quantity library
A superset of all the other libraries available in the quantity package. Import this library to have access to all the quantity types, units and constants defined in this package. Alternatively, import only the quantity_si library to stick to the types and units consistent with the International System of Units (SI).
- AbsorbedDose
- The mean energy imparted to matter per unit mass by ionizing radiation. See the Wikipedia entry for Absorbed Dose for more information.
- AbsorbedDoseRate
- The rate of mean energy imparted to matter per unit mass by ionizing radiation. See the Wikipedia entry for Absorbed Dose for more information.
- AbsorbedDoseRateUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing AbsorbedDoseRate quantities.
- AbsorbedDoseUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing AbsorbedDose quantities.
- Acceleration
- The rate of change of speed of an object. See the Wikipedia entry for Acceleration for more information.
- AccelerationUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Acceleration quantities.
- Activity
- A measure of the effective concentration of a species in a mixture. See the Wikipedia entry for Thermodynamic activity for more information.
- ActivityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Activity quantities.
- AmountOfSubstance
- The size of an ensemble of elementary entities, such as atoms, molecules, electrons, and other particles. See the Wikipedia entry for Amount of substance for more information.
- AmountOfSubstanceUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing AmountOfSubstance quantities.
- Angle
- A planar (2-dimensional) angle, which has dimensions of 1 and is a measure of the ratio of the length of a circular arc to its radius.
- AngleRange
- An immutable angle range with a start angle, an end angle and an implicit direction.
- AngleUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Angle quantities.
- AngularAcceleration
- The rate of change of angular speed. See the Wikipedia entry for Angular acceleration for more information.
- AngularAccelerationUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing AngularAcceleration quantities.
- AngularMomentum
- A measure of the quantity of rotation of a system of matter, taking into account its mass, rotations, motions and shape. See the Wikipedia entry for Angular momentum for more information.
- AngularMomentumUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing AngularMomentum quantities.
- AngularSpeed
- The rate of change of an angle. See the Wikipedia entry for Angular_velocity for more information.
- AngularSpeedUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing AngularSpeed quantities.
- Area
- The extent of a two-dimensional figure or shape. See the Wikipedia entry for Area for more information.
- AreaUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Area quantities.
- Binary
- Represents an integer as a binary number.
- CalendarYear
- The period of 365 days (or 366 days in leap years) starting from the first of January; used for reckoning time in ordinary affairs.
- Capacitance
- The ability of a body to store an electrical charge, See the Wikipedia entry for Capacitance for more information.
- CapacitanceUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Capacitance quantities.
- CatalyticActivity
- The increase in rate of a chemical reaction caused by the presence of a catalyst. See the Wikipedia entry for Catalysis for more information.
- CatalyticActivityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing CatalyticActivity quantities.
- Charge
- The property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field See the Wikipedia entry for Electric charge for more information.
- ChargeDensity
- Electric charge per unit volume of space. See the Wikipedia entry for Charge density for more information.
- ChargeDensityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing ChargeDensity quantities.
- ChargeUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Charge quantities.
- Complex
- Complex numbers have both a real and an imaginary part.
- Concentration
- The abundance of a constituent divided by the total volume of a mixture. See the Wikipedia entry for Concentration for more information.
- ConcentrationUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Concentration quantities.
- Conductance
The ease with which an electric current passes through a conductor (the inverse of
). See the Wikipedia entry for Electrical resistance and conductance for more information. - ConductanceUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Conductance quantities.
- Currency
- Money in any form when in actual use or circulation as a medium of exchange. See the Wikipedia entry for Currency for more information.
- CurrencyUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Currency quantities.
- Current
- The flow of electric charge. See the Wikipedia entry for Electric current for more information.
- CurrentDensity
- The electric current per unit area of cross section. See the Wikipedia entry for Current density for more information.
- CurrentDensityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing CurrentDensity quantities.
- CurrentUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Current quantities.
- Digit
- Represents a digit in four bits of a single byte. This wastes four bits but that's a decent trade-off for simplicity and better anyway than the 4+ bytes allocated for a regular int.
- Dimensions
- The Dimensions class represents the dimensions of a physical quantity.
- DoseEquivalent
- Represents the stochastic health effects (probability of cancer induction and genetic damage) of ionizing radiation on the human body. See the Wikipedia entry for Equivalent dose for more information.
- DoseEquivalentUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing DoseEquivalent quantities.
- Double
- Wraps Dart's core double type, so that it can share a common base type with other Numbers.
- DynamicViscosity
- A measure of a fluid's resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress. See the Wikipedia entry for Viscosity for more information.
- DynamicViscosityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing DynamicViscosity quantities.
- ElectricFieldStrength
- The magnitude of the force per unit charge that an electric field exerts. See the Wikipedia entry for Electric field for more information.
- ElectricFieldStrengthUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing ElectricFieldStrength quantities.
- ElectricFluxDensity
- A measure of the intensity of an electric field generated by a free electric charge, corresponding to the number of electric field lines passing through a given area. See the Wikipedia entry for Electric_flux for more information.
- ElectricFluxDensityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing ElectricFluxDensity quantities.
- ElectricPotentialDifference
- The difference in electric potential energy between two points per unit electric charge See the Wikipedia entry for Voltage for more information.
- ElectricPotentialDifferenceUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing ElectricPotentialDifference quantities.
- Energy
- The ability of a system to perform work; cannot be created or destroyed but can take many forms. See the Wikipedia entry for Energy for more information.
- EnergyDensity
- The amount of energy stored in a given system or region of space per unit volume. See the Wikipedia entry for Energy density for more information.
- EnergyDensityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing EnergyDensity quantities.
- EnergyFlux
- The rate of transfer of energy through a surface. See the Wikipedia entry for Energy density for more information.
- EnergyFluxUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing EnergyFlux quantities.
- EnergyUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Energy quantities.
- EngineeringFormatSI
- A version of scientific notation in which the exponent of ten must be divisible by three (e.g., 123.345 x 10^3).
- Entropy
- The number of specific ways in which a thermodynamic system may be arranged, commonly understood as a measure of disorder. See the Wikipedia entry for Entropy for more information.
- EntropyUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Entropy quantities.
- Exposure
- The radiant energy received by a surface per unit area. See the Wikipedia entry for Radiant exposure for more information.
- ExposureUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Exposure quantities.
- FieldLevel
- Represents a level of a field quantity, a logarithmic quantity. Level of a field quantity is defined as ln(F/F0), where F/F0 is the ratio of two field quantities and F0 is a reference amplitude of the appropriate type.
- FiscalYear
- Constructs a FiscalYear time period.
- Force
- Any interaction that, when unopposed, changes the motion of an object. See the Wikipedia entry for Force for more information.
- ForceUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Force quantities.
- Fraction
- A convenient way to represent fractional numbers.
- Frequency
- The number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. See the Wikipedia entry for Frequency for more information.
- FrequencyUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Frequency quantities.
- HeatFluxDensity
- Heat rate per unit area. See the Wikipedia entry for Heat flux for more information.
- HeatFluxDensityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing HeatFluxDensity quantities.
- Hexadecimal
- Represents an integer as a hexadecimal number.
- Illuminance
- The total luminous flux incident on a surface, per unit area. See the Wikipedia entry for Illuminance for more information.
- IlluminanceUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Illuminance quantities.
- Imaginary
- Represents an imaginary number, defined as a number whose square is negative one.
- Inductance
- The property of an electrical conductor by which a change in current flowing through it induces an electromotive force in both the conductor itself and in any nearby conductors by mutual inductance. See the Wikipedia entry for Inductance for more information.
- InductanceUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Inductance quantities.
- Information
- Amount of data. See the Wikipedia entry for Information for more information.
- InformationRate
- The flow of information, per unit time. See the Wikipedia entry for Information for more information.
- InformationRateUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing InformationRate quantities.
- InformationUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Information quantities.
- Integer
- Wraps Dart's core int type, so that it can share a common base type with other Numbers.
- KinematicViscosity
- The resistance to flow of a fluid, equal to its absolute viscosity divided by its density. See the Wikipedia entry for Viscosity for more information.
- KinematicViscosityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing KinematicViscosity quantities.
- Length
- Represents the length physical quantity (one of the seven base SI quantities). See the Wikipedia entry for Length for more information.
- LengthUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Length quantities.
- Level
- Represents logarithmic physical quantities and has dimensions of 1 (Scalar). Level of a field quantity and level of a power quantity are two common logarithmic quantities.
- LevelUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Level quantities.
- Luminance
- The intensity of light emitted from a surface per unit area. See the Wikipedia entry for Luminance for more information.
- LuminanceUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Luminance quantities.
- LuminousFlux
- The perceived power of light. It differs from radiant flux, the measure of the total power of electromagnetic radiation (including infrared, ultraviolet, and visible light), in that luminous flux is adjusted to reflect the varying sensitivity of the human eye to different wavelengths of light See the Wikipedia entry for Luminance for more information.
- LuminousFluxUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing LuminousFlux quantities.
- LuminousIntensity
- Represents the luminous intensity physical quantity (one of the seven base SI quantities), the wavelength-weighted power emitted by a light source in a particular direction per unit solid angle. See the Wikipedia entry for Luminous intensity for more information.
- LuminousIntensityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing LuminousIntensity quantities.
- MagneticFieldStrength
- The intensity of a magnetic field. See the Wikipedia entry for Magnetic field for more information.
- MagneticFieldStrengthUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing MagneticFieldStrength quantities.
- MagneticFlux
- The magnetic flux density passing through a closed surface. See the Wikipedia entry for Magnetic flux for more information.
- MagneticFluxDensity
- The amount of magnetic flux in an area taken perpendicular to a magnetic flux's direction See the Wikipedia entry for Magnetic flux for more information.
- MagneticFluxDensityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing MagneticFluxDensity quantities.
- MagneticFluxUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing MagneticFlux quantities.
- Mass
- Represents the mass physical quantity (one of the seven base SI quantities), that determines the strength of a body's mutual gravitational attraction to other bodies. See the Wikipedia entry for Mass for more information.
- MassDensity
- Mass per unit volume. See the Wikipedia entry for Density for more information.
- MassDensityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing MassDensity quantities.
- MassFlowRate
- The mass of a substance which passes per unit of time. See the Wikipedia entry for Mass flow rate for more information.
- MassFlowRateUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing MassFlowRate quantities.
- MassFluxDensity
- The mass of a substance which passes per unit of time. See the Wikipedia entry for Mass flow rate for more information.
- MassFluxDensityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing MassFluxDensity quantities.
- MassUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Mass quantities.
- MiscQuantity
- A MiscQuantity is a general (miscellaneous) Quantity having arbitrary dimensions (including possibly the same dimensions as a named Quantity subclass). MiscQuantity objects may be used, for example, in less common domains or as intermediate results in equations.
- MolarEnergy
- Energy per mole of a substance. See the Wikipedia entry for Specific energy for more information.
- MolarEnergyUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing MolarEnergy quantities.
- MolarEntropy
- Entropy content per mole of substance. See the Wikipedia entry for Standard molar entropy for more information.
- MolarEntropyUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing MolarEntropy quantities.
- MutableQuantity
MutableQuantity supports updates to its value, dimensions and uncertainty.
Changes are broadcast over the
stream. - Number
- The abstract base class for all Number types.
- NumberFormatSI
- NumberFormatSI implements the International System of Units (SI) style conventions for displaying values of quantities. Specifically:
- Octal
- Represents an integer as an octal number.
- Permeability
- The ability of a material to support the formation of a magnetic field within itself. See the Wikipedia entry for Permeability (electromagnetism) for more information.
- PermeabilityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Permeability quantities.
- Permittivity
- The resistance that is encountered when forming an electric field in a medium. See the Wikipedia entry for Permittivity for more information.
- PermittivityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Permittivity quantities.
- Power
- Amount of energy per unit time. See the Wikipedia entry for Power (physics) for more information.
- PowerLevel
- Represents a level of a power quantity, a logarithmic quantity. Level of a power quantity is defined as 0.5*ln(P/P0), where P/P0 is the ratio of two powers and P0 is a reference power.
- PowerUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Power quantities.
- Precise
represents an arbitrary precision number. - Pressure
- Force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit area over which that force is distributed. See the Wikipedia entry for Pressure for more information.
- PressureUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Pressure quantities.
- Quantity
- The abstract base class for all quantities. The Quantity class represents the value of a physical quantity and its associated dimensions. It provides methods for constructing and getting the quantity's value in arbitrary units, methods for mathematical manipulation and comparison and optional features such as arbitrary precision and uncertainty.
Q extends Quantity> - Represents a range of quantity values.
- Radiance
- The radiant flux emitted, reflected, transmitted or received by a surface, per unit solid angle per unit projected area. See the Wikipedia entry for Radiance for more information.
- RadianceUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Radiance quantities.
- RadiantFlux
- Radiant flux is another way to express power.
- RadiantIntensity
- The radiant flux emitted, reflected, transmitted or received, per unit solid angle. See the Wikipedia entry for Radiant intensity for more information.
- RadiantIntensityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing RadiantIntensity quantities.
- Real
- Provides a common handle for all Real Numbers.
- Resistance
- A measure of the difficulty passing an electric current through a conductor. See the Wikipedia entry for Electrical resistance and conductance for more information.
- ResistanceUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Resistance quantities.
- Scalar
- A one-dimensional physical quantity that can be described by a single real number. See the Wikipedia entry for Scalar (physics) for more information.
- ScalarUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Scalar quantities.
- ScientificFormatSI
- Formats a number as a single integer digit, followed by decimal digits and raised to a power of 10 (e.g., 1.2345 x 10^3).
- SolidAngle
- A two-dimensional angle in three-dimensional space that an object subtends at a point. See the Wikipedia entry for Solid angle for more information.
- SolidAngleUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing SolidAngle quantities.
- SpecificEnergy
- Energy per unit mass. See the Wikipedia entry for Specific energy for more information.
- SpecificEnergyUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing SpecificEnergy quantities.
- SpecificHeatCapacity
- The heat capacity per unit mass of a material. See the Wikipedia entry for Heat capacity for more information.
- SpecificHeatCapacityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing SpecificHeatCapacity quantities.
- SpecificVolume
- The ratio of the substance's volume to its mass. See the Wikipedia entry for Specific volume for more information.
- SpecificVolumeUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing SpecificVolume quantities.
- SpectralIrradiance
- Irradiance of a surface per unit frequency. See the Wikipedia entry for Radiometry for more information.
- SpectralIrradianceUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing SpectralIrradiance quantities.
- Speed
- The rate of change of position. See the Wikipedia entry for Speed for more information.
- SpeedUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Speed quantities.
- SurfaceTension
- The elastic tendency of liquids which makes them acquire the least surface area possible. See the Wikipedia entry for Surface tension for more information.
- SurfaceTensionUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing SurfaceTension quantities.
- Temperature
- An objective comparative measure of hot or cold. See the Wikipedia entry for Thermodynamic temperature for more information.
