AABB class


AABB.clone(AABB a)
AABB.collapsed(Vec2D point)
AABB.expand(AABB from, double amount)
AABB.fromCoordinates({required double x, required double y, required double width, required double height})
AABB.fromLTRB(double l, double t, double r, double b)
AABB.fromLTWH(double l, double t, double w, double h)
AABB.fromMinMax(Vec2D min, Vec2D max)
AABB.fromPoints(Iterable<Vec2D> points, {Mat2D? transform, double expand = 0})
Compute an AABB from a set of points with an optional transform to apply before computing.
AABB.fromValues(double l, double t, double r, double b)
AABB.pad(AABB from, double amount)


area double
no setter
bottom double
getter/setter pair
bottomCenter Vec2D
no setter
bottomLeft Vec2D
no setter
bottomRight Vec2D
no setter
centerX double
no setter
centerY double
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height double
no setter
isEmpty bool
no setter
left double
getter/setter pair
leftCenter Vec2D
no setter
maximum Vec2D
no setter
maxX double
no setter
maxY double
no setter
minimum Vec2D
no setter
minX double
no setter
minY double
no setter
rect Rect
no setter
getter/setter pair
rightCenter Vec2D
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
top double
getter/setter pair
topCenter Vec2D
no setter
topLeft Vec2D
no setter
topRight Vec2D
no setter
width double
no setter


center() Vec2D
contains(Vec2D point) bool
containsBounds(AABB b) bool
expandToPoint(Vec2D point) → void
factorFrom(Vec2D point) Vec2D
includePoint(Vec2D point, Mat2D? transform) Vec2D
inset(double dx, double dy) AABB
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
offset(double dx, double dy) AABB
pointAt(double xf, double yf) Vec2D
Get the point at x/y factor (where 0, 0 is center, -1, 0 is left center, 1, 0 is right center).
round() IAABB
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
transform(Mat2D matrix) AABB
translate(Vec2D vec) AABB


operator *(double v) AABB
operator /(double v) AABB
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](int idx) double
operator []=(int idx, double v) → void

Static Methods

areEqual(AABB a, AABB b) bool
combine(AABB out, AABB a, AABB b) AABB
copy(AABB out, AABB a) AABB
extents(Vec2D out, AABB a) Vec2D
isValid(AABB a) bool
perimeter(AABB a) double
size(Vec2D out, AABB a) Vec2D
testOverlap(AABB a, AABB b) bool