source_gen_test library


Specifies the expected output for code generation on the annotated member.
Specifies that an InvalidGenerationSourceError is expected to be thrown when running generation for the annotated member.


buildLogItems List<String>
no setter


clearBuildLog() → void
generateForElement<T>(GeneratorForAnnotation<T> generator, LibraryReader libraryReader, String name) Future<String>
initializeBuildLogTracking() → void
Initializes tracking of build events from log for every test in the current context.
initializeLibraryReader(Map<String, String> contentMap, String targetLibraryFileName) Future<LibraryReader>
Returns a LibraryReader for library specified by targetLibraryFileName using the file contents described by contentMap.
initializeLibraryReaderForDirectory(String sourceDirectory, String targetLibraryFileName) Future<LibraryReader>
Returns a LibraryReader for library specified by targetLibraryFileName using the files in sourceDirectory.
testAnnotatedElements<T>(LibraryReader libraryReader, GeneratorForAnnotation<T> defaultGenerator, {Map<String, GeneratorForAnnotation<T>>? additionalGenerators, Iterable<String>? expectedAnnotatedTests, Iterable<String>? defaultConfiguration}) → void
If defaultConfiguration is not provided or null, "default" and the keys from additionalGenerators (if provided) are used.
throwsInvalidGenerationSourceError(Object messageMatcher, {Object? todoMatcher, Object? elementMatcher}) → Matcher
Returns a Matcher that matches a thrown InvalidGenerationSourceError with InvalidGenerationSourceError.message that matches messageMatcher, and InvalidGenerationSourceError.todo that matches todoMatcher and InvalidGenerationSourceError.element that isNotNull.