Sync topic


ClientResetHandler Sync
ClientResetHandler is triggered if the device and server cannot agree on a common shared history for the realm file or when it is impossible for the device to upload or receive any changes. This can happen if the server is rolled back or restored from backup.
DiscardUnsyncedChangesHandler Sync
A client reset strategy where any not yet synchronized data is automatically discarded and a fresh copy of the synchronized realm is obtained.
ManualRecoveryHandler Sync
A client reset strategy where the user needs to fully take care of a client reset.
MutableSubscriptionSet Sync
A mutable view to a SubscriptionSet. Obtained by calling SubscriptionSet.update.
RecoverOrDiscardUnsyncedChangesHandler Sync
A client reset strategy that attempts to automatically recover any unsynchronized changes. If that fails, this handler fallsback to the discard unsynced changes strategy.
RecoverUnsyncedChangesHandler Sync
A client reset strategy that attempts to automatically recover any unsynchronized changes.
Session Sync
An object encapsulating a synchronization session. Sessions represent the communication between the client (and a local Realm file on disk), and the server. Sessions are always created by the SDK and vended out through various APIs. The lifespans of sessions associated with Realms are managed automatically.
Subscription Sync
A class representing a single query subscription. The server will continuously evaluate the query that the app subscribed to and will send data that matches it as well as remove data that no longer does.
SubscriptionSet Sync
A collection representing the set of active subscriptions for a Realm instance.

Exceptions / Errors

ClientResetError Sync
An error type that describes a client reset error condition.
SyncClientError Sync
An error type that describes a session-level error condition.
SyncConnectionError Sync
An error type that describes a connection-level error condition.
SyncError Sync
Thrown when an error occurs during synchronization
SyncSessionError Sync
An error type that describes a session-level error condition.