- TemperatureInterval
- The difference between two temperatures, where temperature is an objective comparative measure of hot or cold. See the Wikipedia entry for Thermodynamic temperature for more information.
- TemperatureIntervalUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing TemperatureInterval quantities.
- TemperatureUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Temperature quantities.
- ThermalConductivity
- The ability of a material to conduct heat. See the Wikipedia entry for Thermal conductivity for more information.
- ThermalConductivityUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing ThermalConductivity quantities.
- Time
- Represents the time interval physical quantity (one of the seven base SI quantities).
- TimeInstant
represents a specific moment in time and its units enable conversion between various time scales. - TimeInstantUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing TimeInstant quantities.
- TimePeriod
- Represents a specific time span.
- TimeUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Time quantities.
- Torque
- The tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis, fulcrum, or pivot. See the Wikipedia entry for Torque for more information.
- TorqueUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Torque quantities.
- Volume
- The amount of three-dimensional space enclosed by some closed boundary. See the Wikipedia entry for Volume for more information.
- VolumeFlowRate
- The volume of fluid which passes per unit time. See the Wikipedia entry for Volumetric flow rate for more information.
- VolumeFlowRateUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing VolumeFlowRate quantities.
- VolumeUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing Volume quantities.
- WaveNumber
- The spatial frequency of a wave. See the Wikipedia entry for Wavenumber for more information.
- WaveNumberUnits
- Units acceptable for use in describing WaveNumber quantities.
- UncertaintyFormat
- Whether and how to display a quantity's uncertainty (e.g., compact is 32.324(12), not compact is (32.324 +/- 0.012)).
- Units
- A unit is a particular physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention, with which other particular quantities of the same kind (dimensions) are compared to express their value.
- alphaParticleMass → const Mass
- The rest mass of a helium nucleus.
- angstromStar → const Length
- Often used to represent the wavelengths of X rays and the distances between atoms in crystals.
- atomicMass → const Mass
- One twelfth of the mass of a carbon-12 atom in its nuclear and electronic ground state.
- bohrRadius → const Length
- The mean radius of the orbit of an electron around the nucleus of a hydrogen atom at its ground state.
- boltzmannConstant → const Entropy
- The Boltzmann constant is a physical constant that relates the average relative kinetic energy of particles in a gas with the temperature of the gas.
- characteristicImpedanceOfVacuum → const Resistance
- Relates the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields of electromagnetic radiation travelling through free space.
- classicalElectronRadius → const Length
- The classical electron radius is a combination of fundamental physical quantities that define a length scale for problems involving an electron interacting with electromagnetic radiation.
- comptonWavelength → const Length
- The wavelength of a photon whose energy is the same as the mass energy equivalent of that particle.
- conductanceQuantum → const Conductance
- The quantized unit of electrical conductance. It appears when measuring the conductance of a quantum point contact, and, more generally, is a key component of Landauer formula which relates the electrical conductance of a quantum conductor to its quantum properties.
- cos0 → const double
- The cosine of a ninety degree angle (1).
- cos60 → const double
- The cosine of a sixty degree angle (0.5).
- cos90 → const double
- The cosine of a ninety degree angle (1).
- deuteronMass → const Mass
- The mass of a stationary deuteron.
- electronGFactor → const Scalar
- Electron g factor (ge).
- electronMass → const Mass
- The mass of a stationary electron.
- elementaryCharge → const Charge
- The electric charge carried by a single proton.
→ const Map<
String, String> - Maps a digit, decimal point or minus sign string to a unicode exponent character.
- fineStructureConstant → const Scalar
- Fine structure constant (alpha).
- fiveNinths → const double
- A ratio used in the conversion between metric temperature scales and Fahrenheit.
- hartreeEnergy → const Energy
- The Hartree atomic unit of energy is the energy for the separation of a molecule to nuclei and electrons.
- hBar → const AngularMomentum
- The Planck constant divided by 2 PI (a.k.a., 'h-bar' or 'reduced Planck constant').
- helionMass → const Mass
- The mass of a stationary helion.
- lengthZero → const Length
- A constant representing zero length.
- magneticFluxQuantum → const MagneticFlux
- The magnetic flux quantum constant is a combination of two other physical constants: the Planck constant h and the electron charge e. Its value is, therefore, the same for any superconductor.
- muonGFactor → const Scalar
- Muon g factor (gn).
- muonMass → const Mass
- The mass of a stationary muon particle.
- naught → const Scalar
- A synonym for zero.
- neutronGFactor → const Scalar
- Neutron g factor (gn).
- neutronMass → const Mass
- The mass of a stationary neutron.
- planckConstant → const AngularMomentum
- The Planck constant.
- planckLength → const Length
- The threshold length at which classical ideas about gravity and space-time cease to be valid and quantum effects dominate.
- planckMass → const Mass
- The unit of mass in the system of natural units known as Planck units. It is approximately 0.02 milligrams.
- planckTemperature → const Temperature
- Contemporary models of physical cosmology postulate that the highest possible temperature is the Planck temperature.
- planckTime → const Time
- The time required for light to travel in a vacuum a distance of one Planck length.
- protonGFactor → const Scalar
- Proton g factor (gp).
- protonMass → const Mass
- The mass of a stationary proton.
- sackurTetrode100kPa → const Scalar
- Sackur-Tetrode constant at 1 K and 100 kPa ('S0/R').
- sackurTetrodeStdAtm → const Scalar
- Sackur-Tetrode constant at 1 K and 101.325 kPa ('S0/R').
- scalarZero → const Scalar
- Zero, as a Scalar.
- sigma0 → const Area
- A synonym for the thomsonCrossSection.
- sin0 → const double
- The sine of a zero degree angle (0).
- sin30 → const double
- The sine of a thirty degree angle (0.5).
- sin90 → const double
- The sine of a ninety degree angle (1).
- solarLuminosity → const Power
- The solar luminosity constant is the radiant flux (power emitted in the form of photons) emitted by the Sun (a typical value; the Sun's output actually varies slightly over time).
- speedOfLightVacuum → const Speed
- Speed of light in a vacuum.
- speedOfSoundAir0C → const Speed
- Speed of sound in air at 0 deg C.
- tan0 → const double
- The tangent of a zero degree angle (0).
- tan45 → const double
- The tangent of a forty five degree angle (1).
- tau → const double
- The "circle constant", equal to two pi.
- tauComptonWavelength → const Length
- The tau Compton wavelength.
- tauMass → const Mass
- The mass of a stationary tau particle.
- thomsonCrossSection → const Area
- Helpful for describing the scattering of photons when the energy of each individual photon is much smaller than the rest energy of the electron.
- twoPi → const double
- The value 2 * pi, also known as tau.
- vacuumElectricPermittivity → const Permittivity
- A constant of proportionality that exists between electric displacement and electric field intensity.
- vacuumMagneticPermeability → const Permeability
- The magnetic permeability in a classical vacuum.
- vonKlitzingConstant → const Resistance
- Relates Planck's constant and the charge of the electron.
- weakMixingAngle → const Scalar
- Weak mixing angle.
- Z0 → const Resistance
- A synonym for characteristicImpedanceOfVacuum.
- zilch → const Scalar
- A synonym for zero.
- abamperes → CurrentUnits
Abamperes as a unit.
- abcoulombs → ChargeUnits
A synonym for dekacoulombs.
- abfarads → CapacitanceUnits
A unit representing one gigafarad.
- abhenries ↔ InductanceUnits
Abhenries is a synonym for nanohenries.
getter/setter pair
- abmho → ConductanceUnits
Equivalent to a billion siemens (or mhos).
