bodyFieldMinLength<B extends Body> function

Middleware bodyFieldMinLength<B extends Body>(
  1. String fieldName,
  2. int minLength

bodyFieldMinLength check if the fieldName length is at least minLength if check failed return BadRequest response


Middleware bodyFieldMinLength<B extends Body>(String fieldName, int minLength) {
  return (handler) {
    return (request) {
      Response? checkItem(Map<String, dynamic> item) {
        final value = item[fieldName] as String;
        if (value.length < minLength) {
          final bodyResponse = BadRequest(
            'Value is too short',
            'The field \'$fieldName\' is too short, length is \'${value.length}\' but min length must be \'$minLength\'',
            field: fieldName,
          return generateResponse(request, bodyResponse);
        return null;

      final body = request.get<B>();
      final response = _checkData(, checkItem);
      if (response != null) {
        return response;
      return handler(request);