protocol/page library
- AdFrameStatus
- Indicates whether a frame has been identified as an ad and why.
- AdScriptId
- Identifies the bottom-most script which caused the frame to be labelled as an ad.
- AppManifestError
- Error while paring app manifest.
- AppManifestParsedProperties
- Parsed app manifest properties.
- BackForwardCacheBlockingDetails
- BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation
- BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanationTree
- BackForwardCacheNotUsedEvent
- CompilationCacheParams
Per-script compilation cache parameters for
- CompilationCacheProducedEvent
- DownloadProgressEvent
- DownloadWillBeginEvent
- FileChooserOpenedEvent
- FileFilter
- FileHandler
- FontFamilies
- Generic font families collection.
- FontSizes
- Default font sizes.
- FrameAttachedEvent
- FrameDetachedEvent
- FrameInfo
- Information about the Frame on the page.
- FrameResource
- Information about the Resource on the page.
- FrameResourceTree
- Information about the Frame hierarchy along with their cached resources.
- FrameTree
- Information about the Frame hierarchy.
- GetAppIdResult
- GetAppManifestResult
- GetLayoutMetricsResult
- GetResourceContentResult
- ImageResource
- The image definition used in both icon and screenshot.
- InstallabilityError
- The installability error
- InstallabilityErrorArgument
- JavascriptDialogClosedEvent
- JavascriptDialogOpeningEvent
- LaunchHandler
- LayoutViewport
- Layout viewport position and dimensions.
- LifecycleEventEvent
- Navigation history entry.
- OriginTrial
- OriginTrialToken
- OriginTrialTokenWithStatus
- PageApi
- Actions and events related to the inspected page belong to the page domain.
- PermissionsPolicyBlockLocator
- PermissionsPolicyFeatureState
- PrintToPDFResult
- ProtocolHandler
- RelatedApplication
- ScopeExtension
- ScreencastFrameEvent
- ScreencastFrameMetadata
- Screencast frame metadata.
- Screenshot
- ScriptFontFamilies
- Font families collection for a script.
- Shortcut
- Viewport
- Viewport for capturing screenshot.
- VisualViewport
- Visual viewport position, dimensions, and scale.
- WebAppManifest
- WindowOpenEvent
- AdFrameExplanation
- AdFrameType
- Indicates whether a frame has been identified as an ad.
- AutoResponseMode
- Enum of possible auto-response for permission / prompt dialogs.
- BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason
- List of not restored reasons for back-forward cache.
- BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType
- Types of not restored reasons for back-forward cache.
- CrossOriginIsolatedContextType
- Indicates whether the frame is cross-origin isolated and why it is the case.
- DialogType
- Javascript dialog type.
- DownloadProgressEventState
- FileChooserOpenedEventMode
- FrameDetachedEventReason
- GatedAPIFeatures
- The type of a frameNavigated event.
- OriginTrialStatus
- Status for an Origin Trial.
- OriginTrialTokenStatus
- Origin Trial( support. Status for an Origin Trial token.
- OriginTrialUsageRestriction
- PermissionsPolicyBlockReason
- Reason for a permissions policy feature to be disabled.
- PermissionsPolicyFeature
- All Permissions Policy features. This enum should match the one defined in third_party/blink/renderer/core/permissions_policy/permissions_policy_features.json5.
- ReferrerPolicy
- The referring-policy used for the navigation.
- SecureContextType
- Indicates whether the frame is a secure context and why it is the case.
- TransitionType
- Transition type.
Extension Types
- FrameId
- Unique frame identifier.
- ScriptIdentifier
- Unique script identifier.