GeneratorConfig class

The configuration of the generation and analyzing process.


GeneratorConfig({required String name, required PackageType type, required String serverPackage, required String dartClientPackage, required bool dartClientDependsOnServiceClient, required List<String> serverPackageDirectoryPathParts, required List<String> relativeDartClientPackagePathParts, required List<ModuleConfig> modules, required List<TypeDefinition> extraClasses, required List<ServerpodFeature> enabledFeatures})


clientPackagePathParts List<String>
Path parts to the client package.
no setter
dartClientDependsOnServiceClient bool
True, if dart client depends on the package:serverpod_service_client.
dartClientPackage String
The name of the client package.
enabledFeatures List<ServerpodFeature>
All the features that are enabled in the serverpod project.
endpointsSourcePathParts List<String>
Path parts to the endpoints directory of the server package.
no setter
extraClasses List<TypeDefinition>
User defined class names for complex types. Useful for types used in caching and streams.
generatedDartClientModelPathParts List<String>
The path parts to the protocol directory in the dart client package.
no setter
generatedServeModelPathParts List<String>
The path parts of the directory, where the generated code is stored in the server package.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
libSourcePathParts List<String>
Path parts to the lib folder of the server package.
no setter
modelSourcePathParts List<String>
Path parts to the model directory of the server package.
no setter
modules List<ModuleConfig>
All the modules defined in the config (of type module).
no setter
modulesAll List<ModuleConfig>
All the modules including my self and internal modules.
no setter
modulesDependent List<ModuleConfig>
All the modules excluding my self
no setter
name String
The name of the serverpod project.
protocolSourcePathParts List<String>
Path parts to the protocol directory of the server package.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
serverPackage String
The name of the server package.
serverPackageDirectoryPathParts List<String>
The parts of the path where the server package is located at. Might be relative.
type PackageType
The PackageType of the package this GeneratorConfig describes.


isFeatureEnabled(ServerpodFeature feature) bool
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

getPackageType(Map generatorConfig) PackageType
load([String dir = '']) Future<GeneratorConfig>
Create a new GeneratorConfig by loading the configuration in the dir.