TypeDefinition class

Contains information about the type of fields, arguments and return values.


TypeDefinition({required String className, List<TypeDefinition> generics = const [], required bool nullable, String? url, DartType? dartType, bool customClass = false, EnumSerialization? serializeEnum})
TypeDefinition.fromDartType(DartType type)
Creates an TypeDefinition from a given DartType. throws FromDartTypeClassNameException if the class name could not be determined.
TypeDefinition.mixedUrlAndClassName({required String mixed, List<TypeDefinition> generics = const [], required bool nullable, bool customClass = false})
Creates an TypeDefinition from mixed where the url and className is separated by ':'.


asNonNullable TypeDefinition
Get this TypeDefinition, but non nullable.
no setter
asNullable TypeDefinition
Get this TypeDefinition, but nullable.
no setter
className String
The class name of the type.
columnType String
Get the Column extending class name representing this TypeDefinition.
no setter
customClass bool
True if this type references a custom class.
dartType → DartType?
databaseType String
Get the pgsql type that represents this TypeDefinition in the database.
no setter
databaseTypeEnum String
Get the enum name of the ColumnType, representing this TypeDefinition in the database.
no setter
generics List<TypeDefinition>
The generics the type has.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isEnumType bool
no setter
isIdType bool
no setter
isListType bool
no setter
isMapType bool
no setter
isModuleType bool
no setter
isSerializedByExtension bool
no setter
isSerializedValue bool
no setter
moduleAlias String?
no setter
nullable bool
Whether this type is nullable.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
serializeEnum ↔ EnumSerialization?
getter/setter pair
url String?
valueType → ValueType
converts 'className' string value to ValueType
no setter


applyProtocolReferences(List<SerializableModelDefinition> classDefinitions) TypeDefinition
Applies protocol references. This makes the protocol: prefix optional. First, the protocol definition is parsed, then it's check for the protocol: prefix in types. Whenever no url is set and user specified a class/enum with the same symbol name it defaults to the protocol: prefix.
generateDeserialization(bool serverCode, {required GeneratorConfig config}) List<MapEntry<Expression, Code>>
Generates the constructors for List and Map types
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reference(bool serverCode, {bool? nullable, List<String> subDirParts = const [], required GeneratorConfig config, String? typeSuffix}) → TypeReference
Generate a TypeReference from this definition.
stripFuture() TypeDefinition
Strip the outer most future of this type. Throws, if this type is not a future.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

int TypeDefinition
A convenience variable for getting a TypeDefinition of an non null int quickly.
getter/setter pair