addAsset (SimpleGitHub ghr , Release release , {required String assetPath , String ? mimeType })
→ void
Uploads the file at assetPath
to git hub against the given release.
If mimeType
is not supplied then the extension of the assetPath
used to determine the mimeType
addExecutableAsset (SimpleGitHub ghr , Release release , String script )
→ void
addExecutablesAsAssets (SimpleGitHub ghr , PubSpec pubspec , Release release )
→ void
askForVersion (Version currentVersion )
→ Version
Ask the user to select the new version no.
Pass in the current currentVersion
backupVersionLibrary (String pathToPackageRoot )
→ void
Makes a backup copy of the version.g.dart source file.
buildPre (Version currentVersion , String preType , int preVersion )
→ Version
confirmVersion (Version version )
→ Version
Ask the user to confirm the selected version no.
createRelease ({required String username , required String apiToken , required String owner , required String repository })
→ Future <void >
defaultVersionToOffer (Version currentVersion , {bool includePre = false })
→ List <NewVersion >
determineVersionToOffer (Version currentVersion )
→ List <NewVersion >
exeName (String exeName )
→ String
findPubSpec ({String ? startingDir })
→ String ?
Returns the path to the pubspec.yaml.
is the directory we start searching from.
We climb the path searching for the pubspec.yaml
getHigestVersionNo (String pathToPrimaryPackage )
→ Version
In a multi-package release (where we have a multi settings file)
This method will return the highest version no. used by
any of the packages listed in the multi settings file.
so contain the path to the
main package of the multi package project that contains
the pub_release.multi.yaml file in its tool directory.
In reallity it can be the path to any of the project roots.
restoreVersionLibrary (String pathToPackageRoot )
→ void
Restores the version.g.dart source from a back made
by an earlier call to backupVersionLibrary
updateLatestTag ({required SimpleGitHub sgh , required PubSpec pubspec })
→ Future <void >
update 'latest.
updateVersion (Version newVersion , PubSpec pubspec , String pathToPubSpec )
→ void
Updates the pubspec.yaml and versiong.g.dart with the
new version no.
updateVersionFromDetails (Version newVersion , PubSpecDetails pubspecDetails )
→ void
Updates the pubspec.yaml and versiong.g.dart with the
new version no.
version ({required String pubspecPath })
→ Version ?
Returns the version no. for the pubspec.yaml located
at pubspecPath
Use findPubSpec to find the location.
versionLibraryPath (String pathToPackgeRoot )
→ String
versionPath (String pathToPackgeRoot )
→ String
whichEx (String exeName )
→ bool