APIMethod enum

Method - these are the available methods in the Telegram Bot API.



getUpdates → const APIMethod

Get Updates - returns the updates

const APIMethod._("getUpdates")
setWebhook → const APIMethod

Set Webhook - sets the webhook

const APIMethod._("setWebhook")
deleteWebhook → const APIMethod

Delete Webhook - deletes the webhook

const APIMethod._("deleteWebhook")
getMe → const APIMethod

Get Me - returns the bot's information

const APIMethod._("getMe")
logOut → const APIMethod

Log Out - logs the bot out

const APIMethod._("logOut")
close → const APIMethod

Close - closes the bot

const APIMethod._("close")
sendMessage → const APIMethod

Send Message - sends a message

const APIMethod._("sendMessage")
forwardMessage → const APIMethod

Forward Message - forwards a message

const APIMethod._("forwardMessage")
copyMessage → const APIMethod

Copy Message - copies a message

const APIMethod._("copyMessage")
sendPhoto → const APIMethod

Send Photo - sends a photo

const APIMethod._("sendPhoto")
sendAudio → const APIMethod

Send Audio - sends an audio

const APIMethod._("sendAudio")
sendDocument → const APIMethod

Send Document - sends a document

const APIMethod._("sendDocument")
sendVideo → const APIMethod

Send Video - sends a video

const APIMethod._("sendVideo")
sendAnimation → const APIMethod

Send Animation - sends an animation

const APIMethod._("sendAnimation")
sendVoice → const APIMethod

Send Voice - sends a voice

const APIMethod._("sendVoice")
sendVideoNote → const APIMethod

Send Video Note - sends a video note

const APIMethod._("sendVideoNote")
sendMediaGroup → const APIMethod

Send Media Group - sends a media group

const APIMethod._("sendMediaGroup")
sendLocation → const APIMethod

Send Location - sends a location

const APIMethod._("sendLocation")
sendVenue → const APIMethod

Send Venue - sends a venue

const APIMethod._("sendVenue")
sendContact → const APIMethod

Send Contact - sends a contact

const APIMethod._("sendContact")
sendPoll → const APIMethod

Send Poll - sends a poll

const APIMethod._("sendPoll")
sendDice → const APIMethod

Send Dice - sends a dice

const APIMethod._("sendDice")
sendChatAction → const APIMethod

Send Chat Action - sends a chat action

const APIMethod._("sendChatAction")
getUserProfilePhotos → const APIMethod

Get User Profile Photos - gets a user's profile photos

const APIMethod._("getUserProfilePhotos")
getFile → const APIMethod

Get File - gets a file

const APIMethod._("getFile")
banChatMember → const APIMethod

Kick Chat Member - kicks a chat member

const APIMethod._("banChatMember")
unbanChatMember → const APIMethod

Unban Chat Member - unbans a chat member

const APIMethod._("unbanChatMember")
restrictChatMember → const APIMethod

Restrict Chat Member - restricts a chat member

const APIMethod._("restrictChatMember")
promoteChatMember → const APIMethod

Promote Chat Member - promotes a chat member

const APIMethod._("promoteChatMember")
setChatAdministratorCustomTitle → const APIMethod

Set Chat Administrator Custom Title - sets a chat administrator's custom title

const APIMethod._("setChatAdministratorCustomTitle")
banChatSenderChat → const APIMethod

Ban Chat Sender Chat - bans a chat sender chat

const APIMethod._("banChatSenderChat")
unbanChatSenderChat → const APIMethod

Unban Chat Sender Chat - unbans a chat sender chat

const APIMethod._("unbanChatSenderChat")
setChatPermissions → const APIMethod

Set Chat Permissions - sets a chat's permissions

const APIMethod._("setChatPermissions")

Export Chat Invite Link - exports a chat's invite link

const APIMethod._("exportChatInviteLink")

Create Chat Invite Link - creates a chat's invite link

const APIMethod._("createChatInviteLink")

