auth<T> function

Middleware auth<T>(
  1. Auth<T> auth

auth middleware allow you to hook to get token, apiKey or something else in order to check if credential are correct. The function that check if credential are correct return a record that look like this (bool, T) where T is defined by you.

example on how to use it: (bool, Identifiable) apiKeyAuth(Request request, String value) { return (value == 'GOOGLE', Identifiable('GOOGLE')); }

addMiddleware( auth(ApiKeyAuth(apiKeyAuth)), )


Middleware auth<T>(Auth<T> auth) {
  return (handler) {
    return (request) async {
      final (authorized, data) = await auth.authenticate(request);
      if (authorized) {
        if (data == null) {
          return handler(request);
        return handler(request.set<T>(() => data));
      return Response.unauthorized('');