user_profile/constants library
- accountSection → const String
- addSecondaryEmailQuery → const String
- adds a secondary email address
- addSecondaryPhoneQuery → const String
- adds a secondary phone number
- alertTitle → const String
- allowComm → const String
- bewellTermsAndConditionsUrl → const String
- cancelText → const String
- changePinMessage → const String
- changePINSettings → const String
- changePinTitle → const String
- closeText → const String
- codeSent → const String
- contactInfo → const String
- editProf → const String
- editProfDesc → const String
- editProfileString → const String
- email → const String
- emailChangeInstructions → const String
- emailHint → const String
- emailMessage → const String
- emailTitle → const String
- emailValidationMessage → const String
- enterNo → const String
- enterPhone → const String
- generateEmailOTPQuery → const String
- sends an OTP to the provided email only
- generateOTPQuery → const String
- sends an OTP to an phone only
- hintText → const String
- homeAndWorkSettings → const String
- incorrectCode → const String
- invalidOtp → const String
- labelText → const String
- languageSettings → const String
- legalSection → const String
- notificationSettings → const String
- okayText → const String
- phone → const String
- phoneChangeInstructions → const String
- phonesMessage → const String
- phoneTitle → const String
- primaryEmail → const String
- primaryEmailMessage → const String
- primaryPhone → const String
- requiredPhoneNumber → const String
- retireSecondaryEmailQuery → const String
- retires a secondary email
- retireSecondaryPhoneQuery → const String
- retires a secondary phone
- secondaryEmails → const String
- secondaryEmailsMessage → const String
- secondaryPhones → const String
- sendingCode → const String
- sendingPhoneOtp → const String
- setPrimaryEmailQuery → const String
- set primary email
- setPrimaryPhoneQuery → const String
- set primary email
- signUpPhoneNo → const String
- successEmail → const String
- termsAndConditionsState → const String
- termsOfServiceSettings → const String
- termsTitle → const String
- validPhoneNumber → const String
- verificationCancel → const String
- verificationMessage → const String
- verificationTitle → const String
- verify → const String
- verifyPhone → const String
- verifyTitle → const String
String? value, {bool hasError = false}) → String -
String? value, {bool isPhone = true}) → String -
String value, {bool hasError = false}) → String -
String value) → String -
String? value) → String -
String? value, {bool hasError = false}) → String -
String? value) → String