Edit Chat Invite Link - edits a chat's invite link

const APIMethod._("editChatInviteLink")

Revoke Chat Invite Link - revokes a chat's invite link

const APIMethod._("revokeChatInviteLink")
approveChatJoinRequest → const APIMethod

Approve Chat Join Request - approves a chat's join request

const APIMethod._("approveChatJoinRequest")
declineChatJoinRequest → const APIMethod

Decline Chat Join Request - declines a chat's join request

const APIMethod._("declineChatJoinRequest")
setChatPhoto → const APIMethod

Set Chat Photo - sets a chat's photo

const APIMethod._("setChatPhoto")
deleteChatPhoto → const APIMethod

Delete Chat Photo - deletes a chat's photo

const APIMethod._("deleteChatPhoto")
setChatTitle → const APIMethod

Set Chat Title - sets a chat's title

const APIMethod._("setChatTitle")
setChatDescription → const APIMethod

Set Chat Description - sets a chat's description

const APIMethod._("setChatDescription")
pinChatMessage → const APIMethod

Pin Chat Message - pins a chat message

const APIMethod._("pinChatMessage")
unpinChatMessage → const APIMethod

Unpin Chat Message - unpins a chat message

const APIMethod._("unpinChatMessage")
unpinAllChatMessages → const APIMethod

Unpin All Chat Messages - unpins all chat messages

const APIMethod._("unpinAllChatMessages")
leaveChat → const APIMethod

Leave Chat - leaves a chat

const APIMethod._("leaveChat")
getChat → const APIMethod

Get Chat - gets a chat

const APIMethod._("getChat")
getChatAdministrators → const APIMethod

Get Chat Administrators - gets a chat's administrators

const APIMethod._("getChatAdministrators")
getChatMemberCount → const APIMethod

Get Chat Member Count - gets a chat's member count

const APIMethod._("getChatMemberCount")
getChatMember → const APIMethod

Get Chat Member - gets a chat member

const APIMethod._("getChatMember")
setChatStickerSet → const APIMethod

Set Chat Sticker Set - sets a chat's sticker set

const APIMethod._("setChatStickerSet")
deleteChatStickerSet → const APIMethod

Delete Chat Sticker Set - deletes a chat's sticker set

const APIMethod._("deleteChatStickerSet")
getForumTopicIconStickers → const APIMethod

Get Forum Topic Icon Stickers - gets a forum topic's icon stickers

const APIMethod._("getForumTopicIconStickers")
createForumTopic → const APIMethod

Create Forum Topic - creates a forum topic

const APIMethod._("createForumTopic")
editForumTopic → const APIMethod

Edit Forum Topic - edits a forum topic

const APIMethod._("editForumTopic")
closeForumTopic → const APIMethod

Close Forum Topic - closes a forum topic

const APIMethod._("closeForumTopic")
reopenForumTopic → const APIMethod

Reopen Forum Topic - reopens a forum topic

const APIMethod._("reopenForumTopic")
deleteForumTopic → const APIMethod

Delete Forum Topic - deletes a forum topic

const APIMethod._("deleteForumTopic")
unpinAllForumTopicMessages → const APIMethod

Unpin All Forum Topic Messages - unpins all forum topic messages

const APIMethod._("unpinAllForumTopicMessages")
editGeneralForumTopic → const APIMethod

Edit General Forum Topic - edits a general forum topic

const APIMethod._("editGeneralForumTopic")
closeGeneralForumTopic → const APIMethod

Close General Forum Topic - closes a general forum topic

const APIMethod._("closeGeneralForumTopic")
reopenGeneralForumTopic → const APIMethod

Reopen General Forum Topic - reopens a general forum topic

const APIMethod._("reopenGeneralForumTopic")
hideGeneralForumTopic → const APIMethod

Hide General Forum Topic - hides a general forum topic

const APIMethod._("hideGeneralForumTopic")
unhideGeneralForumTopic → const APIMethod

Unhide General Forum Topic - unhides a general forum topic

const APIMethod._("unhideGeneralForumTopic")
answerCallbackQuery → const APIMethod

