cell library


A mutable container. Useful for primitives.
A constant container.
ConstNonNullableLazyCell<T extends Object>
A value which is initialized on the first access. Const Non-nullable implementation of LazyCell.
ConstNonNullableOnceCell<T extends Object>
OnceCell, A cell which can be written to only once. OnceCell implementation based off Option with a const constructor
A value which is initialized on the first access. Nullable implementation of LazyCell
OnceCell, A cell which can be written to only once. OnceCell implementation that allows T to be null, does not use Option, and has a const constructor.
LazyCell<T extends Object>
A value which is initialized on the first access.
NonNullableLazyCell<T extends Object>
A value which is initialized on the first access. Non-nullable implementation of LazyCell
NonNullableOnceCell<T extends Object>
OnceCell, A cell which can be written to only once. OnceCell implementation based off Option
A value which is initialized on the first access. Nullable implementation of LazyCell
OnceCell, A cell which can be written to only once. OnceCell implementation that allows T to be null and does not use Option
OnceCell<T extends Object>
OnceCell, A cell which can be written to only once.