useImperativeHandle function

void useImperativeHandle(
  1. dynamic ref,
  2. dynamic createHandle(), [
  3. List? dependencies

Customizes the ref value that is exposed to parent components when using forwardRef2 by setting ref.current to the return value of createHandle.

In most cases, imperative code using refs should be avoided. For more information, see

Note: there are two rules for using Hooks:


class FancyInputApi {
  final void Function() focus;

final FancyInput = react.forwardRef2((props, ref) {
  final inputRef = useRef<InputElement>();

    () => FancyInputApi(() => inputRef.current.focus()),

    /// Because the return value of [createHandle] never changes, it is not necessary for [ref.current]
    /// to be re-set on each render so this dependency list is empty.

  return react.input({
    'ref': inputRef,
    'value': props['value'],
    'onChange': (e) => props['update'](,

UseImperativeHandleTestComponent(Map props) {
  final inputValue = useState('');
  final fancyInputRef = useRef<FancyInputApi>();

  return react.Fragment({}, [
      'value': inputValue.value,
      'update': inputValue.set,
      'ref': fancyInputRef,
    }, []),
    react.button({'onClick': (_) => fancyInputRef.current.focus()}, ['Focus Input']),

Learn more:


void useImperativeHandle(dynamic ref, dynamic Function() createHandle, [List<dynamic>? dependencies]) =>
    // ref will be a JsRef in forwardRef2, or a Ref in forwardRef. (Or null if no ref is provided)
    // For some reason the ref argument to React.forwardRef is usually a JsRef object no matter the input ref type,
    // but according to React the ref argument to useImperativeHandle and React.forwardRef can be any ref type...
    // -
    // -
    // and not just a ref object, so we type it as dynamic here.
    React.useImperativeHandle(ref is Ref ? ref.jsRef : ref, allowInterop(createHandle), dependencies);