Repositories topic

When running the build using dart run build_runner build, stormberry will generate a Repository for each model which you can use to query, insert, update or delete data related to this model.

You can get a models repository through its property accessor on the Database instance: var userRepository = db.users;.

A Repository exists for each Model on which you can

  • query the model table and each of its views
  • insert an entry to the model table
  • update an entry of the model table
  • delete an entry of the model table

For the above example with two views Complete and Reduced, this would have the following methods:

  • Future<CompleteUserView?> queryCompleteView(String id)
  • Future<List<CompleteUserView>> queryCompleteViews([QueryParams? params])
  • Future<ReducedUserView?> queryReducedView(String id)
  • Future<List<ReducedUserView>> queryReducedViews([QueryParams? params])
  • Future<void> insertOne(UserInsertRequest request)
  • Future<void> insertMany(List<UserInsertRequest> requests)
  • Future<void> updateOne(UserUpdateRequest request)
  • Future<void> updateMany(List<UserUpdateRequest> requests)
  • Future<void> deleteOne(String id)
  • Future<void> deleteMany(List<String> ids)

Each method has a single and multi variant. UserInsertRequest and UserUpdateRequest are special generated classes that enable type-safe inserts and updates while respecting data relations and key constraints.

With this, stormberry also supports partial updates of a model. You could for example just update the name of a user while keeping the other fields untouched like this:

await db.users.updateOne(UserUpdateRequest(id: 'abc', name: 'Tom'));


Query methods that return a list of models will accept a QueryParams argument where you can set conditions for you query like where conditions for example.

// Check if user already exists
final matchingUser = (await db.users.queryUsers(const QueryParams(
  where: "email=''",

NOTE: Alternatively to avoid SQL injection it is recommended to use values property of QueryParams like below example

// Check if user already exists
final matchingUser = (await db.users.queryUsers(const QueryParams(
  where: 'email=@email',
  values: {'email': ''},

Next: Queries & Actions