minRadius property

double minRadius

Minimum radius of the bubble.

The radius of the bubble depends on the value returned in the MapShapeSource.bubbleSizeMapper. From all the returned values, the lowest value will have minRadius and the highest value will have maxRadius.

late List<Model> _data;
late MapShapeSource _mapSource;

 void initState() {

   _data = <Model>[
    Model('India', 280, "Low"),
    Model('United States of America', 190, "High"),
    Model('Pakistan', 37, "Low"),

   _mapSource = MapShapeSource.asset(
     shapeDataField: "name",
     dataCount: _data.length,
     primaryValueMapper: (int index) {
       return _data[index].country;
     bubbleSizeMapper: (int index) {
       return _data[index].count;

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return SfMaps(
     layers: [
         source: _mapSource,
         bubbleSettings: MapBubbleSettings(maxRadius: 10, minRadius: 2),

class Model {
 const Model(this.country, this.count, this.storage);

 final String country;
 final double count;
 final String storage;


final double minRadius;