageLiveLocation({InlineKeyboardMarkup? replyMarkup}) Future<Message>
Context aware method for stopping live location of message: APIMethod.stopMessageLiveLocation.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unbanAuthor({bool? onlyIfBanned}) Future<bool>
Unban the author of the message. This method will unban the author of the message in the current context.
unbanChatMember(int userId, {bool? onlyIfBanned}) Future<bool>
Context aware method for unbanning a user: APIMethod.unbanChatMember.
unhideGeneralForumTopic() Future<bool>
Context aware method for unhiding the general forum topic APIMethod.unhideGeneralForumTopic.
unpinAllForumTopicMessages({int? messageThreadId}) Future<bool>
Context aware method for unpinning all forum topic messages APIMethod.unpinAllForumTopicMessages.
unpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages() Future<bool>
Context aware method for unpinning all general forum topic messages APIMethod.unpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages.
unpinAllMessages() Future<bool>
Unpin all messages in the chat.
unpinChatMessage(int messageId) Future<bool>
Context aware method for unpin chat message APIMethod.unpinChatMessage.
unpinThisMessage() Future<bool>
Context aware method for unpin the current message APIMethod.unpinChatMessage. This will unpin the message in the current context.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.