gauges library
Syncfusion flutter gauges library includes data visualization widgets such as radial gauge, which is used to create modern, interactive, and animated gauges that are used to craft high-quality mobile app user interfaces using Flutter.
To use, import package:syncfusion_flutter_gauges/gauges.dart
See also:
- AxisLabelCreatedArgs
- Returns the AxisLabelCreatedArgs used by the RadialAxis.onLabelCreated event.
- AxisLineStyle
- Create the style of axis line.
- CircularAxisLabel
- Holds the axis label information.
- GaugeAnnotation
- RadialAxis allows to add widgets such as text and image as an annotation to a specific point of interest in the radial gauge.
- GaugeAxisRenderer
- Represents the renderer for gauge axis
- GaugePointer
- GaugePointer has properties for customizing gauge pointers.
- GaugeRange
- Create the range to add a color bar in the gauge.
- GaugeTextStyle
- This class has the property of the guage text style.
- GaugeTitle
- Title of the gauge.
- KnobStyle
- A style in which draw needle pointer knob.
- LinearAxisLabel
- This class represents the linear axis label.
- LinearAxisTrackStyle
- LinearAxisTrackStyle has properties for customizing the axis track.
- LinearBarPointer
- LinearBarPointer has properties for customizing the linear gauge bar pointer.
- LinearGaugeRange
- LinearGaugeRange has properties for customizing linear gauge range.
- LinearMarkerPointer
- LinearMarkerPointer has properties for customizing linear gauge pointers.
- LinearShapePointer
- LinearShapePointer has properties for customizing the shape marker pointer.
- LinearTickStyle
- Ticks style for the linear axis.
- LinearWidgetPointer
- LinearMarkerPointer has properties for customizing widget marker pointer.
- MajorTickStyle
- Create the style of axis major tick.
- MarkerPointer
- Create the pointer to indicate the value with built-in shape.
- MarkerPointerRenderer
- The MarkerPointerRenderer has methods to render marker pointer
- MinorTickStyle
- Create the style of axis minor tick.
- NeedlePointer
- Create the pointer to indicate the value with needle or arrow shape.
- NeedlePointerRenderer
- The NeedlePointerRenderer has methods to render marker pointer
- PointerPaintingDetails
- Details for the drawPointer method, such as the location of the pointer, the angle, and the radius needed to draw the pointer.
- RadialAxis
- The RadialAxis is a circular arc in which a set of values are displayed along a linear or custom scale based on the design requirements.
- RadialAxisRenderer
- Represents the renderer for radial axis
- RangePointer
- Create the pointer to indicate the value with rounded range bar arc.
- RenderLinearPointerBase
- Represents the render object base class for shape and widget pointer.
- SfLinearGauge
- Creates a linear gauge widget to displays the values on a linear scale. It has a rich set of features such as axis, ranges, and pointers that are fully customizable and extendable.
- SfRadialGauge
- Create a radial gauge widget to displays numerical values on a circular scale. It has a rich set of features such as axes, ranges, pointers, and annotations that are fully customizable and extendable. Use it to create speedometers, temperature monitors, dashboards, meter gauges, multi axis clocks, watches, activity gauges, compasses, and more.
- SfRadialGaugeState
- Represents the radial gauge state
- TailStyle
- Style for drawing pointer's tail.
- ValueChangingArgs
- Returns the ValueChangingArgs used by the GaugePointer.onValueChanging event
- WidgetPointer
- Create the pointer to indicate the value with built-in shape.
- AnimationType
- Apply the different types of animation to pointer.
- CornerStyle
- Apply the corner style for range pointer.
- ElementsPosition
- Position the gauge element either inside or outside the axis.
- GaugeAlignment
- A alignment along either the horizontal or vertical.
- GaugeSizeUnit
- Size determined either the logical pixel or the radius factor.
- LinearAnimationType
- Apply the different types of animation to pointer.
- LinearEdgeStyle
- Apply the edge style for range pointer.
- LinearElementPosition
- Apply the different element position based on Axis.
- LinearGaugeOrientation
- Orientation of the linear gauge.
- LinearLabelPosition
- Apply the different label position based on Axis.
- LinearMarkerAlignment
- Apply the different pointer alignment based on Axis.
- LinearMarkerDragBehavior
- Apply the different drag behavior for marker pointers.
- LinearRangeShapeType
- Apply the shape style for range element.
- LinearShapePointerType
- Apply the different marker pointer.
- MarkerType
- Apply the different marker type for pointer.
- FactorToValueCallback = double Function(double factor)
- Signature used by SfLinearGauge for factor to value.
GaugeAxisRenderer> = GaugeAxisRenderer Function() - Signature for the callback that reports the custom renderer has been extended and set to the gauge axis
= List<
LinearAxisLabel> Function() - Signature used by SfLinearGauge to build a representation of the custom labels.
- LabelFormatterCallback = String Function(String value)
- Signature used by SfLinearGauge for label formatting.
MarkerPointerRenderer> = MarkerPointerRenderer Function() - Signature for the callback that reports the custom renderer has been extended and set to the marker pointer
NeedlePointerRenderer> = NeedlePointerRenderer Function() - Signature for the callback that report the custom renderer has been extended and set to the needle pointer
- ValueToFactorCallback = double Function(double value)
- Signature used by SfLinearGauge for value to factor.