shelf_helpers library


The ApiKeyAuth helpers check if
The BasicAuth helpers check if
The BearerAuth helpers check if
Body containt the raw body as a json in data it also provide interface to parse it to a real Dart object




HandlerUse on Handler
RequestGet on Request
RequestGetPathParameter on Request
RequestSet on Request


supportedContentType List<_ContentType>


allowedContentType<T extends Body>(List<ContentType> supportedContentType) → Middleware
allowedContentType check if the content-type in the request is part of the supportedContentType that your endpoint support else return BadRequest
auth<T>(Auth<T> auth) → Middleware
auth middleware allow you to hook to get token, apiKey or something else in order to check if credential are correct. The function that check if credential are correct return a record that look like this (bool, T) where T is defined by you.
authentication<T>({FutureOr<(bool, T?)> basicAuth(Request request, String authorization)?, FutureOr<(bool, T?)> bearerAuth(Request request, String token)?, FutureOr<(bool, T?)> apiKeyAuth(Request request, String value)?, FutureOr<(bool, T?)> customAuth(Request request)?, String headerKey = _headerApiKey, String bearerPrefix = _bearer}) → Middleware
bodyFieldAllowedValues<B extends Body>(String fieldName, List<String> allowedValues) → Middleware
bodyFieldAllowedValues check if the fieldName value is allowed base on allowedValues if check failed return BadRequest response
bodyFieldIsRequired<B extends Body>(String fieldName) → Middleware
bodyFieldIsRequired check if the fieldName is present in the body if check failed return BadRequest response
bodyFieldIsType<B extends Body, T>(String fieldName) → Middleware
bodyFieldIsType check if the fieldName is type T if check failed return BadRequest response
bodyFieldMaxLength<B extends Body>(String fieldName, int maxLength) → Middleware
bodyFieldMinLength check if the fieldName length is under maxLength if check failed return BadRequest response
bodyFieldMinLength<B extends Body>(String fieldName, int minLength) → Middleware
bodyFieldMinLength check if the fieldName length is at least minLength if check failed return BadRequest response
bodyFieldValidator<T extends Body>(String fieldName, bool validator(Object? value)) → Middleware
bodyFieldValidator run validator on the field fieldName if validator failed return BadRequest response
bodyValidator<T extends Body>(bool validator(Object? value)) → Middleware
bodyValidator is a flexible validator that allow you to check whatever you need on the body if validator failed return BadRequest response
cors({String accessControlAllowOrigin = '*', List<String> accessControlAllowMethod = const ['*'], List<String> accessControlAllowHeaders = const ['*'], int accessControlMaxAge = 86400}) → Middleware
A Middleware to add CORS
generateResponse(Request request, NetworkObject object, {int status = HttpStatus.ok, String defaultAcceptHeader = '*/*)'}) → Response
Allow you to easily generate response based on accept header object is the object that will be serialized you can specify the status code by changing status defaultAcceptHeader is used only if the request doesn't have accept header
getBody<T extends Body>(T deserializer(dynamic), {required String objectName}) → Middleware
getBody parse the body based on Content-Type automatically
parseBody<R extends Object, B extends Body>() → Middleware
take a Body and parse it to put it in the context you can then get it by using request.get<R>()
provide<T extends Object>(T create(Request request)) → Middleware
Allow you to provide lazy value down
providePathParam<T extends Object>(T value) → Middleware
queryParameterValidator({required bool required, required String name, required List<String> allowedValues}) → Middleware
Use queryParameterValidator to verify if query parameter name is allowed you can provide the list of allowed value in allowedValues if the query parameter is mandatory put required at true and else at false