prelude library

rust_core comes with a variety of things in its core library. However, if you had to manually import every single thing that you used, it would be very verbose. But importing a lot of things that a program never uses isn’t good either. A balance needs to be struck. The prelude is the list of things that rust_core should automatically imports into almost all projects. It’s kept as small as possible, and is focused on things, which are used in almost every single rust_core program.


Returns an iterator over N elements of the iterator at a time. The chunks do not overlap. If N does not divide the length of the iterator, then the last up to N-1 elements will be omitted and can be retrieved from the .intoRemainder() function of the iterator.
CastRIterator<S, T>
Takes two iterators and creates a new iterator over both in sequence.
An iterator which is a "clone" of the original iterator. Iterating through the original or the clone will not affect the other. Note: Do not modify the original collection the original Iterable is based on while iterating. Explanation: Since Dart Iterators cannot be copied, CloneRIterator replaces the underlying iterator from the RIterator provided in the constructor with itself and collects any first calls to moveNext from any derived iterator. Due to this, modifications of the original iterable may have unintentional behavior on the cloned iterator. i.e. the first encounter of an object during iteration will be the one seen by the derived RIterator and all other subsequent CloneRIterators. Therefore if createing a CloneRIterator do not modify the original collection the passed in RIterator is based on.
Creates an iterator which repeats the elements of the original iterator endlessly.
Err<S, F extends Object>
Error Result.
FlatMapRIterator<S, T>
Maps each element of the original iterator to an iterator, and then flattens the result into a single iterator.
Ok<S, F extends Object>
Ok Result.
An iterator which can use the "peek" to look at the next element of the iterator without consuming it.
Result<S, F extends Object>
Result class representing the type union between Ok and Err.
RIterator is the union between an Iterator and an Iterable. Most iterator methods are consuming and should be assumed to be so unless otherwise stated.
A contiguous sequence of elements in a List. Slices are a view into a list without allocating and copying to a new list, as such, they do not own their own data. Note: Shrinking the original list can cause the slices range to become invalid, which may cause an exception.
An iterator over the elements of a Slice.
ZipRIterator<T, U>
Zips to iterators into a single iterator of pairs.

Extension Types

A fixed-size array, denoted as T; N in Rust.
Option represents the union of two types - Some<T> and None. As an extension type of T?, Option<T> has the same runtime cost of T? with the advantage of being able to chain null specific operations.
Represents a value that is present. The erasure of this is T.