- abvolts ↔ ElectricPotentialDifferenceUnits
The unit of electromotive force (EMF) or potential difference in the CGS (centimeter/gram/second)
electromagnetic system of units. When an EMF of 1 abV exists between two points, then one erg of energy
is needed to move one abcoulomb (1 abC) of charge carriers between those two points.
getter/setter pair
- acreFoot ↔ VolumeUnits
Acre foot as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- acres → AreaUnits
An acre is about three-quarters of the size of an American football field.
- aeons → TimeUnits
A unit of one billion years.
→ Iterable<
Type> -
Returns an iterable of Type objects representing all of the quantity types
supported by this library (for example, Angle, Length, etc.).
no setter
- ampereHours → ChargeUnits
Ampere hours as a unit.
- amperes → CurrentUnits
The standard SI unit.
- amps → CurrentUnits
A synonym for amperes.
- angle0 → Angle
A zero degree angle.
- angle180 → Angle
A one hundred eighty degree angle.
- angle270 → Angle
A two hundred seventy degree angle.
- angle30 → Angle
A thirty degree angle.
- angle360 → Angle
A three hundred sixty degree angle.
- angle45 → Angle
A forty five degree angle.
- angle60 → Angle
A sixty degree angle.
- angle90 → Angle
A ninety degree angle.
- anglePi → Angle
A one hundred eighty degree angle.
- angleTau → Angle
A three hundred sixty degree angle.
- angstromStars → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- angularMils → AngleUnits
One angular mil is 0.05625 of a degree, exactly.
- ares → AreaUnits
Accepted for use with the SI, subject to further review.
Equals one square dekameter, or 100 square meters.
- astronomicalUnits → LengthUnits
The mean distance from the center of the earth to the center of the sun.
- atmospheres ↔ PressureUnits
Standard atmospheres as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- atmospheresTechnical ↔ PressureUnits
Technical atmospheres as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- attometers → LengthUnits
A unit of 10^-18 meters.
- attoseconds → TimeUnits
10^-18 of a second.
- B → TimeInstantUnits
Besselian - Replaced by Julian system, but still of occasional use
- bakersDozen → ScalarUnits
A baker's dozen is 13. One extra donut. Thank you.
- barns → AreaUnits
Accepted for use with the SI, subject to further review.
Equals 100 square femtometers, or 1.0e-28 square meters.
- barrels ↔ VolumeUnits
Barrels as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- barrelsPetroleum ↔ VolumeUnits
Barrels petroleum as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- bars ↔ PressureUnits
Shorthand bars unit.
getter/setter pair
- baryes ↔ PressureUnits
Baryes as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- billionEur → ScalarUnits
The European variant of one billion (10^12) as a unit.
- billionthsUS → ScalarUnits
One billionth (US: 10^-9) as a unit.
- billionUS → ScalarUnits
One billion (US: 10^9) as a unit.
- bits → InformationUnits
The standard SI unit.
- boardFeet ↔ VolumeUnits
Board feet as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- boltzmannUnit → EntropyUnits
Boltzmann constant as a unit.
- btu39 → EnergyUnits
39 degree Fahrenheit BTUs as a unit.
- btu60 → EnergyUnits
60 degree Fahrenheit BTUs as a unit.
- btuInternationalTable → EnergyUnits
International Table BTUs as a unit.
- btuMean → EnergyUnits
Mean BTUs as a unit.
- btuThermo → EnergyUnits
Thermochemical BTUs as a unit.
- btuThermsPerHour ↔ PowerUnits
Square degrees as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- btuThermsPerSecond ↔ PowerUnits
Thermochemical BTUs per second as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- bushels ↔ VolumeUnits
Bushels as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- bytes → InformationUnits
Units of 8 bits.
- cables → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- calibers → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- calories15 → EnergyUnits
15 degree Celsius calories as a unit.
- calories20 → EnergyUnits
20 degree Celsius calories as a unit.
- caloriesInternationalTable → EnergyUnits
International Table calories as a unit.
- caloriesKgInternationalTable → EnergyUnits
International Table kilogram calories as a unit.
- caloriesKgMean → EnergyUnits
Mean kilogram calories as a unit.
- caloriesKgThermo → EnergyUnits
Thermochemical kilogram calories as a unit.
- caloriesMean → EnergyUnits
Mean calories as a unit.
- caloriesThermo → EnergyUnits
Thermochemical calories as a unit.
- caloriesThermoPerSecond ↔ PowerUnits
Thermochemical calories as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- candelas → LuminousIntensityUnits
The standard SI unit.
- caratsMetric → MassUnits
Metric carats as a unit.
- centimeters → LengthUnits
A unit of one hundredth of a meter.
- centiseconds → TimeUnits
A hundredth of a second.
- centistokes ↔ KinematicViscosityUnits
Centistokes as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- chainsEngineer → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- chainsSurveyor → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- circles → AngleUnits
Synonymous with revolutions.
- circularMils → AreaUnits
Equal to the area of a circle with a diameter of one mil (one thousandth of an inch).
It is often used for representing the area of a wire's circular cross section.
- clausius → EntropyUnits
The erg per clausius unit of entropy.
- cmMercury0 ↔ PressureUnits
Centimeters of mercury at 0 degrees Celsius.
getter/setter pair
- cmWater4 ↔ PressureUnits
Centimeters of water at 4 degrees Celsius.
getter/setter pair
- cords ↔ VolumeUnits
Cords as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- cos30 → double
The cosine of a thirty degree angle.
- cos45 → double
The cosine of a forty five degree angle.
- coulombs → ChargeUnits
The standard SI unit.
- cubicCentimeters ↔ VolumeUnits
Cubic centimeters as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- cubicFeet ↔ VolumeUnits
Barrels as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- cubicInches ↔ VolumeUnits
Cubic inches as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- cubicMeters ↔ VolumeUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- cubicMetersPerSecond ↔ VolumeFlowRateUnits
The standard SI unit, tersely.
getter/setter pair
- cubicParsecs ↔ VolumeUnits
Cubic parsecs as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- cubicYards ↔ VolumeUnits
Cubic yards as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- cubits → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- cumecs ↔ VolumeFlowRateUnits
Shorthand synonym for standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- cups ↔ VolumeUnits
Cups as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- cycles → AngleUnits
Synonymous with revolutions.
- days → TimeUnits
Accepted for use with the SI.
- daysMeanSolar → TimeUnits
Accepted for use with the SI.
- daysSidereal → TimeUnits
A sidereal day is the time between two consecutive transits of the First Point of Aries. It represents the time
taken by the Earth to rotate on its axis relative to the stars, and is almost four minutes shorter than the solar
day because of the Earth's orbital motion.
- decillionEur → ScalarUnits
The European variant of one decillion (10^60) as a unit.
- decillionUS → ScalarUnits
One decillion (US: 10^33) as a unit.
- decimeters → LengthUnits
A unit of one tenth of a meter.
- deciseconds → TimeUnits
A tenth of a second.
- deg → AngleUnits
Synonymous with degrees.
- degF → TemperatureIntervalUnits
A synonym for degreesFahrenheit.
- degK → TemperatureIntervalUnits
A synonym for degrees Kelvin.
- degR → TemperatureIntervalUnits
A synonym for degreesRankine.
- degrees → AngleUnits
A terse version of Angle.degrees.
- degreesCelsius → TemperatureUnits
Degrees in the Celsius scale.
- degreesFahrenheit → TemperatureIntervalUnits
Degrees in the Fahrenheit scale.
- degreesPerSecond → AngularSpeedUnits
Accepted for use with the SI.
- degreesRankine → TemperatureIntervalUnits
Degrees in the Rankine scale.
