StreamChatLocalizations class abstract

Defines the localized resource values used by the StreamChatFlutter widgets.

See also:

  • GlobalStreamChatLocalizations, which provides stream chat localizations for many languages.




addACommentOrSendLabel String
The label for add a comment or send in case of attachments inside StreamMessageInput
no setterinherited
addAFileLabel String
The label for "add a file"
no setterinherited
addMoreFilesLabel String
The label for "add more files"
no setterinherited
allowGalleryAccessMessage String
The message shown for asking gallery access permission
no setterinherited
alsoSendAsDirectMessageLabel String
The label for also send as direct message "checkbox"" in StreamMessageInput
no setterinherited
cancelLabel String
The label for "Cancel"
no setterinherited
channelIsMutedText String
The text for showing the channel is muted
no setterinherited
connectedLabel String
The label for "connected" in StreamConnectionStatusBuilder
no setterinherited
copyMessageLabel String
The label for "copy message"
no setterinherited
deleteConversationLabel String
The label for "Delete conversation"
no setterinherited
deleteConversationQuestion String
The question asked while showing delete conversation dialog
no setterinherited
deleteLabel String
The label for "Delete"
no setterinherited
deleteMessageLabel String
The label for "delete message"
no setterinherited
deleteMessageQuestion String
The question asked while showing delete message dialog
no setterinherited
disconnectedLabel String
The label for "disconnected" in StreamConnectionStatusBuilder
no setterinherited
editMessageLabel String
The label for "edit message"
no setterinherited
emptyChatMessagesText String
The text for showing there are no chats
no setterinherited
emptyMessagesText String
The text for showing there are empty messages
no setterinherited
enablePhotoAndVideoAccessMessage String
The message shown for asking photo and video access permission
no setterinherited
fileText String
The text shown for "File"
no setterinherited
flagLabel String
The label for "Flag"
no setterinherited
flagMessageLabel String
The label for "flag message"
no setterinherited
flagMessageQuestion String
The question asked while showing flag message dialog
no setterinherited
flagMessageSuccessfulLabel String
The label for successful message flag
no setterinherited
flagMessageSuccessfulText String
The text for showing the message if successfully flagged
no setterinherited
genericErrorText String
The text for showing generic error
no setterinherited
giphyLabel String
The label for "Giphy"
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
instantCommandsLabel String
The label for instant commands in StreamMessageInput
no setterinherited
inText String
The text shown for "In"
no setterinherited
launchUrlError String
The error shown when launchURL fails
no setterinherited
leaveConversationLabel String
The label for "Leave conversation"
no setterinherited
leaveConversationQuestion String
The question asked while showing leave conversation dialog
no setterinherited
leaveGroupLabel String
The label for "Leave Group"
no setterinherited
leaveLabel String
The label for "Leave"
no setterinherited
letsStartChattingLabel String
The label for "let's start chatting"
no setterinherited
linkDisabledDetails String
The additional info on a link disabled error
no setterinherited
linkDisabledError String
The label for a link disabled error
no setterinherited
loadingChannelsError String
The error shown when loading channel fails
no setterinherited
loadingMessagesError String
The error shown when loading messages fails
no setterinherited
loadingUsersError String
The error shown when loading users fails
no setterinherited
messageDeletedLabel String
The label for message deleted
no setterinherited
messageDeletedText String
The text for showing the message is deleted
no setterinherited
messageReactionsLabel String
The label for message reactions
no setterinherited
noTitleText String
The text for showing there is no title
no setterinherited
noUsersLabel String
The label for showing no users
no setterinherited
offlineLabel String
The label for "Offline"
no setterinherited
okLabel String
The label for "OK"
no setterinherited
onlyVisibleToYouText String
The text for showing if the message is only visible to you
no setterinherited
operationCouldNotBeCompletedText String
The text for showing the operation could not be completed
no setterinherited
photoFromCameraLabel String
The label for "photo from camera"
no setterinherited
photosLabel String
The label for "Photos"
no setterinherited
reconnectingLabel String
The label for "reconnecting" in StreamConnectionStatusBuilder
no setterinherited
replyLabel String
The label for "Reply"
no setterinherited
replyToMessageLabel String
The label for "Reply to message"
no setterinherited
retryLabel String
The label for "retry" button
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
saveImageLabel String
The label for "Save Image"
no setterinherited
saveVideoLabel String
The label for "Save Video"
no setterinherited
searchGifLabel String
The label for search Gif
no setterinherited
searchingForNetworkText String
The text for showing searching for network
no setterinherited
sendingFirstMessageLabel String
The label for sending the first message
no setterinherited
sendLabel String
The label for "Send"
no setterinherited
sendMessagePermissionError String
The label for the MessageInput hint when permission denied on sendMessage
no setterinherited
showInChatLabel String
The label for "Show in chat"
no setterinherited
shuffleLabel String
The label for "Shuffle"
no setterinherited
slowModeOnLabel String
The label for slow mode enabled in StreamMessageInput
no setterinherited
somethingWentWrongError String
The error shown when something went wrong
no setterinherited
startAChatLabel String
The label for "start a chat"
no setterinherited
streamChatLabel String
The label for "Stream Chat"
no setterinherited
threadReplyLabel String
The label for "thread reply"
no setterinherited
todayLabel String
The label for "Today"
no setterinherited
tryAgainLabel String
The label for "Try again"
no setterinherited
uploadAFileLabel String
The label for "upload a file"
no setterinherited
uploadAPhotoLabel String
The label for "upload a photo"
no setterinherited
uploadAVideoLabel String
The label for "upload a video"
no setterinherited
uploadErrorLabel String
The label for "Upload Error"
no setterinherited
userLastOnlineText String
The text for showing the last online of the user
no setterinherited
userOnlineText String
The text for showing user is online
no setterinherited
videoFromCameraLabel String
The label for "video from camera"
no setterinherited
viewInfoLabel String
The label for "View Info"
no setterinherited
viewLibrary String
The label for "View library"
no setterinherited
withText String
The label for "With"
no setterinherited
writeAMessageLabel String
The label for write a message in StreamMessageInput
no setterinherited
yesterdayLabel String
The label for "Yesterday"
no setterinherited
youText String
The text shown for "You"
no setterinherited


