TauRecorder class

A Recorder is an object that can record from various sources.

Using a recorder is very simple :

  1. Create a new TauRecorder

  2. Open it with open()

  3. Start your recording with record().

  4. Use the various verbs (optional):

  5. Stop your recorder : stop()

  6. Release your recorder when you have finished with it : close(). This verb will call stop() if necessary.


TauRecorder({Level logLevel = Level.debug})
Instanciate a new Flutter Sound Recorder. The optional paramater Level logLevel specify the Logger Level you are interested by.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isPaused bool
True if recorderState.isPaused
no setter
isRecording bool
True if recorderState.isRecording
no setter
isStopped bool
True if recorderState.isStopped
no setter
logger → Logger
The TauRecorder Logger getter
no setter
onProgress Stream<RecordingDisposition>?
A stream on which FlutterSound will post the recorder progression. You may listen to this Stream to have feedback on the current recording.
no setter
recorderState → RecorderState
The current state of the Recorder
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


close() Future<void>
Close a Recorder
deleteRecord({required String fileName}) Future<bool?>
Delete a temporary file
getRecordURL({required String path}) Future<String?>
Get the URI of a recorded file.
isEncoderSupported(TauCodec codec) Future<bool>
Returns true if the specified encoder is supported by flutter_sound on this platform.
log(Level logLevel, String msg) → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
open({required InputDeviceNode from, required OutputNode to}) Future<TauRecorder?>
Open a Recorder
pause() Future<void>
Pause the recorder
record() Future<void>
startRecorder() starts recording with an open session.
resume() Future<void>
Resume a paused Recorder
setLogLevel(Level aLevel) Future<void>
Used if the App wants to dynamically change the Log Level. Seldom used. Most of the time the Log Level is specified during the constructor.
setSubscriptionDuration(Duration duration) Future<void>
Sets the frequency at which duration updates are sent to duration listeners.
stop() Future<void>
Stop a record.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.