- dekameters → LengthUnits
A unit of ten meters.
- dekaseconds → TimeUnits
Ten seconds.
- dozen → ScalarUnits
A dozen is 12.
- drams ↔ VolumeUnits
Drams as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- dramsApothecary → MassUnits
Apothecary drams as a unit.
- dramsAvoirdupois → MassUnits
Avoirdupois drams as a unit.
- duotrigintillion → ScalarUnits
One duotrigintillion (10^99) as a unit.
- dynamicQuantityTyping ↔ bool
Dynamic quantity typing may be turned off for increased
efficiency. If false, the result of operations where
dimensions may change will be MiscQuantity type objects.
getter/setter pair
- dynes ↔ ForceUnits
Dynes as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- electronVolts → EnergyUnits
Accepted for use with the SI.
- emuCapacitance → CapacitanceUnits
Electromagnetic unit (emu), the capacity of a circuit component to store charge.
- emuOfInductance ↔ InductanceUnits
EMU of inductance is a synonym for nanohenries.
getter/setter pair
- emuPotential ↔ ElectricPotentialDifferenceUnits
Synonymous with abvolts.
getter/setter pair
- eons → TimeUnits
A synonym for aeons.
- ergPerKelvin → EntropyUnits
The erg per kelvin unit of entropy.
- ergs → EnergyUnits
Ergs as a unit.
- ergsPerSecond ↔ PowerUnits
Ergs per second as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- esuCapacitance → CapacitanceUnits
A synonym for statfarads.
- esuOfInductance ↔ InductanceUnits
ESU of inductance as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- esuPotential ↔ ElectricPotentialDifferenceUnits
Synonymous with statvolts.
getter/setter pair
- ET → TimeInstantUnits
Ephemeris Time (ET) is the same as TDT: ET = TDT = TT = TAI + 32.184 s.
Ephemeris Time was renamed Terrestrial Dynamical Time in 1984 (when
Barycentric Dynamical Time was also introduced)
- exabytes → InformationUnits
10^18 bytes.
Use Information.exbibytes (EiB) instead for the binary interpretation of EB (2^60 bytes).
- exameters → LengthUnits
A unit of 10^18 meters.
- exaseconds → TimeUnits
10^18 seconds.
- Fahrenheit → TemperatureUnits
Fahrenheit scale units.
- faradaysC12 → ChargeUnits
Carbon 12 faradays as a unit.
- faradaysChemical → ChargeUnits
Chemical faradays as a unit.
- faradaysPhysical → ChargeUnits
Physical faradays as a unit.
- farads → CapacitanceUnits
The standard SI unit.
- faradsPerMeter ↔ PermittivityUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- fathoms → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- feet → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- feetPerHour ↔ SpeedUnits
Feet per hour as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- feetPerMinute ↔ SpeedUnits
Feet per minute as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- feetPerSecond ↔ SpeedUnits
Feet per second as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- feetUsSurvey → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- femtometers → LengthUnits
A unit of 10^-15 meters.
- femtoseconds → TimeUnits
10^-15 of a second.
- fermis → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- fluidOunces ↔ VolumeUnits
Fluid ounces as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- fluidOuncesUK ↔ VolumeUnits
U.K. fluid ounces as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- fluxUnits → SpectralIrradianceUnits
Synonymous with janskys.
- footCandles ↔ IlluminanceUnits
Foot candles as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- footPerSecondSquared → AccelerationUnits
A commonly used English unit of acceleration.
- footPoundals → EnergyUnits
Foot-poundals as a unit.
- footPoundsForce → EnergyUnits
Foot pounds force as a unit.
- forceDeCheval ↔ PowerUnits
Force de cheval as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- ftWater39 ↔ PressureUnits
Feet of water at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit.
getter/setter pair
- furlongs → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- g → MassUnits
Gram unit synonym.
- galileos → AccelerationUnits
Defined as 0.01 meter per second squared.
- gallonsUKLiquid ↔ VolumeUnits
U.K. liquid gallons as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- gallonsUSDry ↔ VolumeUnits
U.S. dry gallons as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- gallonsUSLiquid ↔ VolumeUnits
U.S. liquid gallons as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- gals → AccelerationUnits
Synonymous with galileos.
- gammas → MassUnits
Microgram units.
- gauss ↔ MagneticFluxDensityUnits
One gauss is one ten-thousandth of a tesla.
getter/setter pair
- gees → AccelerationUnits
A unit based on the acceleration experienced by a free-falling body at the Earth's surface.
- gigabytes → InformationUnits
10^9 bytes.
Use Information.gibibytes (GiB) instead for the binary interpretation of GB (2^30 bytes).
- gigameters → LengthUnits
A unit of one billion meters.
- gigaseconds → TimeUnits
A billion seconds.
- gilberts → CurrentUnits
Gilberts as a unit.
- gillsUK ↔ VolumeUnits
U.K. gills as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- gillsUS ↔ VolumeUnits
U.S. gills as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- gons → AngleUnits
Synonym for grads.
- googol ↔ Scalar
googol (10^100), arbitrary precision.
getter/setter pair
- googols → ScalarUnits
One googol (10^100) as a unit.
- GPST → TimeInstantUnits
GPS Satellite Time (GPST): GPST = TAI - 19 s
- grades → AngleUnits
Synonym for grads.
- grads → AngleUnits
One grad is 0.9 of a degree, exactly.
- grains → MassUnits
Grains as a unit.
- grams → MassUnits
A unit of one gram.
- gramsPerCubicCentimeter ↔ MassDensityUnits
Grams per cubic centimeter as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- greatGross → ScalarUnits
A great gross is 1728.
- gross → ScalarUnits
A gross is 144.
- halfDozen → ScalarUnits
A half-dozen is 6.
- hands → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- hBarUnits → AngularMomentumUnits
The Planck constant divided by 2 PI (a.k.a., 'h-bar') as units.
- hectares → AreaUnits
Accepted for use with the SI, subject to further review.
Equals 1 square hectometer, or 10 000 square meters.
- hectometers → LengthUnits
A unit of one hundred meters.
- hectoseconds → TimeUnits
A hundred seconds.
- hemispheres → SolidAngleUnits
Hemispheres as a unit.
- henries ↔ InductanceUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- henriesPerMeter ↔ PermeabilityUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- hogsheads ↔ VolumeUnits
Hogsheads as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- horsepower550 ↔ PowerUnits
Horsepower (550 ft lbs/s) as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- horsepowerBoiler ↔ PowerUnits
Horsepower (boiler) as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- horsepowerElectric ↔ PowerUnits
Horsepower (electric) as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- horsepowerMetric ↔ PowerUnits
Horsepower (metric) as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- horsepowerWater ↔ PowerUnits
Horsepower (water) as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- hours → TimeUnits
Accepted for use with the SI.
- hoursMeanSolar → TimeUnits
Accepted for use with the SI.
- hoursSidereal → TimeUnits
A unit of one hour in the sidereal day.
- hoursTime → AngleUnits
Based on Earth's rotation (approximately 15 degrees).
- hundred → ScalarUnits
100 as a unit.
- hundredths → ScalarUnits
One hundredth as a unit.
- hundredweightLong → MassUnits
Long hundredweight as a unit.
- hundredweightShort → MassUnits
Short hundredweight as a unit.
- inches → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- inchesPerSecond ↔ SpeedUnits
Inches per second as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- inchPerSecondSquared → AccelerationUnits
A commonly used English unit of acceleration.
