Realm topic


DynamicRealm Realm
Exposes a set of dynamic methods on the Realm object. These don't use strongly typed classes and instead lookup objects by string name.
DynamicRealmObject Realm
Exposes a set of dynamic methods on the RealmObject type. These allow you to access properties by name rather than via the strongly typed API.
Migration Realm
A Migration object is passed to you when you migrate your database from one version to another. It contains the properties for the Realm before and after the migration. After the migration is complete, newRealm will become the authoritative version of the file.
MigrationRealm Realm
A class used during a migration callback. It exposes a set of dynamic API as well as the Realm config and schema.
Realm Realm
A Realm instance represents a Realm database.
RealmList<T extends Object?> Realm
Instances of this class are live collections and will update as new elements are either added to or deleted from the collection or from the Realm.
RealmLogLevel Realm
Specifies the criticality level above which messages will be logged by the default sync client logger.
RealmResults<T extends Object?> Realm
Instances of this class are live collections and will update as new elements are either added to or deleted from the Realm that match the underlying query.


RealmObjectBase Realm
An object that is persisted in Realm.


ProgressCallback = void Function(SyncProgress syncProgress) Realm
The signature of a callback that will be executed while the Realm is opened asynchronously with This is the registered onProgressCallback when calling open that receives progress notifications while the download is in progress.

Exceptions / Errors

RealmClosedError Realm
An error throw when operating on an object that has been closed.
RealmError Realm
A base class of all Realm errors.
RealmException Realm
An exception being thrown when a Realm operation or RealmObject access fails.
RealmUnsupportedSetError Realm
Thrown if the operation is not supported.
UserCallbackException Realm
An exception throws during execution of a user callback - e.g. during migration or initial data population.