Answer Callback Query - answers a callback query

const APIMethod._("answerCallbackQuery")
setMyCommands → const APIMethod

Set My Commands - sets a bot's commands

const APIMethod._("setMyCommands")
deleteMyCommands → const APIMethod

Delete My Commands - deletes a bot's commands

const APIMethod._("deleteMyCommands")
getMyCommands → const APIMethod

Get My Commands - gets a bot's commands

const APIMethod._("getMyCommands")
setMyName → const APIMethod

Set My Name - sets a bot's name

const APIMethod._("setMyName")
getMyName → const APIMethod

Get My Name - gets a bot's name

const APIMethod._("getMyName")
setMyDescription → const APIMethod

Set My Description - sets a bot's description

const APIMethod._("setMyDescription")
getMyDescription → const APIMethod

Get My Description - gets a bot's description

const APIMethod._("getMyDescription")
setMyShortDescription → const APIMethod

Set My Short Description - sets a bot's short description

const APIMethod._("setMyShortDescription")
getMyShortDescription → const APIMethod

Get My Short Description - gets a bot's short description

const APIMethod._("getMyShortDescription")
setChatMenuButton → const APIMethod

Set Chat Menu Button - sets a chat's menu button

const APIMethod._("setChatMenuButton")
getChatMenuButton → const APIMethod

Get Chat Menu Button - gets a chat's menu button

const APIMethod._("getChatMenuButton")
setMyDefaultAdministratorRights → const APIMethod

Set My Default Administrator Rights - sets a bot's default administrator rights

const APIMethod._("setMyDefaultAdministratorRights")
getMyDefaultAdministratorRights → const APIMethod

Get My Default Administrator Rights - gets a bot's default administrator rights

const APIMethod._("getMyDefaultAdministratorRights")
editMessageText → const APIMethod

Edit Message Text - edits a message's text

const APIMethod._("editMessageText")
editMessageCaption → const APIMethod

Edit Message Caption - edits a message's caption

const APIMethod._("editMessageCaption")
editMessageMedia → const APIMethod

Edit Message Media - edits a message's media

const APIMethod._("editMessageMedia")
editMessageLiveLocation → const APIMethod

Edit Message Live Location - edits a message's live location

const APIMethod._("editMessageLiveLocation")
stopMessageLiveLocation → const APIMethod

Stop Message Live Location - stops a message's live location

const APIMethod._("stopMessageLiveLocation")
editMessageReplyMarkup → const APIMethod

Edit Message Reply Markup - edits a message's reply markup

const APIMethod._("editMessageReplyMarkup")
stopPoll → const APIMethod

Stop Poll - stops a poll

const APIMethod._("stopPoll")
deleteMessage → const APIMethod

Delete Message - deletes a message

const APIMethod._("deleteMessage")
sendSticker → const APIMethod

Send Sticker - sends a sticker

const APIMethod._("sendSticker")
getStickerSet → const APIMethod

Get Sticker Set - gets a sticker set

const APIMethod._("getStickerSet")
getCustomEmojiStickers → const APIMethod

Get Custom Emoji Stickers - gets custom emoji stickers

const APIMethod._("getCustomEmojiStickers")
uploadStickerFile → const APIMethod

Upload Sticker File - uploads a sticker file

const APIMethod._("uploadStickerFile")
createNewStickerSet → const APIMethod

Create New Sticker Set - creates a new sticker set

const APIMethod._("createNewStickerSet")
addStickerToSet → const APIMethod

Add Sticker To Set - adds a sticker to a set

const APIMethod._("addStickerToSet")
setStickerPositionInSet → const APIMethod

Set Sticker Position In Set - sets a sticker's position in a set

const APIMethod._("setStickerPositionInSet")
deleteStickerFromSet → const APIMethod

