getList<T extends K> abstract method

Future<RequestResponse<List<T?>?>> getList<T extends K>(
  1. T obj, {
  2. List<String>? fields,
  3. dynamic filters,
  4. String? orderBy,
  5. int? limitPageStart,
  6. int? limitPageLength,
  7. String? parent,
  8. Map<String, List<String>>? tableFields,
  9. List<String>? withLinkFields,

Returns list of documents T of a doctype specified by obj.


Future<RequestResponse<List<T?>?>> getList<T extends K>(T obj,
    {List<String>? fields,
    dynamic filters,
    String? orderBy,
    int? limitPageStart,
    int? limitPageLength,
    String? parent,
    Map<String, List<String>>? tableFields,
    List<String>? withLinkFields});