initializeBuildLogTracking function

void initializeBuildLogTracking()

Initializes tracking of build events from log for every test in the current context.

Once called, any test that causes build events to be logged should validate the contents of buildLogItems and MUST call clearBuildLog before the test completes.


void initializeBuildLogTracking() {
  if (_buildLog == null) {
    _buildLog = <String>[];
    assert(_buildLogView == null);
    _buildLogView = UnmodifiableListView(_buildLog!);
  } else {
    throw StateError(
      '`initializeBuildLogTracking` should only be called once.',
  // ignore: cancel_subscriptions
  StreamSubscription<void>? logSubscription;

  setUp(() {
    assert(logSubscription == null);
    logSubscription = log.onRecord.listen((r) => _buildLog!.add(r.message));

  tearDown(() async {
    if (logSubscription != null) {
      await logSubscription!.cancel();
      logSubscription = null;

    final remainingItems = _buildLog!.toList();
    if (remainingItems.isNotEmpty) {
        '`buildLogItems` is not empty. Tests should validate the contents of '
        '`buildLogItems` and call `clearBuildLog` before `tearDown`.',

  tearDownAll(() {
    assert(_buildLog != null);
    assert(_buildLogView != null);
    _buildLog = _buildLogView = null;