Blending topic

The BlendMode interface generates a function that blends two pixel values together:

// Combine non-overlapping regions of colors.
final xor = BlendMode.xor.getBlend(abgr8888, abgr8888);
print(xor(0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF)); // 0xFFFFFFFF

Default blend modes are provided using the PorterDuff constructor:

const BlendMode srcIn = PorterDuff(
Blend Mode Description
clear Sets pixels to zero.
src Copies the source pixel.
dst Copies the destination pixel.
srcIn The source that overlaps the destination replaces the destination.
dstIn The destination that overlaps the source replaces the source.
srcOut The source that does not overlap the destination replaces the destination.
dstOut The destination that does not overlap the source replaces the source.
srcAtop The source that overlaps the destination is blended with the destination.
dstAtop The destination that overlaps the source is blended with the source.
xor The source and destination are combined where they do not overlap.
plus The source and destination are added together.


BlendMode Blending
Algorithms to use when painting on the canvas.
BlendMode Blending
Algorithms to use when painting on the canvas.
Pixels<T> Buffers Blending
A 2-dimensional buffer of pixel data in memory.
Pixels<T> Buffers Blending
A 2-dimensional buffer of pixel data in memory.
PorterDuff Blending
A BlendMode that uses Porter-Duff coefficients to blend colors.
PorterDuff Blending
A BlendMode that uses Porter-Duff coefficients to blend colors.