SPath class

A higher level Path class; allows both building and manipulation of paths, prior to drawing


SPath(Point<double> start)
SPath.fromPoints(List<Point<double>> points)
Conveniently construct from a List of Point
SPath.rect({required Point<double> at, required Size size, bool centered = false})
A rectangle shape
SPath.regularPolygon({required double radius, required Point<double> at, int n = 5, double startAngle = 0})
A regular polygon shape
SPath.spiral({required Point<double> at, required int n, required double l, dynamic startAngle = 0, double rate = 20})
A spiral shape made up of lines{double? innerRadius, required double radius, required Point<double> at, int n = 5, double startAngle = 0})
A star shape


centroid Point<double>
Centroid (average) point. Is often a good enough approximation for true centroid of a shape
no setter
currentPoint Point<double>
getter/setter pair
edges List<PathEdge>
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
path Path
Get as a Path (for drawing in Flutter etc)
no setter
points List<Point<double>>
List of points. Loses details on curves
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
segmented List<SPath>
Thinking looking down on orange segments
no setter


chaikin({int n = 1, bool looped = false}) SPath
A way to smooth out a path of lines; after just a few applications it will look like a nice curve. NB this converts the SPath to lines i.e. detail in any existing curves will be lost If the path forms a look you probably want to opt in to the looped option.
close() → void
Close a shape (add a line to the start)
curve({required Point<double> to, bool positive = true, double curveSize = 1, double curveAngle = 0, double bulbousness = 1, double twist = 0}) → void
Add a curve to a point
draw(Canvas canvas, Paint paint) → void
Draw the shape
exploded({double magnitude = 1.2, double scale = 1}) List<SPath>
Segment then explode outwards and scale
line({required Point<double> to}) → void
Add a line to a point
moved(Point<double> by) SPath
Move the shape
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
rotated(double angle) SPath
Rotate the shape about its approximate centroid
scaled(double scale, {Point<double>? about}) SPath
Scale the shape about its approximate centroid
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
transformed(Point<double> transform(Point<double>)) SPath
Transform via transform on Point


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.