Delete Sticker From Set - deletes a sticker from a set

const APIMethod._("deleteStickerFromSet")
setStickerEmojiList → const APIMethod

Set Sticker Emoji List - sets a sticker's emoji list

const APIMethod._("setStickerEmojiList")
setStickerKeywords → const APIMethod

Set Sticker Keywords - sets a sticker's keywords

const APIMethod._("setStickerKeywords")
setStickerMaskPosition → const APIMethod

Set Sticker Mask Position - sets a sticker's mask position

const APIMethod._("setStickerMaskPosition")
setStickerSetTitle → const APIMethod

Set STicker Set Title - sets a sticker set's title

const APIMethod._("setStickerSetTitle")
setStickerSetThumbnail → const APIMethod

Set Sticker Set Thumbnail - sets a sticker set's thumbnail

const APIMethod._("setStickerSetThumbnail")
setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail → const APIMethod

Set Custom Emoji Sticker Set Thumbnail - sets a custom emoji sticker set's thumbnail

const APIMethod._("setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail")
deleteStickerSet → const APIMethod

Delete Sticker Set - deletes a sticker set

const APIMethod._("deleteStickerSet")
answerInlineQuery → const APIMethod

Answer Inline Query - answers an inline query

const APIMethod._("answerInlineQuery")
answerWebAppQuery → const APIMethod

Answer Web App Query - answers a web app query

const APIMethod._("answerWebAppQuery")
sendInvoice → const APIMethod

Send Invoice - sends an invoice

const APIMethod._("sendInvoice")

Create Invoice Link - creates an invoice link

const APIMethod._("createInvoiceLink")
answerShippingQuery → const APIMethod

Answer Shipping Query - answers a shipping query

const APIMethod._("answerShippingQuery")
answerPreCheckoutQuery → const APIMethod

Answer Pre Checkout Query - answers a pre checkout query

const APIMethod._("answerPreCheckoutQuery")
setPassportDataErrors → const APIMethod

Set Passport Data Errors - sets passport data errors

const APIMethod._("setPassportDataErrors")
sendGame → const APIMethod

Send Game - sends a game

const APIMethod._("sendGame")
setGameScore → const APIMethod

Set Game Score - sets a game's score

const APIMethod._("setGameScore")
getGameHighScores → const APIMethod

Get Game High Scores - gets a game's high scores

const APIMethod._("getGameHighScores")
setMessageReaction → const APIMethod

Set Message Reaction

const APIMethod._("setMessageReaction")
deleteMessages → const APIMethod

Delete Messages

const APIMethod._("deleteMessages")
forwardMessages → const APIMethod

Forward Messages

const APIMethod._("forwardMessages")
copyMessages → const APIMethod

Copy Messages

const APIMethod._("copyMessages")
getUserChatBoosts → const APIMethod

Get User Chat Boosts - gets a user's active chat boosts

const APIMethod._("getUserChatBoosts")
getWebhookInfo → const APIMethod

Get Webhook Info - returns the webhook info

const APIMethod._("getWebhookInfo")
setInlineGameScore → const APIMethod

Set Inline Game Score - sets an inline game's score

const APIMethod._("setInlineGameScore")
unpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages → const APIMethod

Unpin All General Forum Topic Messages - unpins all general forum topic messages

const APIMethod._("unpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages")
getChatMembersCount → const APIMethod

Get Chat Members Count - gets a chat's member count

const APIMethod._("getChatMembersCount")
getBusinessConnection → const APIMethod

To get information about the connection of the bot with a business account

const APIMethod._("getBusinessConnection")
replaceStickerInSet → const APIMethod

To replace an exsiting sticker in a sticker pack

const APIMethod._("replaceStickerInSet")
refundStarPayment → const APIMethod

To refunds a successful payment in Telegram Stars.

const APIMethod._("refundStarPayment")


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
name String
The name of the method.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

sendMethods List<APIMethod>
List of API methods that are used to send messages of any kind.
no setter

Static Methods

isExistingMethod(String name) bool
Is exisiting method
method(String path) APIMethod
Get API Method from path


values → const List<APIMethod>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.