Bot class

Televerse This class is used to create a new bot instance. The bot instance is used to send and receive messages.

You can use the token to create a new bot instance. You can also pass a fetcher to the constructor. The fetcher is used to fetch updates from the Telegram servers. By default, the bot uses long polling to fetch updates. You can also use webhooks to fetch updates.

Create a new bot instance:

import 'package:televerse/televerse.dart';

void main() {
 final bot = Bot("YOUR_BOT_TOKEN");
Available Extensions


Bot(String token, {Fetcher? fetcher, String baseURL = RawAPI.defaultBase, APIScheme scheme = APIScheme.https, LoggerOptions? loggerOptions, Duration? timeout})
Create a new bot instance.
Bot.fromAPI(RawAPI api, {Fetcher? fetcher})
Constructs a Bot instance from the passed RawAPI instance.
Bot.local(String token, {Fetcher? fetcher, String baseURL = "localhost:8081", APIScheme scheme = APIScheme.http, LoggerOptions? loggerOptions, Duration? timeout})
Televerse local constructor. This constructor is used to create a bot instance that listens to a local Bot API server.


api RawAPI
Raw API - gives you access to all the methods of Telegram Bot API.
no setter
fetcher Fetcher
The fetcher - used to fetch updates from the Telegram servers.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
initialized bool
Whether the is filled
no setter
isLocal bool
A flag that indicates whether the Bot API is running locally or not.
me User
Get information about the bot.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
timeout Duration?
The timeout duration for the requests.
token String
The bot token.
updatesStream Stream<Update>
Stream of Update objects.
no setter


