Precise class

Precise represents an arbitrary precision number.

It can be used anywhere a Real Number is used.

Arbitrary precision can be used to combat the effects of cumulative rounding errors in circumstances where those errors can be significant.

This class enables arbitrary precision calculations in both Dart and when transpiled to JavaScript by representing numbers as digits that stay within the limitations of the underlying number system.

In JavaScript the maximum value of a number, because they are 64-bit floating point values, is 2^53, or 9007199254740992, and the maximum number of significant digits as a result is 16.



Precise(String value, {int sigDigits = 50})
Constructs an arbitrary precision number from a string.
Precise.fromMap(Map<String, String>? m)
Constructs a Precise number, applying the values found in map m. See toJson for the expected format.
Precise.num(num value, {int? sigDigits})
Constructs a Precise number equal to value. The number of significant digits defaults to 19 for integers and 15 for doubles but may be specified.
Precise.raw(List<Digit> digits, {int power = 0, bool neg = false, int sigDigits = 50})
Creates a arbitrary precision number directly from digits.


decimalPortion Precise
Return only the decimal portion as a Precise number.
no setter
digits List<Digit>
Returns a copy of the internal digits list, from least significant to most.
no setter
hashCode int
If an integer value, returns the same hash as an int with the same value. If not an integer value, uses the hashing utility from the quiver package to create a high quality hash based on the digits, sign and power.
no setteroverride
isFinite bool
Whether this Number represents a finite value.
no setterinherited
isInfinite bool
Whether this Number represents infinity.
no setterinherited
isInteger bool
Returns true if the stored value can be represented exactly as an integer.
no setteroverride
isNaN bool
Whether this Number represents a value .
no setterinherited
isNegative bool
Whether this number is less than zero.
no setteroverride
power int
The offset of the decimal point.
no setter
precision int
Optional precision cutoff (maximum number of significant digits allowed).
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sign num
Returns minus one, zero or plus one depending on the sign and numerical value of the number. Returns minus one if the number is less than zero, plus one if the number is greater than zero, and zero if the number is equal to zero. Returns NaN if the number is NaN. Returns an int if this Number's value is an integer, a double otherwise.
no setterinherited
value num
All Real subclasses must be able to provide their value as a dart:core num.
no setteroverride


abs() Precise
Returns the absolute value of this Number.
ceil() Precise
Returns the least Number having integer components no smaller than this Number.
clamp(dynamic lowerLimit, dynamic upperLimit) Precise
Returns this num clamped to be in the range lowerLimit-upperLimit. The comparison is done using compareTo and therefore takes -0.0 into account. This also implies that double.NAN is treated as the maximal double value. lowerLimit and upperLimit are expected to be num or `Number' objects.
compareTo(dynamic n2) int
Compares this Number to another Number by comparing values. n2 is expected to be a num or Number. If it is not it will be considered to have a value of 0.
digitAtPlace(int place) Digit
Returns the digit at place, where place is with respect to the decimal number system (that is, place 1 is tens, place 2 is hundreds, place -3 is thousandths, etc).
floor() Precise
Returns the greatest Number with an integer value no greater than this Number. If this is not finite (NaN or infinity), throws an UnsupportedError.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reciprocal() Number
Returns the Number that is the reciprocal of this Number. This Number is unaffected.
remainder(dynamic divisor) Precise
Returns the remainder of the truncating division of this Number by divisor. The result r of this operation satisfies: this == (this ~/ other) * other + r. As a consequence the remainder r has the same sign as the operator /(divisor).
round() Precise
Returns the Precise integer value closest to this Precise value. Rounds away from zero when there is no closest integer: (3.5).round() == 4 and (-3.5).round() == -4.
toDouble() double
Converts this Number to a dart:core double.
toInt() int
Converts this Number to a dart:core int.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Support dart:json stringify.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
truncate() Precise
Returns a truncated value.


operator %(dynamic divisor) Number
Modulo operator.
operator *(dynamic multiplier) Precise
Multiplication operator. The precision of the product is the lesser of the precision of the two numbers so as not to imply a level of accuracy not present in the inputs.
operator +(dynamic addend) Precise
Addition operator. The precision of the product is the lesser of the precision of the two numbers so as not to imply a level of accuracy not present in the inputs.
operator -(dynamic subtrahend) Precise
Subtraction operator. The precision of the difference is the lesser of the precision of the two numbers so as not to imply a level of accuracy not present in the inputs.
operator /(dynamic divisor) Number
Division operator. The precision of the product is the lesser of the precision of the two numbers so as not to imply a level of accuracy not present in the inputs.
operator <(dynamic other) bool
Less than operator.
operator <=(dynamic other) bool
Less than or equals operator.
operator ==(dynamic other) bool
Equals operator.
operator >(dynamic other) bool
Greater than operator.
operator >=(dynamic other) bool
Greater than or equals operator.
operator ^(dynamic exponent) Number
Power operator.
operator unary-() Precise
Negation operator.
operator ~/(dynamic divisor) Number
Truncating division operator.

Static Properties

one Precise
One as a Precise number.
zero Precise
Zero as a Precise number.

Static Methods

determinePlaceExtents(Precise p1, Precise p2) List<int>
Returns the minimum and maximum place extents for the combination of two Precise objects, p1 and p2.
toPrecise(dynamic obj, {int? desiredPrecision}) Precise
Converts a num, Number or String into a Precise object. int and Integer precision defaults to 19. double and Double precision defaults to 15. Any other kind of object defaults to 50. The precision parameter can override these defaults. If obj is a Precise object, a copy will be returned and its precision will be transferred unless overridden.