StreamMap<K, V> class

StreamMap wraps a Map and adds functionality to each relevant method to notify any subscribed listeners of changes made to the map.

Implemented types


StreamMap({Map<K, V>? value, OnUpdate<Map<K, V>>? onUpdate, OnEvent<CollectionEvent<K, V>>? onEvent, OnChange<CollectionChangeEvent<K, V>>? onChange})
StreamMap wraps a Map and adds functionality to each relevant method to notify any subscribed listeners of changes made to the map.
StreamMap.from(Map<K, V> other, {OnUpdate<Map<K, V>>? onUpdate, OnEvent<CollectionEvent<K, V>>? onEvent, OnChange<CollectionChangeEvent<K, V>>? onChange})
Creates a StreamMap wrapped around a LinkedHashMap instance that contains all key/value pairs of other.
StreamMap.fromEntries(Iterable<MapEntry<K, V>> entries, {OnUpdate<Map<K, V>>? onUpdate, OnEvent<CollectionEvent<K, V>>? onEvent, OnChange<CollectionChangeEvent<K, V>>? onChange})
Creates a new StreamMap where all entries of entries have been added in iteration order.
StreamMap.fromIterable(Iterable iterable, {_Compute<K>? key, _Compute<V>? value, OnUpdate<Map<K, V>>? onUpdate, OnEvent<CollectionEvent<K, V>>? onEvent, OnChange<CollectionChangeEvent<K, V>>? onChange})
Creates a StreamMap in which the keys and values are computed from the iterable.
StreamMap.fromIterables(Iterable<K> keys, Iterable<V> values, {OnUpdate<Map<K, V>>? onUpdate, OnEvent<CollectionEvent<K, V>>? onEvent, OnChange<CollectionChangeEvent<K, V>>? onChange})
Creates a StreamMap that wraps a Map instance associating the given keys to values.
StreamMap.identity({OnUpdate<Map<K, V>>? onUpdate, OnEvent<CollectionEvent<K, V>>? onEvent, OnChange<CollectionChangeEvent<K, V>>? onChange})
Creates a StreamMap that wraps an identity map with the default implementation, LinkedHashMap.
StreamMap.of(Map<K, V> other, {OnUpdate<Map<K, V>>? onUpdate, OnEvent<CollectionEvent<K, V>>? onEvent, OnChange<CollectionChangeEvent<K, V>>? onChange})
Creates a StreamMap wrapped around a LinkedHashMap with the same keys and values as other.


entries Iterable<MapEntry<K, V>>
The map entries of this.
no setteroverride
hasChangeEvent bool
Returns true if there are any active change listeners or if onChange is set.
no setterinherited
hasChangeListener bool
Returns true if there are any active change listeners.
no setterinherited
hasEvent bool
Returns true if there are any active event listeners or if onEvent is set.
no setterinherited
hasEventListener bool
Returns true if there are any active event listeners.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListener bool
Returns true if there are any active listeners.
no setterinherited
hasUpdate bool
Returns true if there are any active update listeners or if onUpdate is set.
no setterinherited
isEmpty bool
Whether there is no key/value pair in the map.
no setteroverride
isNotEmpty bool
Whether there is at least one key/value pair in the map.
no setteroverride
isObserved bool
Returns true if there are any active listeners or if onUpdate is not null.
no setterinherited
keys Iterable<K>
The keys of this.
no setteroverride
length int
The number of key/value pairs in the map.
no setteroverride
numberOfChangeListeners int
Returns the number of active change listeners.
no setterinherited
numberOfEventListeners int
Returns the number of active event listeners.
no setterinherited
numberOfListeners int
Returns the number of active listeners.
no setterinherited
onChange ↔ OnChange<CollectionChangeEvent<K, V>>?
A synchronous event called individually for every element added, removed, or updated in the collection.
getter/setter pairinherited
onEvent ↔ OnEvent<CollectionEvent<K, V>>?
Called when an element is added, removed, or updated in the list/map before onUpdate is called and before the listeners are notified of the new value.
getter/setter pairinherited
onUpdate ↔ OnUpdate<Map<K, V>>?
Called after value is updated, before the listeners are notified.
getter/setter pairinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
value Map<K, V>
The value being observed.
getter/setter pairinherited
values Iterable<V>
The values of this.
no setteroverride
wasDisposed bool
Set to true when dispose is called.
getter/setter pairinherited