- inMercury32 ↔ PressureUnits
Inches of mercury at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
getter/setter pair
- inWater39 ↔ PressureUnits
Inches of water at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit.
getter/setter pair
- J2000 → TimeInstant
J2000.0 as defined by the IAU: Julian date: 2000 Jan 1d 12h UT in the TDT time scale
- janskys → SpectralIrradianceUnits
A non-SI unit of spectral irradiance used especially in radio astronomy.
- JD_TAI → TimeInstantUnits
Julian Date in the TAI scale
- JD_TCB → TimeInstantUnits
Julian Date in the TCB scale
- JD_TCG → TimeInstantUnits
Julian Date in the TCG scale
- JD_TDB → TimeInstantUnits
Julian Date in the TDB (TB) scale
- JD_TDT → TimeInstantUnits
Julian Date in the TDT (TT) scale
- JD_UT1 → TimeInstantUnits
Julian Date in the UT1 scale
- JD_UTC → TimeInstantUnits
Julian Date in the UTC scale
- joules → EnergyUnits
The standard SI unit.
- jouleSecond → AngularMomentumUnits
The standard SI unit.
- joulesPerKelvin → EntropyUnits
The standard SI unit.
- joulesPerKilogram ↔ SpecificEnergyUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- kelvins → TemperatureUnits
The standard SI unit.
- kg → MassUnits
Kilogram unit synonym.
- kgfSecondSquaredMeter → MassUnits
Kilogram force second square meter as a unit.
- kilobytes → InformationUnits
1000 bytes (8000 bits).
Use Information.kibibytes (kiB) instead for the binary interpretation of kB (1024 bytes).
- kilocaloriesThermo → EnergyUnits
A synonym for thermochemical kilogram calories.
- kilograms → MassUnits
The standard SI unit.
- kilogramsForce ↔ ForceUnits
Kilograms force as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- kilogramsPerCubicMeter ↔ MassDensityUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- kilojoules → EnergyUnits
Kilojoules as a unit.
- kilometers → LengthUnits
A unit of one thousand meters.
- kilometersPerHour ↔ SpeedUnits
Kilometers per hour as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- kilomoles → AmountOfSubstanceUnits
A unit of one thousand moles.
- kiloponds ↔ ForceUnits
A synonym for kilograms force.
getter/setter pair
- kiloseconds → TimeUnits
A thousand seconds.
- kilowattHours → EnergyUnits
Kilowatt-hours as a unit.
- kilowatts ↔ PowerUnits
Shorthand kilowatts as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- kips ↔ ForceUnits
Kips as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- knots ↔ SpeedUnits
Knots, tersely.
getter/setter pair
- langleys → EnergyFluxUnits
Langleys as a unit.
- leaguesNautical → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- leaguesStatute → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- leaguesUkNautical → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- lightYears → LengthUnits
The distance light travels in one year.
- linksEngineer → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- linksSurveyor → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- liters ↔ VolumeUnits
A terse alternative to
.getter/setter pair - litersPerSecond ↔ VolumeFlowRateUnits
0.001 cubic meter per second.
getter/setter pair
- logger ↔ Logger
Logger for use across entire library
getter/setter pair
- lusecs ↔ VolumeFlowRateUnits
Shorthand synonym for liters per second.
getter/setter pair
- lux ↔ IlluminanceUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- magFieldAtomicUnit ↔ MagneticFluxDensityUnits
Magnetic field atomic unit.
getter/setter pair
- magneticGammas ↔ MagneticFluxDensityUnits
A synonym for nanoteslas.
getter/setter pair
- maxwells ↔ MagneticFluxUnits
A maxwell is one one-hundred-millionth of a weber.
getter/setter pair
- megabytes → InformationUnits
10^6 bytes.
Use Information.mebibytes (MiB) instead for the binary interpretation of MB (2^20 bytes).
- megameters → LengthUnits
A unit of one million meters.
- megaseconds → TimeUnits
A million seconds.
- meterPerSecondSquared → AccelerationUnits
A synonym for the standard SI-MKS unit of acceleration.
- meters → LengthUnits
The standard SI unit.
- metersPerSecond ↔ SpeedUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- metersSquaredPerSecond ↔ KinematicViscosityUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- metricTons → MassUnits
Accepted for use with the SI.
- mg → MassUnits
Milligram unit synonym.
- mho → ConductanceUnits
Synonymous with Siemens.
- micrometers → LengthUnits
A unit of one millionth of a meter.
- microns → LengthUnits
A synonym for micrometers.
- microseconds → TimeUnits
A millionth of a second.
- miles → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- milesPerHour ↔ SpeedUnits
Miles per hour as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- milesPerMinute ↔ SpeedUnits
Miles per minute as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- milesPerSecond ↔ SpeedUnits
Miles per second as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- millibars ↔ PressureUnits
A millibar as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- milligrams → MassUnits
A unit of one thousandth of a gram.
- millimeters → LengthUnits
A unit of one thousandth of a meter.
- million → ScalarUnits
One million as a unit.
- millionths → ScalarUnits
One millionth as a unit.
- milliradian → AngleUnits
A unit of one thousandth of a radian.
- milliseconds → TimeUnits
A thousandth of a second.
- millisteradians → SolidAngleUnits
Millisteradians as a unit.
- mils → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- minersInches ↔ VolumeFlowRateUnits
The miner's inch as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- minutes → TimeUnits
Accepted for use with the SI.
- minutesArc → AngleUnits
A terse version of Angle.minutesArc.
- minutesMeanSolar → TimeUnits
Accepted for use with the SI.
- minutesSidereal → TimeUnits
A unit of one minute in the sidereal day.
- minutesTime → AngleUnits
Based on Earth's rotation.
- MJD_TAI → TimeInstantUnits
Modified Julian Date in the TAI scale
- MJD_TCB → TimeInstantUnits
Modified Julian Date in the TCB scale
- MJD_TCG → TimeInstantUnits
Modified Julian Date in the TCG scale
- MJD_TDB → TimeInstantUnits
Modified Julian Date in the TDB scale
- MJD_TDT → TimeInstantUnits
Modified Julian Date in the TDT scale
- MJD_UT1 → TimeInstantUnits
Modified Julian Date in the UT1 scale
- MJD_UTC → TimeInstantUnits
Modified Julian Date in the UTC scale
- moles → AmountOfSubstanceUnits
A synonym for the SI-MKS base unit of amount of substance.
- musecs ↔ VolumeFlowRateUnits
Shorthand synonym for standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- myriad → ScalarUnits
A myriad is ten thousand.
- nanometers → LengthUnits
A unit of one billionth of a meter.
- nanoseconds → TimeUnits
A billionth of a second.
- nauticalMilesUk → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- newtons → ForceUnits
The standard SI unit.
- newtonsPerAmpereSquared ↔ PermeabilityUnits
Newtons per ampere as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- newtonsPerSquareMeter ↔ PressureUnits
A synonym for pascals.
getter/setter pair
- nonillionEur → ScalarUnits
The European variant of one nonillion (10^54) as a unit.
- nonillionUS → ScalarUnits
One nonillion (US: 10^30) as a unit.
- NTP → TimeInstantUnits
Network Time Protocol (NTP) - NTP is offset from the UTC time scale, with its epoch at 1 Jan 1900 0h
- octants → SolidAngleUnits
One eighth (1/8) of a sphere (a spherical right triangle).
- octillionEur → ScalarUnits
The European variant of one octillion (10^48) as a unit.
- octillionUS → ScalarUnits
One octillion (US: 10^27) as a unit.
- ohms ↔ ResistanceUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- one → ScalarUnits
The standard SI unit.
- ouncesApothecary → MassUnits
Apothecary ounces as a unit.
- ouncesAvoirdupois → MassUnits
Avoirdupois ounces as a unit.
