ui_components/src/helpers library


alignLabelWithHint(int? maxLines) bool
getCountry(Country country) Map<String, String>?
Retrieves a mapping of country-specific information based on the provided Country enum value.
popValue(String name) Country
Returns the corresponding Country enum value based on the provided country name. If the provided name does not match any known country, the default Country value (United States) is returned.
selectCountryModalBottomSheet(BuildContext context) → dynamic
Displays a modal bottom sheet containing a list of supported countries for selection.
showResendBottomSheet({required BuildContext context, required String phoneNo, required Widget loader, required Function? resetTimer, required Function generateOtpFunc, required dynamic appWrapperContext, required dynamic client, required Function retrySendOtpEndpoint, Client? httpClient}) Future<String>
Displays a modal bottom sheet allowing users to resend an OTP code.
useEndpointResend({required BuildContext context, required dynamic appWrapperContext, required String phoneNumber, required int step, required Function retrySendOtpEndpoint, required Function toggleResend, required Function showErr, required Function resetTimer, required OnOTPReceivedNavigateCallback onOTPCallback, Client? httpClient}) Future<void>
useEndpointResend send a resend otp request via REST endpoint. This function should only be used in the context of SILResendPhoneCode widget. It's extracted here for testability
useGraphResend({required BuildContext context, required dynamic appWrapperContext, required String phoneNumber, required int step, required Function toggleResend, required Function showErr, required Function resetTimer, required Function generateOtpFunc, required dynamic client, required OnOTPReceivedNavigateCallback onOTPCallback}) Future<void>
Resends an OTP code using a GraphQL API and handles relevant callbacks.