attachMenu(TeleverseMenu menu) → void
Attach an Inline Menu.
callbackQuery(Pattern data, Handler callback, {RegExp? regex, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for a callback query.
chatJoinRequest(ID chatId, Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for the Update.chatJoinRequest events of the particular chat mentioned by the chatId.
chatMember(Handler callback, {ChatMemberStatus? oldStatus, ChatMemberStatus? newStatus, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for the Update.chatMember events.
chatType(ChatType type, Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for particular chat types. The callback will be called when a message is received that is from a chat of the specified type.
chatTypes(List<ChatType> types, Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for multiple chat types. The callback will be called when a message is received that is from one of the specified chat types.
chosenInlineResult(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for the Update.chosenInlineResult events. The callback will be called when a chosen inline result is received.
command(Pattern command, Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for a command. The command must be without the leading slash.
entities(List<MessageEntityType> types, Handler callback, {bool shouldMatchCaptionEntities = false, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contains the specified entity types. The callback will be called when a message is received that contains the specified entity types.
entity(MessageEntityType type, Handler callback, {bool shouldMatchCaptionEntities = false, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contains the specified entity type.
filter(bool predicate(Context ctx), Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for a message that matches the specified filter.
getMe() Future<User>
Get information about the bot.
handleUpdate(Update update) → void
To manually handle updates without fetcher
hears(RegExp exp, Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for a message that contains a text that matches the specified regular expression. The callback will be called when a message is received that contains a text that matches the specified regular expression.
help(Handler handler, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for the /help command.
inlineQuery(Pattern query, Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for inline queries.
myChatMember({required Handler callback, ChatMemberStatus? oldStatus, ChatMemberStatus? newStatus, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for the Update.myChatMember events.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onAnimation(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when an animation is sent
onAudio(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contain an audio.
onBusinessConnection(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when a connection of the bot with a business account is made.
onBusinessMessage(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers callback to be fired when a new message is received in a business account connected to the bot.
onBusinessMessageDeleted(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when a business message is deleted.
onBusinessMessageEdited(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when a business message is edited.
onCallbackQuery(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Callback Query updates
onCaption(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when a message with caption is received.
onChannelPost(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Channel Post updates
onChatBoosted(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for when the chat was boosted.
onChatBoostRemoved(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when the chat boost was removed.
onChatJoinRequest(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Chat Join Request updates
onChatMember(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Chat Member updates
onChatShared(Handler callback, {ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for a chat is shared to the bot
onChosenInlineResult(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Chosen Inline Result updates
onCommand(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Register a callback for any command.
onContact(Handler callback, {ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contain a contact.
onDeleteChatPhoto(Handler callback, {ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for delete chat photo service messages.
onDice(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contain a dice.
onDocument(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contain a document.
onEditedChannelPost(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Edited Channel Post updates
onEditedMessage(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Edited Message updates
onEmail(Handler callback, {bool shouldMatchCaptionEntities = false, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Sets up a callback for when a message with email is received.
onError(void handler(BotError err)) → void
Registers a callback for any unexpected error.
onForumTopicClosed(Handler callback, {ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when a forum topic is closed
onForumTopicCreated(Handler callback, {ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when a forum topic is created
onForumTopicEdited(Handler callback, {ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when a forum topic is edited
onForumTopicReopened(Handler callback, {ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when a forum topic is reopened
onGame(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contain a game.
onHashtag(Handler callback, {bool shouldMatchCaptionEntities = false, String? hashtag, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Sets up a callback for when a message with hashtag is received.
onInlineQuery(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Inline Query updates
onLiveLocation(Handler callback, {ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that is a live location update.
onLocation(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contains a location.
onMention(Handler callback, {String? username, int? userId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Sets up a callback for when a mention is occurred. Optionally, you can pass the username parameter or userId parameter to only receive updates for a specific user.
onMessage(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Message updates
onMessageReaction(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Register a callback when a reaction to a message was changed by a user.
onMessageReactionCount(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Reactions to a message with anonymous reactions were changed.
onMyChatMember(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all My Chat Member updates
onNewChatPhoto(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for new chat photo service messages.
onNewChatTitle(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for new chat title service messages.
onPhoneNumber(Handler callback, {bool shouldMatchCaptionEntities = false, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Sets up a callback for when a message with phone number is received.
onPhoto(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contain a photo.
onPinnedMessage(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for pinned message service messages.
onPoll(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Poll updates
onPollAnswer(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Poll Answer updates
onPollMessage(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contain a poll.
onPreCheckoutQuery(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Pre Checkout Query updates
onShippingQuery(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for all Shipping Query updates
onSticker(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contain a sticker.
onStop(void callback()) → void
Registers a callback when the the bot is stopped.
onSuccessfulPayment(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired for all successful payments
onText(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when a text message is received.
onURL(Handler callback, {bool shouldMatchCaptionEntities = false, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Sets up a callback for when a message with URL is received.
onUsrShared(Handler callback, {ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for a user is shared to the bot
onVenue(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contain a venue.
onVideo(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contain a video.
onVideoNote(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contain a video note.
onVoice(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for messages that contain a voice note.
onWebAppData(Handler callback, {ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when data sent from a web app is received
poll(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for the Update.poll events.
pollAnswer(Handler callback, {String? pollId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for the Update.pollAnswer events.
preCheckoutQuery(ChatID chatId, Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for Pre Checkout Query events.
removeMenu(TeleverseMenu menu) → void
Remove an Inline Menu.
removeScope(String name) bool
Removes an already added listener by name
setNextStep(Message msg, Handler callback, ScopeOptions? options) → void
Next step handler
settings(Handler handler, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for the /settings command.
shippingQuery(ID chatId, Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for Shipping Query events for the specified User.
start([Handler? handler, bool isServerless = false]) Future<void>
Start polling for updates.
stop({bool shouldCloseHttpClient = true}) Future<void>
Stop listening for updates.
text(String text, Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for a message that contains a text. The callback will be called when a message is received that contains a particular text.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
whenMentioned(Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
This method sets up a callback to be fired when the bot is mentioned.
whenReacted(String emoji, Handler callback, {ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when a user reacts given emoji to a message.
whenVideoChatEnded(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for a video chat is ended
whenVideoChatParticipantsInvited(Handler callback, {ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback to be fired when new participants are invited to a video chat
whenVideoChatScheduled(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for a video chat is scheduled
whenVideoChatStarted(Handler callback, {bool includeChannelPosts = false, bool onlyChannelPosts = false, ID? chatId, ScopeOptions? options}) → void
Registers a callback for a video chat is started


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance Bot
Get the bot instance.
no setter