ModelController<K extends RenovationDocument> class abstract

An abstract controller containing methods and properties related to document CRUD operations.



ModelController(RenovationConfig config)


config RenovationConfig
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
locals Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>
Cache object for the docs
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addChildDoc<T extends K>(T doc, dynamic field) Future<T>
Returns a child doc instance, already attached to parent doc
addTag({required String doctype, required String docName, required String tag}) Future<RequestResponse<String?>>
Adds a tag to document docName of a doctype.
addToLocals<T extends K>(T doc) → void
Adds the documents to a static local variable locals.
amendDoc<T extends K>(T doc) → T
Clones a doc, set amended_from property to the original doc.
assignDoc({required String assignTo, required String doctype, bool? myself, DateTime? dueDate, String? description, String? docName, List<String>? docNames, bool notify = false, Priority? priority, bool bulkAssign = false}) Future<RequestResponse<bool?>>
Assigns a doc or a list of docs to a particular user.
cancelDoc<T extends K>(T doc) Future<RequestResponse<T?>>
Returns the cancelled document T of a submitted document.
clearCache() → void
Clears the locals and newNameCount and reset to {}
completeDocAssignment({required String doctype, required String docName, required String assignedTo}) Future<RequestResponse>
Sets the assignment to Status.Cancelled which means that the task is assigned.
copyDoc<T extends K>(T doc) → T
Returns a cloned doc, with a new local name.
deleteDoc(String doctype, String docname) Future<RequestResponse<String?>>
Deletes the document from the backend, returning its name.
getCore() Renovation
Gets the reference to the Renovation instance
getDoc<T extends K>(T obj, String docname, {bool? forceFetch}) Future<RequestResponse<T?>>
Returns the document specified by its docname.
getDocFromCache<T extends K>(String? doctype, String docname) → T?
Returns the document from the local map.
getDocsAssignedToUser({required String assignedTo, String? doctype, Status? status}) Future<RequestResponse<List?>>
Returns the list of documents assigned to a user.
getHostUrl() String
Returns the configured host URL towards the backend
getList<T extends K>(T obj, {List<String>? fields, dynamic filters, String? orderBy, int? limitPageStart, int? limitPageLength, String? parent, Map<String, List<String>>? tableFields, List<String>? withLinkFields}) Future<RequestResponse<List<T?>?>>
Returns list of documents T of a doctype specified by obj.
getNewName(String doctype) String
Returns a new name for a doctype. For instance, New Renovation Review 1.
getReport({required String report, dynamic filters, String? user}) Future<RequestResponse>
Get report values.
getTaggedDocs({required String doctype, String? tag}) Future<RequestResponse<List<String>?>>
Gets all the names of all documents with the param-tag.
getTags({required String doctype, String? likeTag}) Future<RequestResponse<List<String?>?>>
Returns all tags of a doctype.
getUsersAssignedToDoc({required String doctype, required String docName}) Future<RequestResponse<List?>>
Returns the users assigned to a document of a certain doctype.
getValue(String doctype, String docname, String docfield) Future<RequestResponse<Map<String, dynamic>?>>
Returns a Map of docfield and its value from the backend.
handleError(String errorId, ErrorDetail error) → ErrorDetail
Returns the ErrorDetail after manipulating an existing one.
newDoc<T extends K>(T doc) → T
Returns a new instance of T document with a new name based on getNewName.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeTag({required String doctype, required String docName, required String tag}) Future<RequestResponse<String?>>
Adds a tag to document docName of a doctype.
saveDoc<T extends K>(T doc) Future<RequestResponse<T?>>
Returns the saved document T after saving in the backend.
saveSubmitDoc<T extends K>(T doc) Future<RequestResponse<T?>>
Saves the document first, then submit, in a single db transaction.
Returns a list of results after searching against fields.
setValue<T extends K>(T obj, String? docName, String docField, dynamic docValue) Future<RequestResponse<T?>>
Returns the modified document T after setting the docField with docValue.
submitDoc<T extends K>(T doc) Future<RequestResponse<T?>>
Submit a submittable document.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unAssignDoc({required String doctype, required String docName, required String unAssignFrom}) Future<RequestResponse<bool?>>
Un-assigns a user from the doctype and docName.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

newNameCount Map<String, int>
Holds the new name prefix number per doctype