Queries & Actions topic


You can specify a custom query with custom sql by extending the Query<T, U> class. You will then need to implement the Future<T> apply(Database db, U params) method.

class FindInfoPostByTitleQuery extends Query<InfoPostView?, QueryParams> {
  final String title;

  FindInfoPostByTitleQuery({required this.title});

  Future<InfoPostView?> apply(Database db, QueryParams params) async {
    final queryable = InfoPostViewQueryable();
    final tableName = queryable.tableAlias;
    final customQuery = """
      SELECT * FROM $tableName
      WHERE title='$title' 
      ${params.orderBy != null ? "ORDER BY ${params.orderBy}" : ""}
      ${params.limit != null ? "LIMIT ${params.limit}" : ""}
      ${params.offset != null ? "OFFSET ${params.offset}" : ""}

    var postgreSQLResult = await db.query(customQuery, params.values);

    var objects = postgreSQLResult.map((row) => queryable.decode(TypedMap(row.toColumnMap()))).toList();
    return objects.isNotEmpty ? objects.first : null;

then you can query via db like below

final postWithId = await db.posts.query(
    FindInfoPostByTitleQuery(title: 'post title'),


You can also specify custom Actions to perform on your table. Similar to the queries, you extend the Action<T> class and implement the Future<void> apply(Database db, T request) method.

class UpdateTitleAction extends Action<InfoPostView> {
  final String title;


  Future<void> apply(Database db, InfoPostView request) async {
    await db.query("""
      UPDATE posts
      SET title = @title
      WHERE id = @id
    """, {
      'title': title,
      'id': request.id,

then you can run the action via db like below

await db.posts.run(UpdateTitleAction(newTitle), infoPost);

Optionally you can define extension functions on Model Repositories for your custom Queries and Actions, just to make it more clear and concise. here is an extension function for the action we defined above on PostRepository

extension PostRespositoryX on PostRepository {
  Future<void> updatePostTitle(InfoPostView post, String newTitle) async {
    await run(UpdateTitleAction(title: newTitle), post);

and this would be how you run that method via db object

await db.posts.updatePostTitle(infoPost, newTitle);

Next: Migration


Action<T> Queries & Actions
Extend this to define a custom action.
Query<T, U> Queries & Actions
Extend this to define a custom query.