- ouncesForceAvoirdupois ↔ ForceUnits
Avoirdupois ounces force as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- paces → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- pair → ScalarUnits
A pair is 2.
- parsecs → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- pascals ↔ PressureUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- pecks ↔ VolumeUnits
Pecks as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- pennyweightTroy → MassUnits
Troy pennyweight as a unit.
- percent → ScalarUnits
Synonymous with Scalar.percent.
- perches → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- petabytes → InformationUnits
10^15 bytes.
Use Information.pebibytes (PiB) instead for the binary interpretation of PB (2^50 bytes).
- petameters → LengthUnits
A unit of 10^15 meters.
- petaseconds → TimeUnits
10^15 seconds.
- phots ↔ IlluminanceUnits
Phots as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- picas → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- picometers → LengthUnits
A unit of 10^-12 meters.
- picoseconds → TimeUnits
10^-12 of a second.
- pintsDry ↔ VolumeUnits
U.S. dry pints as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- pintsLiquid ↔ VolumeUnits
U.S. liquid pints as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- planckUnits → AngularMomentumUnits
The Planck constant as units.
- points → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- poles → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- poundals ↔ ForceUnits
Poundals as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- poundsApothecary → MassUnits
Apothecary pounds as a unit.
- poundsAvoirdupois → MassUnits
Avoirdupois pounds as a unit.
- poundsForceAvoirdupois ↔ ForceUnits
Avoirdupois pounds force as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- poundsPerCubicFoot ↔ MassDensityUnits
Pounds per cubic foot as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- poundsPerCubicInch ↔ MassDensityUnits
Pounds per cubic inch as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- psi ↔ PressureUnits
Pounds per square inch as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- quadrants → AngleUnits
Represents a quarter circle of ninety degrees.
- quadrillionEur → ScalarUnits
The European variant of one quadrillion (10^24) as a unit.
- quadrillionUS → ScalarUnits
One quadrillion (US: 10^15) as a unit.
- quartsDry ↔ VolumeUnits
U.S. dry quarts as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- quartsLiquid ↔ VolumeUnits
U.S. liquid quarts as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- quintals → MassUnits
A quintal is 100 kilograms.
- quintillionEur → ScalarUnits
The European variant of one quintillion (10^30) as a unit.
- quintillionUS → ScalarUnits
One quintillion (US: 10^18) as a unit.
- rad → AngleUnits
Synonymous with radians.
- radians → AngleUnits
A terse version of Angle.radians.
- radiansPerSecond → AngularSpeedUnits
The standard SI unit.
- Rankine → TemperatureUnits
Rankine scale units.
- referenceSound ↔ PowerUnits
A power commonly used as the reference power for calculation of sound power levels.
getter/setter pair
- referenceSoundAir ↔ PressureUnits
A pressure often used as the reference pressure for calculation of
sound pressure levels.
getter/setter pair
- referenceSoundWater ↔ PressureUnits
A pressure commonly used as the reference pressure for calculation of
sound pressure levels.
getter/setter pair
- registryTons ↔ VolumeUnits
Registry tons as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- revolutions → AngleUnits
Represents a full circle of two pi radians.
- revolutionsPerMinute → AngularSpeedUnits
Rotation frequency.
- rods → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- rpm → AngularSpeedUnits
A synonym for revolutionsPerMinute.
- score → ScalarUnits
A score is 20. Four score is 80. More poetic than just saying eighty.
- scruples → MassUnits
Scruples as a unit.
- seconds → TimeUnits
The standard SI unit.
- secondsArc → AngleUnits
A terse version of Angle.secondsArc.
- secondsSidereal → TimeUnits
A unit of one second in the sidereal day.
- secondsTime → AngleUnits
Based on Earth's rotation.
- sections → AreaUnits
Synonymous with squareMiles.
- semicircles → AngleUnits
Represents a half circle of one hundred eighty degrees (pi radians).
- septillionEur → ScalarUnits
The European variant of one billion (10^42) as a unit.
- septillionUS → ScalarUnits
One septillion (US: 10^24) as a unit.
- sextillionEur → ScalarUnits
The European variant of one sextillion (10^36) as a unit.
- sextillionUS → ScalarUnits
One sextillion (US: 10^21) as a unit.
- signs → AngleUnits
A sign unit is a little more than half a radian.
- sin45 → double
The sine of a forty five degree angle.
- sin60 → double
The sine of a sixty degree angle.
- skeins → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- slugs → MassUnits
Slugs as a unit.
- slugsPerCubicFoot ↔ MassDensityUnits
Slugs per cubic foot as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- spans → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- spats → SolidAngleUnits
Spats as a unit.
- speedOfLightSquared ↔ SpecificEnergyUnits
The square of the speed of light in a vacuum.
getter/setter pair
- speedOfLightUnits ↔ SpeedUnits
The speed of light as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- spheres → SolidAngleUnits
Spheres as a unit.
- sphericalRightTriangles → SolidAngleUnits
Same as octants.
- squareArcMinutes → SolidAngleUnits
Square arc minutes as a unit.
- squareArcSeconds → SolidAngleUnits
Square arc seconds as a unit.
- squareCentimeters → AreaUnits
An area unit equivalent to a square with sides having a length of one centimeter.
- squareDegrees → SolidAngleUnits
Square degrees as a unit.
- squareFeet → AreaUnits
An area unit equivalent to a square with sides having a length of one foot.
- squareFeetPerSecond ↔ KinematicViscosityUnits
Square feet per second as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- squareInches → AreaUnits
An area unit equivalent to a square with sides having a length of one inch.
- squareKilometers → AreaUnits
An area unit equivalent to a square with sides having a length of one kilometer.
- squareMeters → AreaUnits
The standard SI unit.
- squareMetersPerSquareSecond ↔ SpecificEnergyUnits
Square meters per second as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- squareMiles → AreaUnits
An area unit equivalent to a square with sides having a length of one mile.
- squarePerches → AreaUnits
Synonymous with squareRods.
- squarePoles → AreaUnits
Synonymous with squareRods.
- squareRods → AreaUnits
An area unit equivalent to a square with sides having a length of one rod.
- squareYards → AreaUnits
An area unit equivalent to a square with sides having a length of one yard.
- standardAccelerationOfGravity → AccelerationUnits
The more formal name for gees.
- statamperes → CurrentUnits
Statamperes as a unit.
- statcoulombs → ChargeUnits
Statcoulombs as a unit.
- statfarads → CapacitanceUnits
The statfarad is the standard unit of capacitance in the cgs (centimeter/gram/second) system.
- statmhos → ConductanceUnits
A non-SI unit of electrical conductance.
- statvolts ↔ ElectricPotentialDifferenceUnits
A useful unit for electromagnetism because, in a vacuum, an electric field of one statvolt/cm has
the same energy density as a magnetic field of one gauss. Likewise, a plane wave propagating in a
vacuum has perpendicular electric and magnetic fields such that for every gauss of magnetic field
intensity there is one statvolt/cm of electric field intensity.
getter/setter pair
- steradians → SolidAngleUnits
The standard SI unit.
- steres ↔ VolumeUnits
A synonym for cubic meters.
getter/setter pair
- stokes ↔ KinematicViscosityUnits
Stokes as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- system → TimeInstantUnits
Measures time since 1 Jan 1970 0h 0m 0s, which is the System
time defined by many computer operating systems
- tablespoons ↔ VolumeUnits
Tablespoons as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- TAI → TimeInstantUnits
International Atomic Time scale units
- tan30 → double
The tangent of a thirty degree angle.
- tan60 → double
The tangent of a sixty degree angle.
