doRunTests method

bool doRunTests(
  1. String projectRootPath, {
  2. required String? tags,
  3. required String? excludeTags,


bool doRunTests(String projectRootPath,
    {required String? tags, required String? excludeTags}) {
  if (which('critical_test').notfound) {
    print(blue('Installing dart package critical_test'));
    'dart pub global activate critical_test'
        .start(progress: Progress.printStdErr());
  if (which('critical_test').notfound) {
        red('Please install the dart package critical_test and try again. '
            '"dart pub global activate critical_test"'));
  // critical_test generates a file to track failed tests
  // add it to .gitignore so it doesn't look like an uncommitted
  // file.

  var success = true;

  if (!exists(join(projectRootPath, 'test'))) {
    print(orange('No tests found in ${relative(projectRootPath)} skipping'));
  } else {
    final progress = startFromArgs(
          if (Settings().isVerbose) '-v',
          if (tags != null) '--tags=$tags',
          if (excludeTags != null) '--exclude-tags=$excludeTags',
        terminal: true,
        workingDirectory: projectRootPath,
        nothrow: true);

    /// exitCode 5 means no test ran.
    success = progress.exitCode == 0 || progress.exitCode == 5;
    if (success) {
      print(green('All unit tests passed.'));
  return success;