attachmentLimitExceedError(int limit) String
Label for "Attachment limit exceeded: it's not possible to add more than $limit attachments"
attachmentsUploadProgressText({required int remaining, required int total}) String
The text for showing the attachments upload progress
emojiMatchingQueryText(String query) String
The text for showing the query while searching for emojis
fileTooLargeAfterCompressionError(double limitInMB) String
The error shown in case the fi"le is too large even after compression while uploading via StreamMessageInput
fileTooLargeError(double limitInMB) String
The error shown in case the file is too large while uploading via StreamMessageInput
galleryPaginationText({required int currentPage, required int totalPages}) String
Gallery footer pagination text
membersCountText(int count) String
The text for showing the members count based on count
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pinnedByUserText({required User pinnedBy, required User currentUser}) String
The text for showing who pinned the message
resultCountText(int count) String
The text for showing the result count in StreamMessageSearchListView
sentAtText({required DateTime date, required DateTime time}) String
The text for showing on which date and time the message was sent
threadReplyCountText(int count) String
The text for showing the thread reply count
threadSeparatorText(int replyCount) String
The text for showing the thread separator in case StreamMessageListView contains a parent message
toggleDeleteRetryDeleteMessageText({required bool isDeleteFailed}) String
The text for showing delete/retry-delete based on isDeleteFailed
togglePinUnpinText({required bool pinned}) String
The text for showing pin/un-pin functionality in MessageWidget based on pinned
toggleResendOrResendEditedMessage({required bool isUpdateFailed}) String
The text for showing resend/resend-edited message based on isUpdateFailed
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unreadMessagesSeparatorText(int unreadCount) String
The text for showing the unread messages count in the StreamMessageListView
userTypingText(Iterable<User> users) String
The text shown when users starts typing
watchersCountText(int count) String
The text for showing the watchers count based on count


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

of(BuildContext context) StreamChatLocalizations?
The StreamChatLocalizations from the closest Localizations instance that encloses the given context.