protocol/network library
- AssociatedCookie
- A cookie associated with the request which may or may not be sent with it. Includes the cookies itself and reasons for blocking or exemption.
- AuthChallenge
- Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407.
- AuthChallengeResponse
- Response to an AuthChallenge.
- BlockedSetCookieWithReason
- A cookie which was not stored from a response with the corresponding reason.
- CachedResource
- Information about the cached resource.
- ClientSecurityState
- ConnectTiming
- ContentSecurityPolicyStatus
- Cookie
- Cookie object
- CookieParam
- Cookie parameter object
- CookiePartitionKey
- cookiePartitionKey object The representation of the components of the key that are created by the cookiePartitionKey class contained in net/cookies/cookie_partition_key.h.
- CorsErrorStatus
- CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus
- CrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus
- DataReceivedEvent
- EventSourceMessageReceivedEvent
- ExemptedSetCookieWithReason
- A cookie should have been blocked by 3PCD but is exempted and stored from a response with the corresponding reason. A cookie could only have at most one exemption reason.
- GetResponseBodyForInterceptionResult
- GetResponseBodyResult
- Initiator
- Information about the request initiator.
- LoadingFailedEvent
- LoadingFinishedEvent
- LoadNetworkResourceOptions
- An options object that may be extended later to better support CORS, CORB and streaming.
- LoadNetworkResourcePageResult
- An object providing the result of a network resource load.
- NetworkApi
- Network domain allows tracking network activities of the page. It exposes information about http, file, data and other requests and responses, their headers, bodies, timing, etc.
- PostDataEntry
- Post data entry for HTTP request
- ReportingApiEndpoint
- ReportingApiEndpointsChangedForOriginEvent
- ReportingApiReport
- An object representing a report generated by the Reporting API.
- RequestData
- HTTP request data.
- RequestInterceptedEvent
- RequestPattern
- Request pattern for interception.
- RequestWillBeSentEvent
- RequestWillBeSentExtraInfoEvent
- ResourceChangedPriorityEvent
- ResourceTiming
- Timing information for the request.
- ResponseData
- HTTP response data.
- ResponseReceivedEarlyHintsEvent
- ResponseReceivedEvent
- ResponseReceivedExtraInfoEvent
- SecurityDetails
- Security details about a request.
- SecurityIsolationStatus
- ServiceWorkerRouterInfo
- SignedCertificateTimestamp
- Details of a signed certificate timestamp (SCT).
- SignedExchangeError
- Information about a signed exchange response.
- SignedExchangeHeader
- Information about a signed exchange header.
- SignedExchangeInfo
- Information about a signed exchange response.
- SignedExchangeReceivedEvent
- SignedExchangeSignature
- Information about a signed exchange signature.
- SubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseErrorEvent
- SubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsedEvent
- SubresourceWebBundleMetadataErrorEvent
- SubresourceWebBundleMetadataReceivedEvent
- TrustTokenOperationDoneEvent
- TrustTokenParams
- Determines what type of Trust Token operation is executed and depending on the type, some additional parameters. The values are specified in third_party/blink/renderer/core/fetch/trust_token.idl.
- WebSocketClosedEvent
- WebSocketCreatedEvent
- WebSocketFrame
- WebSocket message data. This represents an entire WebSocket message, not just a fragmented frame as the name suggests.
- WebSocketFrameErrorEvent
- WebSocketFrameReceivedEvent
- WebSocketFrameSentEvent
- WebSocketHandshakeResponseReceivedEvent
- WebSocketRequest
- WebSocket request data.
- WebSocketResponse
- WebSocket response data.
- WebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequestEvent
- WebTransportClosedEvent
- WebTransportConnectionEstablishedEvent
- WebTransportCreatedEvent
- AlternateProtocolUsage
- The reason why Chrome uses a specific transport protocol for HTTP semantics.
- AuthChallengeResponseResponse
- AuthChallengeSource
- BlockedReason
- The reason why request was blocked.
- CertificateTransparencyCompliance
- Whether the request complied with Certificate Transparency policy.
- ConnectionType
- The underlying connection technology that the browser is supposedly using.
- ContentEncoding
- List of content encodings supported by the backend.
- ContentSecurityPolicySource
- CookieBlockedReason
- Types of reasons why a cookie may not be sent with a request.
- CookieExemptionReason
- Types of reasons why a cookie should have been blocked by 3PCD but is exempted for the request.
- CookiePriority
- Represents the cookie's 'Priority' status:
- CookieSameSite
- Represents the cookie's 'SameSite' status:
- CookieSourceScheme
- Represents the source scheme of the origin that originally set the cookie. A value of "Unset" allows protocol clients to emulate legacy cookie scope for the scheme. This is a temporary ability and it will be removed in the future.
- CorsError
- The reason why request was blocked.
- CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue
- CrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue
- ErrorReason
- Network level fetch failure reason.
- InitiatorType
- InterceptionStage
- Stages of the interception to begin intercepting. Request will intercept before the request is sent. Response will intercept after the response is received.
- IPAddressSpace
- PrivateNetworkRequestPolicy
- ReportStatus
- The status of a Reporting API report.
- RequestReferrerPolicy
- ResourcePriority
- Loading priority of a resource request.
- ResourceType
- Resource type as it was perceived by the rendering engine.
- ServiceWorkerResponseSource
- Source of serviceworker response.
- ServiceWorkerRouterSource
- Source of service worker router.
- SetCookieBlockedReason
- Types of reasons why a cookie may not be stored from a response.
- SignedExchangeErrorField
- Field type for a signed exchange related error.
- TrustTokenOperationDoneEventStatus
- TrustTokenOperationType
- TrustTokenParamsRefreshPolicy
Extension Types
- Headers
- Request / response headers as keys / values of JSON object.
- InterceptionId
- Unique intercepted request identifier.
- LoaderId
- Unique loader identifier.
- MonotonicTime
- Monotonically increasing time in seconds since an arbitrary point in the past.
- ReportId
- RequestId
- Unique request identifier.
- TimeSinceEpoch
- UTC time in seconds, counted from January 1, 1970.