ArrayOnIterableExtension on Iterable<T>
ArrayOnListExtension on List<T>
FlattenExtension on Result<Result<S, F>, F>
FlattenFutureExtension on FutureResult<Result<S, F>, F>
FutureIterableFutureResultExtensions on Future<Iterable<FutureResult<S, F>>>
FutureIterableResultExtensions on Future<Iterable<Result<S, F>>>
FutureOptionExtension on FutureOption<T>
FutureOption represents an asynchronous Option. And as such, inherits all of Option's methods.
FutureOptionOptionExtension on FutureOption<Option<T>>
FutureOptionRecord2Extension on FutureOption<(T, U)>
FutureOptionResultExtension on FutureOption<Result<S?, F>>
FutureResultExtension on FutureResult<S, F>
FutureResult represents an asynchronous Result. And as such, inherits all of Results methods.
FutureResultNullExtension on Future<Result<S?, F>>
FutureResultOptionExtension on Future<Result<Option<S?>, F>>
FutureToOption on Future<T?>
InfallibleErrExtension on Result<Never, F>
InfallibleFutureErrExtension on FutureResult<Never, F>
InfallibleFutureOkExtension on FutureResult<S, Never>
InfallibleOkExtension on Result<S, Never>
IterableExtension on Iterable<T>
IterableExtensionsOverrides on RIterator<T>
Overrides built in extension methods on Iterable.
IterableFutureResultExtensions on Iterable<FutureResult<S, F>>
IterableResultExtensions on Iterable<Result<S, F>>
IteratorComparable on RIterator<T>
IteratorComparableSelf on RIterator<T>
IteratorExtension on Iterator<T>
IteratorOnIteratorIterabel on RIterator<Iterable<T>>
IteratorOnIteratorTUExtension on RIterator<(T, U)>
IteratorOptionExtension on RIterator<Option<T>>
IteratorResultExtension on RIterator<Result<T, E>>
IteratorResultFuncExtension on RIterator<T>
NoneMethodsExtension on _None
NullableIterableExtensionsOverrides on RIterator<T?>
Overrides built in extension methods on nullable Iterable.
NullResultExtension on Result<S, F>?
OptionMethodsExtension on Option<T>
OptionNullableExtension on Option<T?>
OptionOptionExtension on Option<Option<T>>
OptionRecord2Extension on Option<(T, U)>
OptionResultExtension on Option<Result<S?, F>>
OptionToFutureOption on Option<T>
RecordFunctionToResult10 on (Result<A, Z> Function(), Result<B, Z> Function(), Result<C, Z> Function(), Result<D, Z> Function(), Result<E, Z> Function(), Result<F, Z> Function(), Result<G, Z> Function(), Result<H, Z> Function(), Result<I, Z> Function(), Result<J, Z> Function())
RecordFunctionToResult2 on (Result<A, Z> Function(), Result<B, Z> Function())
RecordFunctionToResult3 on (Result<A, Z> Function(), Result<B, Z> Function(), Result<C, Z> Function())
RecordFunctionToResult4 on (Result<A, Z> Function(), Result<B, Z> Function(), Result<C, Z> Function(), Result<D, Z> Function())
RecordFunctionToResult5 on (Result<A, Z> Function(), Result<B, Z> Function(), Result<C, Z> Function(), Result<D, Z> Function(), Result<E, Z> Function())
RecordFunctionToResult6 on (Result<A, Z> Function(), Result<B, Z> Function(), Result<C, Z> Function(), Result<D, Z> Function(), Result<E, Z> Function(), Result<F, Z> Function())
RecordFunctionToResult7 on (Result<A, Z> Function(), Result<B, Z> Function(), Result<C, Z> Function(), Result<D, Z> Function(), Result<E, Z> Function(), Result<F, Z> Function(), Result<G, Z> Function())
RecordFunctionToResult8 on (Result<A, Z> Function(), Result<B, Z> Function(), Result<C, Z> Function(), Result<D, Z> Function(), Result<E, Z> Function(), Result<F, Z> Function(), Result<G, Z> Function(), Result<H, Z> Function())
RecordFunctionToResult9 on (Result<A, Z> Function(), Result<B, Z> Function(), Result<C, Z> Function(), Result<D, Z> Function(), Result<E, Z> Function(), Result<F, Z> Function(), Result<G, Z> Function(), Result<H, Z> Function(), Result<I, Z> Function())
RecordToResult10 on (Result<A, Z>, Result<B, Z>, Result<C, Z>, Result<D, Z>, Result<E, Z>, Result<F, Z>, Result<G, Z>, Result<H, Z>, Result<I, Z>, Result<J, Z>)
RecordToResult2 on (Result<A, Z>, Result<B, Z>)
RecordToResult3 on (Result<A, Z>, Result<B, Z>, Result<C, Z>)
RecordToResult4 on (Result<A, Z>, Result<B, Z>, Result<C, Z>, Result<D, Z>)
RecordToResult5 on (Result<A, Z>, Result<B, Z>, Result<C, Z>, Result<D, Z>, Result<E, Z>)
RecordToResult6 on (Result<A, Z>, Result<B, Z>, Result<C, Z>, Result<D, Z>, Result<E, Z>, Result<F, Z>)
RecordToResult7 on (Result<A, Z>, Result<B, Z>, Result<C, Z>, Result<D, Z>, Result<E, Z>, Result<F, Z>, Result<G, Z>)
RecordToResult8 on (Result<A, Z>, Result<B, Z>, Result<C, Z>, Result<D, Z>, Result<E, Z>, Result<F, Z>, Result<G, Z>, Result<H, Z>)
RecordToResult9 on (Result<A, Z>, Result<B, Z>, Result<C, Z>, Result<D, Z>, Result<E, Z>, Result<F, Z>, Result<G, Z>, Result<H, Z>, Result<I, Z>)
ResultFutureToFutureResultExtension on Result<Future<S>, F>
ResultNullExtension on Result<S?, F>
ResultOptionExtension on Result<Option<S?>, F>
ResultToFutureResultExtension on Result<S, F>
SliceOnComparableSliceExtension on Slice<T>
SliceOnListExtension on List<T>
SliceOnSliceIntExtension on Slice<T>
SomeMethodsExtension on Some<T>
ToErrExtension on E
ToOkExtension on S


error → const Err<dynamic, ()>
None → const _None
Represents a value that is absent. The erasure of this is null.
okay → const Ok<(), Object>
unit → const ()


executeProtected<S>(S func()) Result<S, Object>
Executes the function in a protected context. func is called inside a try catch block. If the result is not catch, then return value func returned inside an Ok. If func throws, then the thrown value is returned inside an Err.
executeProtectedAsync<S>(Future<S> func()) FutureResult<S, Object>
Async version of executeProtected
executeProtectedAsyncResult<S>(Future<Result<S, Object>> func()) FutureResult<S, Object>
Async version of executeProtectedResult
executeProtectedResult<S>(Result<S, Object> func()) Result<S, Object>
Result unwrapping version of executeProtected. Where func returns an Result, but can still throw.
panic([String? msg]) → Never
Shorthand for
unreachable([String msg = "This code should be unreachable."]) → Never
Shorthand for


FutureOption<T> = Future<Option<T>>
FutureOption represents an asynchronous Option. And as such, inherits all of Option's methods.
FutureResult<S, F extends Object> = Future<Result<S, F>>
FutureResult represents an asynchronous Result. And as such, inherits all of Results methods.
Infallible = Never
The error type for errors that can never happen
Unit = ()
Type alias for (). Used for a Result when the returned value does not matter. Preferred over void since forces stricter types. See unit, okay, and error

Exceptions / Errors

As with Error, Panic represents a state that should never happen and thus is not expected to be catch. This is closely tied to the unwrap method of both Option and Result types.
Indicates unreachable code. This is useful any time that the compiler can’t determine that some code is unreachable. For example: