Deprecation enum

A deprecated feature in the language.

Available extensions


callString → const Deprecation

Deprecation for passing a string directly to

const Deprecation('call-string', deprecatedIn: '0.0.0', description: 'Passing a string directly to')
elseif → const Deprecation

Deprecation for @elseif.

const Deprecation('elseif', deprecatedIn: '1.3.2', description: '@elseif.')
mozDocument → const Deprecation

Deprecation for @-moz-document.

const Deprecation('moz-document', deprecatedIn: '1.7.2', description: '@-moz-document.')
relativeCanonical → const Deprecation

Deprecation for imports using relative canonical URLs.

const Deprecation('relative-canonical', deprecatedIn: '1.14.2', description: 'Imports using relative canonical URLs.')
newGlobal → const Deprecation

Deprecation for declaring new variables with !global.

const Deprecation('new-global', deprecatedIn: '1.17.2', description: 'Declaring new variables with !global.')
colorModuleCompat → const Deprecation

Deprecation for using color module functions in place of plain CSS functions.

const Deprecation('color-module-compat', deprecatedIn: '1.23.0', description: 'Using color module functions in place of plain CSS functions.')
slashDiv → const Deprecation

Deprecation for / operator for division.

const Deprecation('slash-div', deprecatedIn: '1.33.0', description: '/ operator for division.')
bogusCombinators → const Deprecation

Deprecation for leading, trailing, and repeated combinators.

const Deprecation('bogus-combinators', deprecatedIn: '1.54.0', description: 'Leading, trailing, and repeated combinators.')
strictUnary → const Deprecation

Deprecation for ambiguous + and - operators.

const Deprecation('strict-unary', deprecatedIn: '1.55.0', description: 'Ambiguous + and - operators.')
functionUnits → const Deprecation

Deprecation for passing invalid units to built-in functions.

const Deprecation('function-units', deprecatedIn: '1.56.0', description: 'Passing invalid units to built-in functions.')
duplicateVarFlags → const Deprecation

Deprecation for using !default or !global multiple times for one variable.

const Deprecation('duplicate-var-flags', deprecatedIn: '1.62.0', description: 'Using !default or !global multiple times for one variable.')
nullAlpha → const Deprecation

Deprecation for passing null as alpha in the ${isJS ? 'JS': 'Dart'} API.

const Deprecation('null-alpha', deprecatedIn: '1.62.3', description: 'Passing null as alpha in the ${isJS ? 'JS' : 'Dart'} API.')
absPercent → const Deprecation

Deprecation for passing percentages to the Sass abs() function.

const Deprecation('abs-percent', deprecatedIn: '1.65.0', description: 'Passing percentages to the Sass abs() function.')
fsImporterCwd → const Deprecation

Deprecation for using the current working directory as an implicit load path.

const Deprecation('fs-importer-cwd', deprecatedIn: '1.73.0', description: 'Using the current working directory as an implicit load path.')
cssFunctionMixin → const Deprecation

Deprecation for function and mixin names beginning with --.

const Deprecation('css-function-mixin', deprecatedIn: '1.76.0', description: 'Function and mixin names beginning with --.')
mixedDecls → const Deprecation

Deprecation for declarations after or between nested rules.

const Deprecation('mixed-decls', deprecatedIn: '1.77.7', description: 'Declarations after or between nested rules.')
featureExists → const Deprecation

Deprecation for meta.feature-exists

const Deprecation('feature-exists', deprecatedIn: '1.78.0', description: 'meta.feature-exists')
color4Api → const Deprecation

Deprecation for certain uses of built-in sass:color functions.

const Deprecation('color-4-api', deprecatedIn: '1.79.0', description: 'Certain uses of built-in sass:color functions.')
colorFunctions → const Deprecation

Deprecation for using global color functions instead of sass:color.

const Deprecation('color-functions', deprecatedIn: '1.79.0', description: 'Using global color functions instead of sass:color.')
legacyJsApi → const Deprecation

Deprecation for legacy JS API.

const Deprecation('legacy-js-api', deprecatedIn: '1.79.0', description: 'Legacy JS API.')
import → const Deprecation

Deprecation for @import rules.

const Deprecation('import', deprecatedIn: '1.80.0', description: '@import rules.')
globalBuiltin → const Deprecation

Deprecation for global built-in functions that are available in sass: modules.

const Deprecation('global-builtin', deprecatedIn: '1.80.0', description: 'Global built-in functions that are available in sass: modules.')
userAuthored → const Deprecation

Used for deprecations coming from user-authored code.

const Deprecation('user-authored', deprecatedIn: null)
calcInterp → const Deprecation
const Deprecation('calc-interp', deprecatedIn: null)


deprecatedIn → Version?
The Dart Sass version this feature was first deprecated in.
no setter
description String?
A description of this deprecation that will be displayed in the CLI usage.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id String
A unique ID for this deprecation in kebab case.
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
isFuture bool
Whether this deprecation will occur in the future.
obsoleteIn → Version?
The Dart Sass version this feature was fully removed in, making the deprecation obsolete.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

forVersion(Version version) Set<Deprecation>
Returns the set of all deprecations done in or before version.
fromId(String id) Deprecation?
Returns the deprecation with a given ID, or null if none exists.


duplicateVariableFlags → const Deprecation
values → const List<Deprecation>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.