addAll(Map<K, V> other, {bool notifyListeners = true}) → void
Adds all key/value pairs of other to this map.
addChangeListener(OnChange<CollectionChangeEvent<K, V>> onChange) StreamSubscription<CollectionChangeEvent<K, V>>
Registers a new StreamSubscription that provides a CollectionChangeEvent denoting when an element has been added, removed, or updated in the collection.
addEntries(Iterable<MapEntry<K, V>> newEntries, {bool notifyListeners = true}) → void
Adds all key/value pairs of newEntries to this map.
addEventListener(OnEvent<CollectionEvent<K, V>> onEvent) StreamSubscription<CollectionEvent<K, V>>
Registers a new StreamSubscription that provides a CollectionEvent denoting when any elements have been added, removed, or updated in the collection.
addListener(OnUpdate<Map<K, V>> onUpdate) StreamSubscription<Map<K, V>>
Creates, stores and returns a listener.
cast<RK, RV>() Map<RK, RV>
Provides a view of this map as having RK keys and RV instances, if necessary.
clear({bool notifyListeners = true}) → void
Removes all entries from the map.
containsKey(Object? key) bool
Whether this map contains the given key.
containsValue(Object? value) bool
Whether this map contains the given value.
dispose() → void
Cancels any active listeners and closes the stream.
forEach(_ForEach<K, V> f) → void
Applies action to each key/value pair of the map.
map<K2, V2>(_Mapper<K, K2, V, V2> f) Map<K2, V2>
Returns a new map where all entries of this map are transformed by the given convert function.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyAllListeners(CollectionEventType type, K? key, V? value) → void
Notifies every active update, event, and change listener, as well as the onUpdate, onEvent, and onChange parameters of an event affecting a single element.
notifyChangeListeners(CollectionChangeEvent<K, V> event) → void
Notifies all subscribed changes listeners of an event.
notifyEventListeners(CollectionEvent<K, V> event) → void
Notifies all subscribed event listeners of an event.
notifyListeners(Map<K, V> event) → void
Notifies all subscribed listeners of an event.
putIfAbsent(K key, _IfAbsent<V> ifAbsent, {bool notifyListeners = true}) → V
Look up the value of key, or add a new entry if it isn't there.
remove(Object? key, {bool notifyListeners = true}) → V?
Removes key and its associated value, if present, from the map.
removeChangeListener() → void
Cancels and removes a change listener.
removeEventListener() → void
Cancels and removes an event listener.
removeListener() → void
Cancels and removes a StreamSubscription.
removeWhere(_Predicate<K, V> predicate, {bool notifyListeners = true}) → void
Removes all entries of this map that satisfy the given test.
setValue(Map<K, V> value) → void
Sets the observable value to value without notifying the event listeners.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
update(K key, _Update<V> update, {_IfAbsent<V>? ifAbsent, bool notifyListeners = true}) → V
Updates the value for the provided key.
updateAll(_Updater<K, V> update, {bool notifyListeners = true}) → void
Updates all values.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](Object? key) → V?
The value for the given key, or null if key is not in the map.
operator []=(K key, V value) → void
Associates the key with the given value.

Static Methods

castFrom<K, V, K2, V2>(Map<K, V> source, {OnUpdate<Map<K2, V2>>? onUpdate, OnEvent<CollectionEvent<K2, V2>>? onEvent, OnChange<CollectionChangeEvent<K2, V2>>? onChange}) StreamMap<K2, V2>
Adapts source to be a StreamMap<K2, V2>.