- TB → TimeInstantUnits
Barycentric Time (TB); same as TDB: TT = TDB
- TCB → TimeInstantUnits
Barycentric Coordinate Time (TCB): TCB = TDB + (1.550505e-8)(JD - 2443144.5)(86400)
- TCG → TimeInstantUnits
Geocentric Coordinate Time (TCG): TCG = TDT + (6.969291e-10)(JD - 2443144.5)(86400)
- TDB → TimeInstantUnits
Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB): TDB varies from TDT by periodic variations
- TDT → TimeInstantUnits
Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT): TDT = TAI + 32.184 s
- teaspoons ↔ VolumeUnits
Teaspoons as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- tenths → ScalarUnits
One tenth as a unit.
- terabytes → InformationUnits
10^12 bytes.
Use Information.tebibytes (TiB) instead for the binary interpretation of TB (2^40 bytes).
- terameters → LengthUnits
A unit of 10^12 meters.
- teraseconds → TimeUnits
10^12 seconds.
- teslas ↔ MagneticFluxDensityUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- thermalCoulomb → EntropyUnits
Entropy as a 'charge'; identical to joulesPerKelvin.
- therms → EnergyUnits
Therms as a unit.
- thousand → ScalarUnits
1000 as a unit.
- thousandths → ScalarUnits
One thousandth as a unit.
- tonnes → MassUnits
Accepted for use with the SI.
- tons → EnergyUnits
Tons of TNT equivalent as a unit.
- tonsAssay → MassUnits
Assay tons as a unit.
- tonsLong → MassUnits
Long tons as a unit.
- tonsShort → MassUnits
Short tons as a unit.
- torrs ↔ PressureUnits
Torrs as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- townships → AreaUnits
An area unit used in US surveyors' measures equalling 36 square miles.
- trillionEur → ScalarUnits
The European variant of one trillion (10^18) as a unit.
- trillionthsUS → ScalarUnits
One trillionth (US: 10^-12) as a unit.
- trillionUS → ScalarUnits
One trillion (US: 10^12) as a unit.
- TT → TimeInstantUnits
Terrestrial Time (TT) is the same as TDT: TDT = TT = TAI + 32.184 s
- unifiedAtomicMassUnits → MassUnits
Accepted for use with the SI.
- unitPoles ↔ MagneticFluxUnits
Unit poles as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- unitPolesDensity ↔ MagneticFluxDensityUnits
Unit poles density as a unit.
getter/setter pair
- UT1 → TimeInstantUnits
Universal Time (UT1): UT1 = TDT - Delta T
- UT2 → TimeInstantUnits
Universal Time (UT2):
UT2 = UT1 + 0.022 sin(2PIt) - 0.012 cos(2PIt) - 0.006 sin(4PIt) + 0.007 cos(4PIt),
where t = the date in Besellian years
- UTC → TimeInstantUnits
Coordinated Universal Time (differs from TAI by a number of leap seconds)
- volts ↔ ElectricPotentialDifferenceUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- wattHour → EnergyUnits
Watt-hour as a unit.
- watts ↔ PowerUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- wattSecond → EnergyUnits
Watt-second as a unit.
- wattsPerSquareMeter → EnergyFluxUnits
The standard SI unit.
- webers ↔ MagneticFluxUnits
The standard SI unit.
getter/setter pair
- xUnits → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- yards → LengthUnits
A non-standard unit of length.
- yearsCalendar → TimeUnits
Calendar years as a unit.
- yearsJulian → TimeUnits
Defined as exactly 365.25 days of 86400 SI seconds each.
The length of the Julian year is the average length of the year in the Julian calendar that was used in Western
societies until some centuries ago, and from which the unit is named.
- yearsSidereal → TimeUnits
Sidereal years as a unit.
- yearsTropical → TimeUnits
Tropical years as a unit.
- yoctometers → LengthUnits
A unit of 10^-24 meters.
- yoctoseconds → TimeUnits
10^-24 of a second.
- yottameters → LengthUnits
A unit of 10^24 meters.
- yottaseconds → TimeUnits
10^24 seconds.
- zeptometers → LengthUnits
A unit of 10^-21 meters.
- zeptoseconds → TimeUnits
10^-21 of a second.
- zettameters → LengthUnits
A unit of 10^21 meters.
- zettaseconds → TimeUnits
10^21 seconds.
int hour, int minute, double second, [double uncert = 0]) → Angle - Constructs an angle from hours, minutes and seconds of time (as opposed to arc).
Quantity q1, Quantity q2, Quantity tolerance) → bool -
Returns whether or not the magnitude of the difference between two
quantities is less than or equal to the specified
. -
String? input) → String? -
Angle a) → double - The ratio of the hypotenuse to the side opposite an acute angle; the reciprocal of sine.
Angle a) → double - Calculates the cosine of an Angle (adjacent divided by hypotenuse).
Angle a) → double - The ratio of the side (other than the hypotenuse) adjacent to a particular acute angle to the side opposite the angle.
Type t, dynamic value, Units? units, {double uncert = 0.0, Dimensions? dimensions}) → Quantity -
Creates an instance of a typed quantity of type
having the specifiedvalue
. -
num deg) → double - Converts degrees to radians.
double x) → double -
Approximate solution for the error function of
. -
TimeInstant time) → double - Returns the value 'Delta T,' in seconds, which relates the Terrestrial Dynamical Time scale to measured Universal Time (and indirectly UTC to TAI before 1972, when leap seconds were introduced).
double tai, {bool pre1972LeapSeconds = false}) → num -
Returns the number of leap seconds in effect for the specified time
, specified in the TAI time scale. The number of leap seconds relates the UTC time scale to the TAI time scale. -
Iterable< Object> objects) → int - Generates a unique hash for a set of objects.
Number number) → num - Converts a Number to the equivalent num.
num value) → Number -
Converts a num
to associated Number object (Integer forint
s anddouble
s that have an integer value, Double for otherdouble
s). -
Object object) → Number -
Converts an
to a Number. Theobject
must be either a num or Number, otherwise an Exception is thrown. -
num rad) → double - Convert radians to degrees.
Angle a) → double - The ratio of the hypotenuse to the shorter side adjacent to an acute angle; the reciprocal of a cosine.
double utc) → double -
Calculates and returns the number of seconds (including any
leap seconds) that are in the UTC day containing the specified
. -
Quantity q) → bool -
Returns whether or not
is one of the seven SI base quantities. -
Quantity q) → bool -
Returns whether or not
is a derived quantity (as opposed to one of the seven base SI quantities). -
Angle a) → double - Calculates the sine of an Angle (opposite divided by hypotenuse).
Angle a) → double - Calculates the tangent of an Angle (opposite divided by adjacent).
Quantity q) → MutableQuantity -
Create a MutableQuantity with the same value, dimensions and uncertainty as
. -
Quantity q, {double k = 1.0}) → QuantityRange< Quantity> -
Creates a QuantityRange that represents the standard uncertainty of
. -
num exp) → String - Returns the unicode symbols that represent an exponent.
int year) → int -
Returns a four digit year from
which may be only 2 digits, assuming that anything 70 or more means 19xx and under 70 means 20xx.
- FromMksOverride = Number Function(dynamic mks)
- ToMksOverride = Number Function(dynamic val)
Exceptions / Errors
- DimensionsException
- This Exception is thrown when an attempt is made to perform an operation on a Quantity having unexpected or illegal dimensions.
- ImmutableQuantityException
- This Exception is thrown when an attempt is made to modify an immutable Quantity object (for example through its setMKS method).
- NumberException
- The base class for all exceptions thrown in relation to numbers.
- QuantityException
- The base class for all exceptions thrown in relation to quantities.