checkPackage method

PubSpecDetails checkPackage({
  1. required bool autoAnswer,

checks with the user that we are operating on the correct package and returns details of the packages pubspec.yaml.

Also prints the version of the package we found.

If autoAnswer is false we don't ask the user to confirm the package.


PubSpecDetails checkPackage({required bool autoAnswer}) {
  final pubspecPath = findPubSpec(startingDir: pathToPackageRoot);
  if (pubspecPath == null) {
    print('Unable to find pubspec.yaml, run ${DartScript.self.exeName} '
        'from the main '
        "package's root directory.");

  final pubspec = PubSpec.loadFromPath(pubspecPath);

  pubspec.version.setSemVersion(pubspec.version.semVersion == sm.Version.none
      ? sm.Version.parse('0.0.1')
      : pubspec.version.semVersion);

  print(green('Found ${} version ${pubspec.version}'));


  return PubSpecDetails(pubspec, pubspecPath);